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    2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,1,计算机专业英语,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,2,1.3计算机专业资料的阅读与翻译,1.3.1 专业英语的阅读 1.3.2 专业英语翻译概述 1.3.3 专业术语的翻译 1.3.4 专业英语翻译的基本方法,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,3,专业英语的阅读,打好语言基本功 在阅读实践中提高阅读能力 掌握正确的阅读方法,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,4,阅读方法,略读(Skimming),查读(Scanning),精读(Reading for full understanding)。 略读是指以尽可能快的速度进行阅读。 查读的目的主要是要有目的地去找出文章中某些特定的信息。 精读是指仔细地阅读,力求对文章有深层次的理解,以获得具体的信息。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,5,基本阅读技能,掌握所读材料的主旨大意。了解阐述主旨的事实和细节。根据上下文判断某些词汇和短语的意义。既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的逻辑关系。根据所读材料进行一定的判断、推理和引申。领会作者的观点、意图和态度。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,6,专业英语翻译概述,翻译是用一种语言把用另一种语言表示的内容准确无误地重新表达出来,翻译不是原文的翻版或者复制,从某种意义上来说是原文的再创作。其目的是使不懂原文的读者能够了解原文所表达的科技内容。科技文章并不要求像文艺作品那种形象化和感染性,但也必须文理优美。忠实于原文并不等于死抠语法、逐词死译。而且,还要使译文符合本民族语言的习惯,不必迁就原文语言形式。一篇修辞正确、逻辑合理、语言简洁、文理通顺的译文,让读者感觉不到翻译腔的存在,这正是我们为之苦苦追求的目标。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,7,科技翻译需要掌握的知识,掌握一定的词汇量具备科技知识,熟悉所翻译专业了解中西方文化背景的异同,科技英语中词汇的特殊含义日常语言和文本的表达方式以及科技英语翻译技巧,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,8,翻译步骤,(1) 通读整个句子,了解初步含义。重点注意谓语动词、连词、介词、专用词组和实义动词以及暂时不了解的新词汇。(2) 决定是否分译,如何断句。原句标点和句型结构如何,语态及时态如何,灵活组织,保持前后文之间的逻辑联系和呼应关系。(3) 决定汉语如何表达,如何组句,所选汉语词意是否确切。译文是否要进行查、加、减、改或者引申译法。概念明确、用词恰当、逻辑清楚、文字通顺。(4) 翻译完成后要多读译文,是否通顺、能懂、上下文及逻辑关系对不对等,即要译者自己懂,也要尽量使别人阅读译文后也能懂,要为读者着想。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,9,翻译的过程,1、理解阶段 透彻理解原著是确切表达的前提。理解原文必须从整体出发,不能孤立地看待一词一句。每种语言几乎都存在着一词多义的现象。因此,同样一个词或词组,在不同的上下文搭配中,在不同的句法结构中就可能有不同的意义。一个词,一个词组脱离上下文是不能正确理解的。因此,译者首先应该结合上下文,通过对词义的选择,语法的分析,彻底弄清楚原文的内容和逻辑关系。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,10,翻译的过程,2、表达阶段 表达就是要寻找和选择恰当的归宿语言材料,把已经理解了的原作内容重新叙述出来。表达的好坏一般取决于理解原著的深度和对归宿语言的掌握程度。故理解正确并不意味着表达一定正确。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,11,翻译的过程,3、校对阶段 校对阶段,是理解和表达的进一步深化,是使译文符合标准的一个必不可少阶段,是对原文内容的进一步核实,对译文语言的进一步推敲。校对对于科技文献的译文来说尤为重要,因为科技文章要求高度精确,公式、数据较多,稍一疏忽就会给工作造成严重的损失。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,12,专业术语的翻译,1.意译 意译就是对原词所表达的具体事物和概念进行仔细推敲,以准确译出该词的科学概念。这种译法最为普遍,科技术语在可能情况下应尽量采用意译法。采用这种方法便于读者顾名思义,不加说明就能直接理解新术语的确切含义。 loudspeaker 扬声器 semiconductor 半导体 videophone 可视电话 copytron = copy + electron 电子复写(技术) E-mail = Electronic mail 电子邮件 modem = modulator + demodulator 调制解调器,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,13,专业术语的翻译,2.音译 音译就是根据英语单词的发音译成读音与原词大致相同的汉字。一般地,表示计量单位的词和一些新发明的材料或产品,它们的汉语名称在刚开始时基本就是音译的。或当由于某些原因不便采用意译法时,可采用音译法或部分音译法。 Radar是取radio detection and ranging等词的部分字母拼成的,如译成“无线电探测距离设备”,显得十分罗嗦,故采用音译法,译成“雷达”。 bit 比特(二进制信息单位) baud 波特(发报速率单位) quark 夸克(基本粒子,属新材料类) nylon 尼龙(新材料类) hertz 赫兹(频率单位) vaseline 凡士林(石油冻) penicillin 盘尼西林(青霉素),2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,14,专业术语的翻译,3. 形译用英语常用字母的形象来为形状相似的物体定名,翻译时也可以通过具体形象来表达原义,也称为“象译”。科技文献常涉及到型号、牌号、商标名称及代表某种概念的字母。这些一般不必译出,直接抄下即可。另外,对于人名及公司名等名称类的词汇,翻译时可直接使用原文。I-shaped 工字形 T square 丁字尺C network C形网络 X ray X射线M-wing M形机翼 N region N区Y-connection Y形连接Zigzag wave 锯齿形波Q band Q波段(指8毫米波段,频率为3646千兆赫)p-n-p junction p-n-p结(指空穴导电型电子导电型空穴导电型的结),2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,15,专业英语中新词的翻译,科技的发展还创造了大量的新词汇。这些词往往通过复合构词(compounding)或缩略表达全新的概念。它们由于在词典中缺乏现成的词项,一个词往往会有两个甚至两个以上的译名,造成很大混乱。全国科学技术名词审定委员会为了规范译名,定期发表推荐译名,因此我们还必须跟踪计算机行业的发展,掌握新出现的词汇。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,16,长句的翻译,使用长句结构,可以说是科技英语的一大特点,计算机专业英语也不例外。在处理长句时,一般采用顺译法、倒译法和分译法。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,17,长句的翻译,n顺译法当长句的语法结构和时间顺序与汉语基本相同时,可以按照原文顺序直接翻译。n倒译法当长句的逻辑顺序与汉语相反时,则必须从后面译起,自上而下,逆着原文的顺序翻译。n分译法汉语表达的习惯是一个小句子表达一层意思。因此,为了使表达简洁,对于专业英语中的长句,可以将其分解成几个独立的句子,顺序基本不变,并注意前后连贯,同时注意增加一些连词。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,18,专业英语翻译的基本方法原文的分析与理解,要作好翻译工作,必须从深刻理解原文入手,力求做到确切表达译文。原文是翻译的出发点和唯一依据,只有彻底理解原文含义,才有可能完成确切的翻译,才能达到上述翻译标准的要求,要深刻理解原文,首先要认识到专业科技文献所特有的逻辑性、正确性、精密性和专业性等特点,力求从原文所包含的专业技术内容方面去加以理解。其次,要根据原文的句子结构,弄清每句话的语法关系,采用分组归类的方法辨明主语、谓语、宾语及各种修饰语,联系上下文来分析和理解句与句之间、主句与从句之间的关系。重视语法分析,突出句子骨架,采用分解归类,化繁为简,逐层推进理解的策略。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,19,科技文献翻译中的汉语表达切忌以下几点:,n 不符合汉语逻辑。n 过于强调“忠实”使原文与译文貌合神离。n 中文修辞不当,表达中存在明显的翻译腔。n 表达罗嗦、不简洁。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,20,翻译科技资料时应注意的问题,(1) 首先要把原文全部阅读一遍,了解其内容大意,专业范围和体裁风格,然后开始翻译。如果条件许可,在动手翻译之前能熟悉一下有关的专业知识那就更好了。(2) 遇到生词,不要马上查字典,应该先判断是属于普通用语,还是属于专业用语。如果是专业词汇,则要进一步分析是属于哪一个具体学科范围的,然后再有目的地去查找普通词汇或有关的专业词典。(3) 翻译时,最好不要看一句译一句,更不能看一个词译一个词。而应该看一小段,译一小段。这样做便于从上下文联系中辨别词义,也便于注意句与句之间的衔接,段与段之间的联系,使译文通顺流畅,而不致成为一句句孤立译文的堆彻。(4) 翻译科技文献并不要求象翻译文艺作品那样在语言形象、修辞手段上花费很大的工夫,但是要求译文必须概念清楚,逻辑正确,数据无误。文字简练,语句流畅。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,21,第2章 Hardware Knowledge,2.1 Computer Hardware Basics 2.2 CPU 2.3 Memory 2.4 Input/Output Devices,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,22,2.1 Computer Hardware Basics,A computer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system that is organized to accept, store, and process data and produce output results under the direction of a stored program of instructions. Fig. 2-1 shows the basic organization of a computer system. Key elements in this system include CPU, memory, input device and output device.,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,23,The basic organization of a computer system,Fig. 2-1 The basic organization of a computer system,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,24,Main Contents of the Text,Central Processing Unit. The memory. Input Devices. Output Devices. System buses. Other components.,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,25,Key Words,carry out 实现,执行collection 收集,采集dangerous 危险的flexible 灵活的,柔和的hierarchy 等级制度,等级体系indicate 显示,指出individual 个人,个体instruction 指令interface 界面,接口,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,26,Key Words,interpretation 解释mainframe 主机manipulate 处理microprocessor 微型机mislead 误导monitor 显示器organization 组织plotter 绘图仪subsystem 子系统subtract 减去,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,27,Notes,1 In a big mainframe computer the processor is called a Central Processing Unit, or CPU, while in a microcomputer, it is usually known as a microprocessor.译文:在大型计算机系统中,处理器被称作中央处理单元,或CPU,而在微机系统中,通常叫做微处理器。本句由并列的两部分组成,“In a big mainframe computer”和“while in a microcomputer”分别是两部分的状语,“or CPU”是同位语。2 The memory is the computers work area and nothing like our own memory, so the term can be misleading.译文:存储器是计算机的工作区,但它不像我们的记忆系统,这个术语可能会有误导。本句中的“so the term can be misleading”是结果状语。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,28,Notes,3 A ROM chip always retains its data, even when power to the chip is turned off.译文:ROM芯片总是保存有数据,甚至在芯片断电以后。本句由“even when”引导的是让步状语从句。4 Input devices can not only deliver information to CPU but also activate or deactivate processing just as light switches turn lamps on or off.译文:输入设备不仅能给CPU输送信息,而且也能像开关控制电灯那样激活或终止处理过程。本句用了一个not onlybut also 结构,表示“不但而且”的意思。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,29,Notes,5 The only thing to worry about is whether the power supply produces enough low voltage electricity to power all your peripherals.译文:唯一担心的事情是电源能否产生足够的低电压电流为所有的外部设备供电。本句的“to worry about”是主语补足语,进一步说明主语,“whether”引导的是表语从句。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,30,Reading material Computer Development,The First Generation of Computers (1946 through 1959) The Second Generation of Computers (1959 through 1964) The Third Generation of Computers (1964 through 1971) The Fourth Generation of Computers (1971 through now) Generation-less Computers,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,31,2.2 CPU,The CPU means the Central Processing Unit. It is the heart of a computer system. The CPU in a microcomputer is actually one relatively small integrated circuit or chip. The CPU coordinates all the activities of the various components of the computer. It determines which operations should be carried out and in what order. The CPU can also retrieve information from memory and can store the results of manipulations back into the memory unit for later reference.,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,32,Main Contents of the Text,What Is a Processor? The control unit The Arithmetic / Logic Unit Registers The Fetch and Execute Cycles Performance factors of CPU,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,33,Key Words,available 可利用的,有效的analogous 类似的,相似的comparison 比较,对照confuse 使混乱coordinate (使)协调establish 建立exponentiation 幂运算identical 同一的,完全一样的megahertz 兆赫兹,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,34,Key Words,occupy 占领,从事operand 操作数perform 执行,实现reference 参考,索引register 寄存器remarkable 显著的,不平常的represent 表示,描述retrieve 检索,恢复specification 规格,说明supervise 监督,指导,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,35,Notes,1 Although most CPU chips are smaller than a lens of a pair of glasses, the electronic components they contain would have filled a room a few decades ago.译文:虽然大多数CPU芯片比一块眼镜片还小,但所包含的电子元件在几十年前却要装满一个房间。本句由“Although”引导让步状语从句。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,36,Notes,2 The program, which tells the computers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the computer in a place called memory.译文:程序的作用是指示计算机如何工作,而数据则是为解决问题提供的所需要的信息,两者都存储在存储器里。本句的主语是“the program and the data”,由which引导的两个定语从句分别修饰the program和the data。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,37,Notes,3 After all, if we couldnt feed information in and get results back, these machines would not be of much use.译文:如果我们不能输入信息和取出结果,这种计算机毕竟不会有多大用处。本句的“if we couldnt feed information in and get results back”作条件状语。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,38,Notes,4 At the beginning of each instruction cycle, the CPU fetches an instruction from memory.译文:在每个指令周期的开始,CPU都从内存中取一条指令。本句的“At the beginning of each instruction cycle”是时间状语。5 An instruction may specify that the sequence of execution be altered.译文:一条指令可以指定更改执行的顺序。本句的“that”引导的是宾语从句,“execution be altered”是定语,修饰“sequence”。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,39,Reading material Multiprocessing,Multiprocessor systems may be classified into four types: single instruction stream, single data stream (SISD); single instruction steam, multiple data stream (SIMD); multiple instruction stream, single data stream (MISD); and multiple instruction stream, multiple data stream (MIMD). Systems in the MISD category are rarely built. The other three architectures may be distinguished simply by the differences in their respective instruction cycles.,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,40,2.3 Memory,The memory unit is an essential component in any digit computer since it is needed for storing the programs that are executed by the CPU. People who like PCs always talk about how large their storage device volumes are. RAM and ROM play important roles of storage devices. We must know them. RAM is an acronym of Random Access Memory. RAM bars are used for main memory bars. ROM means Read Only Memory. The control and specialized programs are stored in ROM chips and these programs can not be changed by users.Computer memory is measured in kilobytes or megabytes of information.,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,41,Main Contents of the Text,Types of memory The memory cells Internal chip organization Memory subsystem configuration,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,42,Connect memory chips,Two or more chips can be combined to create memory with more bits per location. This is done by connecting the corresponding address and control signals of the chips, and connecting their data pins to different bits of the data bus. For example, two 644 chips can be combined to create an 648 memory, as shown in Figure 2-2. Both chips receive the same six address inputs from the bus, as well as the same chip enable and output enable signals.,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,43,Connect memory chips,Fig. 2-2 An 648 memory subsystem constructed from two 644 ROM chips,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,44,Key Words,acronym 首字母缩略字activate 激活,使活跃adjacent 邻近的,接近的configuration 结构consecutive 连续的,连贯的erase 抹去,擦除gateway 门,通道kilobyte 千字节megabyte 兆字节notation 记号,标记,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,45,Key Words,rohibitively 禁止地proportional 成比例的remedy 修补,改善session 期间significance 重要性,意义simplicity 简单,单纯temporary 临时turn off 关闭,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,46,Notes,1 The memory unit is an essential component in any digit computer since it is needed for storing the programs that are executed by the CPU.译文:任何一台数字计算机都需要存储CPU所执行的程序,因此,存储器是计算机最重要的部件之一。本句由“since”引导原因状语从句,“that are executed by the CPU”是定语,修饰“programs”。2 The number of bits in the address is related to the maximum number of directly addressable cells in the memory and is independent of the number of bits per cell.译文:地址的位数与存储器可直接寻址的最大单元数量有关,而与每个单元的位数无关。本句中,of directly addressable cells in the memory修饰the maximum number。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,47,Notes,3 Thus a 32-bit machine will have 32-bit registers and instructions for moving, adding, subtracting, and otherwise manipulating 32-bit words.译文:因而32位机器有32位的寄存器和指令,以实现传送、加法、减法和其它他32位字的操作。本句的“for moving, adding, subtracting, and otherwise manipulating 32-bit words”是宾语补足语,进一步解释说明宾语。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,48,Notes,4 When a program allocates expanded memory pages, the EMM returns a handle to the requesting program.译文:当一个程序装入扩展存储器页中时,EMM就将一个标志回复给这个请求程序。本句中,由“when”引导了一个时间状语从句。5 It is very easy to set up a memory system that consists of a single chip.译文:构造包含一个简单芯片的存储器系统是非常容易的。本句中由“It”作形式主语,真正主语是不定式短语,“that consists of a single chip”是定语。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,49,Reading material Magnetic Disks and Optical Disks,There are two major types of magnetic disks: floppy disks and hard disks. Both types of disks rely on a rotating platter coated with a magnetic surface and use a moveable read/write head to access the disk. Disk storage is nonvolatile, meaning that the data remains even when power is removed. An optical disk is a disk on which data are encoded for retrieval by a laser. Optical disks offer information densities far beyond the range of current magnetic mass-storage devices.,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,50,2.4 Input/Output Devices,A computer is a powerful machine that can do everything people assign it. However the computer cant communicate with people directly. By the aid of input and output devices, a computer and people can “know” each other. Using input devices, people “tell” the computer what it should do and the computer feedback the result through output devices.,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,51,Main Contents of the Text,Keyboard Mouse Monitor Printer Modem Other devices,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,52,Key Words,accessible 易接近的,可进入的bitmap 位图calculator 计算器combination 组合,联合deflector 导向装置demodulation 解调embedded 嵌入的,植入的feedback 反馈flicker 闪烁,闪动horizontal axis 水平轴ink jet printer 喷墨打印机microphone 麦克风modifiable 可修正的,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,53,Key Words,modulation 调制monochrome 单色,黑白needle 针nozzle 喷嘴overlap 重叠,重复pixel 像素powder 粉,粉粒resolution 分辨率spray 喷射stick 粘,坚持tendency 趋势,倾向troubleshoot 修理故障vertical axis 垂直轴,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,54,Notes,1 The arrow keys allow you to move the position of the cursor on the screen.译文:方向键允许你移动光标在屏幕上的位置。本句中的“to move the position of the cursor on the screen”是宾语补足语。2 A mouse consists of a metal or plastic housing or casing, a ball that sticks out of the bottom of the casing and rolls on a flat surface, one or more buttons on the top of the casing, and a cable that connects the mouse to the computer.译文:鼠标由以下几个部分组成:一个金属或塑性的盒体,一个凸出于盒体底部并可以在平面上滚动的球体,位于盒体上部的一个或多个按键,以及一条连接到计算机的电缆线。这是一个长句,“consists of”的宾语由若干部分组成,每部分宾语都有自己的定语修饰。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,55,Notes,3 So, in order to use an analog medium, a converter between the two systems is needed.译文:因此,为了利用传输模拟信号的媒介,在两种系统之间需要一个转换器。本句中的“So, in order to use an analog medium”是目的状语从句,“between the two systems”是定语,修饰“converter”。4 A modem is a device that converts data from digital computer signals to analog signals that can be sent over a phone line.译文:调制解调器可以将数据从数字信号转换成可以通过电话线传输的模拟信号。本句中的“that converts data”是定语从句,修饰“device”,“that can be sent over a phone line”也是定语,修饰“signals”。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,56,Notes,5 If software has music with it, you need a sound box which is attached to your computer to play the music.译文:如果软件带有音乐,你就需要一个连接到你计算机上的音箱来播放音乐。本句由“If”引导条件状语从句。,2022/12/5,计算机专业英语,57,Reading material Linking the Components,A computer is a system. Data flow between its components in response to instructions executed by processor. Sometimes, the bits are transmitted in parallel; other components communicate in serial. System boards are almost as important as CPUs in computer system. If a CPU were a heart or a brain, a system board would be a blood vessel or nerve sys


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