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    全册教学课件,闽教版 五年级下册英语,Unit1 Winter Vacation,Part A,play football,go to the museum,take photos,make dumplings,How do you spend the Spring Festival?,I make rice cakes.,How do you spend the Spring Festival?,We go to the fair.,How do you spend the Spring Festival?,I get New Years money.,How was your winter vacation?,你的寒假过得怎么样?,How is the weather today?,今天的天气怎么样?,是,It was wonderful.,过得好极了。,good,great,bad,I visited the Great Wall.,I visited the zoo.,I visited the park.,我去参观长城。,How about you?,你呢? 你怎么样呢?,Were you in China?,你是在中国吗?,Yes, I was.,是的,我是。,Were you in the USA?,No, I wasnt.,不,我没有。,Was not,动词原形,动词过去式,How was your winter vacation?,It was wonderful. I.,Pair work,homework,完成Unit1 Part A练习.背诵课文。下节课听写动词过去式。,How was Lilys winter vacation?,She was in China. 她在中国。,She visited the Great Wall. 她参观了长城。,How was Peters winter vacation?,He went to Australia. 他去了澳大利亚。,讲述过去发生的事情,需要用到动词的过去式。,am is are govisit watch play,was,was,were,went,visited,watched,played,Unit1 Winter Vacation Part B,How was your winter vacation?,do my homework 做家庭作业,I did my homework.,How was your winter vacation?,play the violin,I played the violin.,How was your winter vacation?,I went to Taiwan,with my parents.,我和我的父母一起去台湾。,Taiwan 台湾,hometown 故乡/ hmtan /,阿里山,101大楼,台北101大楼,高509米,地上101层,地下5层,是世界第二高楼。,Sun Moon Lake 日月潭,take a boat tour 乘船游览,took a boat tour,I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.,我乘船游览了日月潭。,I took a bus tour of Fuzhou.,福州,西湖,I took a boat tour of West Lake.,我乘船游览西湖。,我乘公交车游览福州。,桥头,I took a bike tour of Qiaotou.,我骑自行车游览桥头。,take a . tour,W: I went to Taiwan with my parents.G: Is it your hometown?W: Yes, it is. I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.,I played chess with my father.,lay chess下象棋,G: How about you, Yang Ming?Y: I played chess with my father.G: Who was the winner?Y: Very often my dad was the winner.,我爸爸很经常是获胜者。,Unit2 A Visit to the ZooPart A,sheep,monkey,bird,horse,lion,tiger,bear,an,elephant,elephant,s,s,a baby elephant,Where are the elephants?,Where are the elephants?,Behind the hill.,hill,mountain,hill,behind the hill,beside the hill,behind,beside,在.后面,在.前面,near,under,There is an elephant behind the hill.,There are some elephants behind the hill.,an elephant,some elephants,There be +名词+地点状语(地点状语也可以放在句首)表示:某处有某人或某物。,There is a blackboard in the classroom.,There is a window in the classroom.,There is .,There are two blackboards in the classroom.,There are .,There is a map over there.,map,a map of China,a map of Fujian,tall,lovely,fat,big,small,cute,Let me take a photo of it.,take a photo,Homework:1、听课文录音,模仿跟读。2、完成本课的练习。3、用there be句型写一写自已学校或班级里有什么东西。,A visit to the zoo,Part B,What animals did you see?,animals 动物,We saw pandas.,We saw bears.,We saw monkeys.,We saw elephants.,And tigers and lions, too.,see-saw 看见,Did you take any photos?,Yes, I took a photo of a baby elephant.,Look, here it is.,Its very lovely.,Did you give bananas to the monkeys?,No, we didnt.,Did you give food to the elephants?,Yes, we did.,No, we didnt.,We were hungry.,hungry, hungry, Im hungry.,We ate the bananas.,eat-ate 吃,We ate the noodles.,We ate the hamburgers.,复活节是西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。基督徒认为,复活节是纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子,象征着重生与希望。,Unit 3 Easter Eggs,Part A,Easter Eggs,Easter cardEaster present,复活节的日期年年不同,但一般在3月22日至4月25日之间,Easter is coming.What is Sallys mother going to do? Please read the text.”,复活节前夕,人们给鸡蛋着色打扮一番,然后把它们藏在花园的草丛中或者花坛里。复活节早上,孩子们会进行一项寻找复活节彩蛋的活动。 make some Easter eggs color the eggshide the eggs,make some Easter eggs,make 制作make dumplingsmake New Years cardmake the paper flowers,color the eggs,color 作名词时,表示“颜色”What color is it?My favorite color is pink.I like the color.color 作动词时,表示“上色”color the pictures.color the flowers,color the egg red,color the egg blue,color the egg purple,color the egg black,color the egg brown,brown 棕色的,hide the eggs,ride 骑hide 藏,What are you going to do,Mom? Im going to.,make some Easter eggs color the eggshide the eggs,be going to do sth是表示“打算做事”,往往是计划或安排好的事情,be going to后面接动词原形 Im going to go swimming.She is going to fly the kite.We are going to play football.,What are you going to do,Mom? Im going to.,make some Easter eggs color the eggshide the eggs,Unit 3 Easter EggsPart A,Easter 的由来,复活节是基督教徒纪念耶稣复活的一个宗教节日,复活节有不少传统活动,最典型的要数寻找复活节彩蛋(Looking for Easter Eggs),因为蛋是多子多孙和生命的象征。复活节的日期年年不同,但一般在3月22日至4月25日之间。,Easter is coming. What is Sallys mother going to do? Please read the text.,请根据对课文情景的理解,说一说凯特的妈妈准备做的三件事情,,make some Easter eggs,color the eggs,hide the eggs,复活节前夕,人们给鸡蛋着色打扮一番,然后把它们藏在花园的草丛中或者花坛里。复活节早上,孩子们会进行一项寻找复活节彩蛋的活动。,我会区分,be(is/am/are) going to do sth.(将要去做某事,打算、计划做某事。)例:Im going to do my homework this afternoon.今天下午我将要做家庭作业。(时间近,即刻)will do sth将要去做某事(但将来时间较远)例:I will go to Beijing in summer.,brown,Im going to hide them in the garden.,Unit3 Easter Eggs Part A,Easter eggs,What are the people going to do on Easter?,Easter,复活节,make some Easter eggs,What are you going to do, Mom?你打算做什么,妈妈?,I m going to make some Easter eggs.,打算,准备,Let me help you.,Listen and choose,1.Mom is going to _.,A. color the eggsB. eat the eggs,color,color the eggs,Task1,Mom: Im going to color the eggs.,I need colors.颜色,brown,colors,Mom: Im going to color the eggs.,I need red,green,yellow and brown colors.,Read and answer,1.What is Mom going to do after coloring the eggs?( 上完颜色,妈妈准备做什么?),She is going to_.,hide the eggs,Task2,Read and answer,2. Mom is going to hide the eggs in the_.,garden,Game游戏: Sharp Eyes,hide,color,Easter,brown,garden,Sharp Eyes,hide,color,Easter,brown,garden,听音跟读,模仿语音,Listen and imitate,Look and say,What are you going to do this Sunday?,swimplay chessdo myhomeworkgo skatingwatch TVgo to the parkmake a card,Im going to,Summary,Words: Easter, color, brown, hide, brownSentences: What are you going to do? Im going to (打算,准备),Unit 3 Easter Eggs Part B,Easter eggs复活节的彩蛋,Easter Bunny,make some Easter eggs 做一些复活节彩蛋,color the eggs 给蛋上色,hide the eggs 藏蛋,He is going to play football.,She is going to go to school.,They are going to skate.,主语+be going to +动词原形.,将来时态,What are you going to do?,Im going to我将要,make some Easter eggs,color the eggs,hide the eggs,What are they going to do?他们准备做什么?,What are they doing?他们正在干什么?,They are going to,look for 寻找,the eggs,They are looking for the eggs,正在进行时,将来时,What is she going to do?她准备做什么?,What is she doing?她正在干什么?,She is going to hide the eggs.,She is hidingthe eggs.,ing,She is,clever,Where are they?,Theyre in the garden.,1、What are they doing?,Theyre looking for Easter eggs.,2、How many eggs did Sally get?,3、How many eggs did Kate get?,4、How many eggs did Ben get?,Sally got eighteen eggs,Kate got fourteen .,Ben got fifteen .,原形 -过去式 get got,Kate is picking up an egg.,She is picking up an egg.,Lets play : Hide and see. 规则:老师在藏蛋的之前同学们说She is going to hide the eggs. (三遍)在藏蛋的过程中,同学们说She is hiding the eggs.请同学们开始找时说They are going to look for the eggs.(三遍)在找蛋时说They are looking for the eggs.找完后数一数,最多的为赢家。,be going to 准备做Im going to color the eggs.Im going to hide the eggs.Im going to look for the eggs.,be doing 正在做Im coloring the eggs.Im hiding the eggs.Im looking for the eggs.,Summary,Word: look for, pick up, got ,bunnySentences: She is going to . She is doing,Homework:1. 完成本课的练习。2. 读对话3遍。,Im going to,make some Easter eggs color the eggshide the eggs,be going to do sth是表示“打算做事”,往往是计划或安排好的事情,be going to后面接动词原形 Im going to go swimming.She is going to fly the kite.We are going to play football.,Unit 3 Easter Eggs,Part B,Easter morning,the kids are looking for the eggs.,look 看look at 看着look for 寻找see 看到watch 观看watch TVwatch 3D films,Theyre looking for Easter eggs.,Theyre是They are 的缩写。They are looking for Easter eggsare=be动词,look后面加了ing,be +动词ing 表示“正在做某事”,是正在进行时态。,They are looking for Easter eggs.Theyre looking for Easter eggs. ride_riding, dance_dancing run_running, swim_swimming play_playing, watch_watching pick_picking,ick up 捡起,pick up _picking up Im picking up a book. Im picking up a pencil-box.Im picking up an Easter egg.,be going to+动词:打算做某事be+ 动词ing:正在做某事,我打算制作复活节彩蛋。我正在做复活节彩蛋。我打算去找蛋。我正在找蛋。,I got.,got是get的过去式 get up 起床 get 获得,得到 I got eighteen eggs,seasons,Unit 4 A Spring OutingPart A,We are going for a spring outing.,mountain山,climb爬,climb a mountain爬山,I am going to climb a mountain.,Im going to take some . with me.,What are you going to take with you ?,fruits,Im going to take some . with me.,What are you going to take with you ?,Im going to take . with me.,What are you going to take with you ?,Well be thirsty .,Im going to take . with me.,What are you going to take with you ?,a camera,I want to take some photos .,an umbrella,Im going to take . with me.,What are you going to take with you ?,Are you going to wear sports shoes?,Yes . Im going to .,wear穿着/戴,Im going to wear . .,T-shirt hat sports shoes,今天我们学了什么?,单词与词组:outing, sports shoes, camera ,climb a mountain, take some pictures 句型:1. Im going to take some . with me. 2. Im going to take a/an. with me. 3.Im going to wear,Unit 4 Part B,A spring outing,It is a sunny day.,The sky is blue.,my,fly,sky,The clouds are white.,house,mouth,shout,take a camera,take some water,take some photos,climb a mountain,What are you going to take with you?你准备带什么?,What are you going to wear?,Im going to wear,Im going to take with me.,a camera,an umbrella,some fruits,some bread,some water,a hat,a cap,sports shoes,be going to,be doing,主语 + be going to + 动词原形,主语 + be + 动词的 ing,将来时,正在进行时,They _ climb the mountain.,They _ _the mountain.,are going to,are climbing,at the top of the mountain在山顶,be going to,be doing,主语 + be going to + 动词原形,主语 + be + 动词的 ing,将来时,正在进行时,She _ take a photo.,She _a photo.,is going to,is taking,be going to,be doing,主语 + be going to + 动词原形,主语 + be + 动词的 ing,将来时,正在进行时,They _ get on the bus,They _ _on the bus,are going to,are getting,shout,play basketball,play football,swimming,running,run 100 meters.,run 200 meters.,run,jump,high jump 跳高do high jumplong jump 跳远do long jump,Sports,Unit 5 Sports Day 运动会 Part A,take some pictures,swimming,running,Sports Day,long jump,do long jump,Good luck!,jumping,play basketball,high jump,We are going to have a Sports Day.,Sports Dayhave a Sports Day 举行运动会,Who will run 100 meters?谁将跑100米?,I will.I will try. 我试试。,will 将要,可表示将来时态be going to do 表示:打算be doing 表示:正在做,Unit 5 Sports Day Part B,What is Peter doing?What is Lily doing?What is Yang Ming doing?What is Julia doing?What is Sally doing?,What is Peter doing? Peter is running 100 meters. What is Lily doing? Lily is shouting.,What is Yang Ming doing?Yang Ming is doing high jump. What is Julia doing? Julia is doing long jump. What is Sally doing? Sally is taking photos.,Is Peter good at running 100 meters?Is Miss Gao very proud of Peter?,roud骄傲的,自豪的,fall down,跌倒,跌下He is falling down.,She is trying to do well.try 尝试well 好的,busy 忙的,U5B Read,have/has-hadshout-shoutedam/is-wastake-tookrun-ran,Sing a song.,High Jump and Long Jump,P40,Sports Day,Unit 5 Sports Day,Part A,sports,sports shoes,Sports Day,体育,运动会,运动鞋,distinguish,have a Sports Day,举行运动会,辨别,Revise some sports verbs.,play basketball,play ping-pong,ride a bike,swim,run,Read and finish the table.,do high jump (跳高),run 100 meters (100米跑),do long jump (跳远),P36,Learn some new words and phrases.,Peter very fast,fast slow,You can run very fast.You cant run fast. You are slow.,meter,米,2 meters,100 meters,100米,run 100 meters,100米跑,2米,high jump,do high jump,jump 跳,跳高,long jump,do long jump,跳远,jump,游戏快速反应,游戏规则:每组请一位学生到台前面向全体学生站成一排,教师向台下的学生出示卡片,如:high jump,long jump,run等,由台下的学生读出来,台前的几位学生做动作,反应最快、最准确的学生,给他们各自所在的小组加分。,Lets watch the video again, and fill in the table.,Who will 谁愿意,I will.,I will.,I will.,Practise.(group in four),A: Who will ? 谁愿意,B: I will.,我愿意.,Read the text and follow it.,Practice in different groups.,Consolidation,Ask and answer.,(in pairs),Page 37,Homework:1.读课文三遍,签;2.抄写Part A课文一遍;3.订正单词;,Unit 5 Sports Day,Part B,long jump,do long jump,跳远,jump,1.What is Peter doing?,3.What is Yang Ming doing?,2.What is Lily doing?,4.What is Julia doing?,5.What is Sally doing?,1.What is Peter doing?,2.What is Lily doing?,Peter is running 100meters.,Lily is shouting.,3.What is Yang Ming doing?,4.What is Julia doing?,5.What is Sally doing?,Yang Ming is doing high jump.,Sally is taking photos.,Julia is doing long jump.,Is Peter good at running 100meters?,be proud of sb.,Is Miss Gao very proud of Peter?,骄傲的,自豪的,proud,为某人而感到骄傲,He is falling down.,fall down 跌倒,跌下,try 尝试 try to do sth.尝试做某事,Julia is doing long jump. She is trying to do well.,well 好的,She is trying to do well.,sports,Sally is very busy. She is taking photos.,体育,distinguish,busy 忙的,have/has -had,am,is -was,shout -shouted,take-took,run-ran,sports,sports shoes,Sports Day,体育,运动会,运动鞋,distinguish,have a Sports Day,举行运动会,辨别,Unit 6 Feelings Part A,A Happy Song,Sing a song,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,Look and Say,r,ce,i,a,100-meter race,Who is the winner?,Ask and answer,Ask and answer,Who is the winner of 100-meter race?,Peter is the winner.,b,d,ir,f,st,New Word,one,first,(第一),序数词,two,second,(第二),three,(第三),th,bird,third,ird,Who is the second?,Who is the third?,Ask and answer,Ask and answer,1. Who is the second?2. Who is the third?,Wang Ming is the second.,Li Hua is the third.,First, first, Peter is the first.,Second, second, Wang Ming is the second.,Third, third, Li Hua is the third.,Lets chant!,Race, race, there is a running race.,Lets find Peter!,the first floor,the second floor,the third floor,猜一猜,Where is Peters classroom?,A. On the first floor.,B. On the second floor.,C. On the third floor.,Lets find Peter!,Lets find Peter!,March first,March second,March third,猜一猜,When is Peters birthday?,A. March first.,B. March second.,C. March third.,Lets find Peter!,Are you proud of him?,ir,Lets find Peter!,We are proud of you !,How does Peter feel?,Ask and answer,d,Ask and answer,How does Peter feel?,A. He is hungry.,B. He is thirsty.,thir,d,sty,New Word,Express your concern!,Are you hungry?,Are you thirsty?,Express your concern!,Are you ?,happy,proud,hot,hungry,angry,scared,Express your concern!,Happy? Happy! Are you happy?,Proud? Proud! Are you proud?,Hot? Hot! Are you hot?,Hungry? Hungry! Are you hungry?,Angry? Angry! Are you angry?,Scared? Scared! Are you scared?,Express your love!,Express your love!,Drink some water.,Drink,Express your love!,Drink some,Express your love!,Have,a,an,some,Listen and follow,Write a letter,Dear Ben,We had a _ race today.,_is the _(第一).,_is the _(第二).,_is the _(第三).,They all did a good job! Im _ of them.,Yours,_,Thank You ,Unit 6 FeelingsPartB,happy 高兴的,angry 生气的,Im very happy.,Im very angry.,roud 自豪的,Im very proud.,scared 恐惧的,Im very scared.,tired 疲劳的,Im very tired.,sad 悲伤的,Im very sad.,happy,sad,angry,tired,scared,proud,Lets act!,a new doll,一个新的洋娃娃,happy 高兴的,Im very happy.我非常高兴。,I have a new doll for my birthday.,Im very happy.我非常高兴。,我生日有个新的洋娃娃,bike 自行车,ride my bike骑我的自行车,sad 悲伤的,Im very sad.我非常伤心。,I cant ride my bike .,我不会骑车。,scared,Im very scared.我非常害怕。,garden 果园,花园,in the garden 在果园里,tired 疲劳的,Im very tired.我非常累。,Im working in the garden .我在果园里工作。,the winner 冠军,proud,Im very proud.我非常自豪。,1.They


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