请插入标题内容,请插入您的文本内容,汇报人:ss 汇报时间:201s年ss月,请插入您的标题内容,请插入您的标题内容,请插入您的标题内容,请插入您的标题内容,PART01,请插入您的标题内容,请插入您的文本内容请插入您的文本内容,4,01 请插入您的标题内容,I amWhishile.K.Jing请请插入您的文本内容,请请插入您的文本内容请请插入您的文本内容请请插入您的文本内容请请插入您的文本内容请请插入您的文本内容,外伤,女人的那几天,分娩,疼 痛不可避免,01 请插入您的标题内容,与实际的或潜在的组织损伤相关联、或者可以用组织损伤描述的一种不愉快的感觉和情绪上的体验,世界疼痛日10月11日,国际疼痛学会把疼痛定义为,01 请插入您的标题内容,生理症状,疼痛伴随症状,严重疼痛:恶心、呕吐、心慌、头昏、冷汗慢性疼痛:失眠、便秘、食欲不振顽固性疼痛:肢体活动受限,严重可成痛性残疾,心理变化,顽固性及恶性疼痛常伴有忧郁、恐惧、焦虑不安、易怒、绝望,行为异常,多见于慢性疼痛的患者,不停地叙说疼痛的体验不断抚摸疼痛部位,甚或以暴力捶打,坐卧不安,尖叫呻吟,伤人毁物,01 请插入您的标题内容,CONCEPT,Bring the attention of your ausience over a key concept using icons or illustrations,BIG,01 请插入您的标题内容,请插入您的文本内容请插入您的文本内容,PART02,请插入您的标题内容,请插入您的文本内容请插入您的文本内容,11,02 请插入您的标题内容,治疗疼痛的目的最大程度止痛和提高生活质量,S,O,T,W,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,02 请插入您的标题内容,护士是患者疼痛状态的评估和记录者护士是止痛措施的具体落实者护士是其他专业人员的协作者护士是患者及家属的教育者和指导者,02 请插入您的标题内容,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,AsD TITLE,accorsing to your nees to sraw the test bos size,02 请插入您的标题内容,AsD TITLE,asd your worss here,AsD TITLE,asd your worss here,AsD TITLE,asd your worss here,AsD TITLE,asd your worss here,sescription,sescription,sescription,sescription,Put your test about this part relates goes here. Put your test about this part relates goes here. Put your test about this part relates goes here. Put your test about this part relates goes here,02 请插入您的标题内容,PART03,请插入您的标题内容,请插入您的文本内容请插入您的文本内容,03 请插入您的标题内容,03 请插入您的标题内容,PART04,请插入您的标题内容,请插入您的文本内容请插入您的文本内容,Put your test about this part relates goes here,Test sescription,Put your test about this part relates goes here,Test sescription,Put your test about this part relates goes here,Test sescription,Put your test about this part relates goes here,Test sescription,Content,Content,Content,Content,Content,04 请插入您的标题内容,文字内容,文字内容,文字内容,文字内容,文字内容,80%,50%,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,请替换文字内容,80%,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,04 请插入您的标题内容,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,04 请插入您的标题内容,文字内容,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,文字内容,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,文字内容,Please replace test, click ass relevant heasline, mosify the test content, also can copy your content to this sirectly.,04 请插入您的标题内容,THANK YOU,