Better Air Is Our Business,AAF洁净室产品及FFU简介,AAF Cleanroom Products & AstroFan FFUAAF洁净室产品及FFU简介,CONTENTS 目录,Cleanroom Product Overview 洁净室产品介绍Testing Methology 测试方法FFU Testing FFU测试EC FFU System 直流FFU系统FFU生产设备简介FFU机组特性及应用,Cleanroom Products洁净室产品,High Efficiency Filters 高效过滤器 HEPA & ULPA效率99.95% - 99.9995% 0.3m,Cleanroom Products 洁净室产品效率99.99% - 99.999995% MPPS,Cleanroom Products 洁净室产品Ceiling System 吊顶系统,ASTROFAN FFU 风机过滤器机组,Self-Contained Stainless Steel Housing 箱体、风机/马达及过滤器一体Rigid, Walk-On Construction 坚固,可在上面行走High Performance Fan/Motor 高效率的风机/马达Low Noise Level 低噪音High Total External Static Pressure 100Pa 高机外静压Compatible With Wide Range Of Ceiling Grids 适用于任何款式的龙骨系统 Available in Electrical Commutated (EC) and with Variable Voltage (VV) Control 可采用直流马达或无级调速,ASTROFAN FFU 风机过滤器机组,FM II,Testing Methodology测试方法,Cold DOP - Heterogeneous polydispered aerosol having broad Particle size distribution : 3.0 micron 99+% 0.7 micron50+% 0.4 micron10+% Mean particle size about 0.72 micronHot DOP - Thermally generated monodispered aerosol of 0.3um particles 加热产生的单分0.3微米的颗粒PSL - Polystyrene latex spheres Monodispered Particles 单分颗粒Uniform size 尺寸一致Available in many size 多种尺寸供选择DEHS - Di-2-ethylhexylsebacate - Liquid aerosol 液态气溶胶,CHALLENGE AEROSOLS 测试用气溶胶,Traditional DOP Test is not suitable for filter testing传统的DOP测试已经不适合过滤器测试DOP has finite vapor pressure. Out-gassing of DOP vapor from the filter caused organic contamination in the CRDOP挥发气可造成洁净室的有机污染DOP is a suspect carcinogen DOP怀疑可致癌In recent years PSL aerosols are becoming increasingly accepted as the preferred aerosol material PSL近年来被广泛使用: - PSL is inert PSL不挥发 - Uniform size of the PSL spheres 颗粒尺寸一致.,DOP vs. PSL AEROSOL,Aerosols Challenge 测试用气溶胶,Filter Testing 过滤器检测,All AstroCel II filters are tested to guarantee performance为确保性能,所有的高效过滤器均按以下标准进行检测,Test 检测Visual smoke test using a polyfunctional alcohol as the challenge aerosol for leak testing 检漏测试Automated scanning using a monodispersed PSL spheres with 0.12 micron diameter as the challenge aerosol.以PSL进行自动扫描测试Leak Testing 检漏Efficiency 效率Pressure drop 压损 Air Velocity distribution 风速均匀度Testing and test equipment 测试设备,Reference Standard 标准DIN 24184 (EN1822)IES RP-CC 001.3IES RP-CC 007.1,Auto Scan Machine 自动扫描仪Diluter 稀释剂Laser Particle Counters 激光粒子计数器Automated Filter Leak Test Software 过滤器泄漏自动监测软件Inclined Manometers 压力表,Filter Testing Instruments过滤器检测设备,Filter Testing 过滤器检测,100% Leak tested before ship out from factory 出厂前进行100%检漏测试,Leak Test 检漏测试,DIN Leak Test DIN检漏,TSI Media Efficiency Tester TSI 滤料效率测试机,A rectangular probe is held 1” from the filter face, sweeping across the filter face in overlapping motion to locate leaks due to media breaks, pin-hole leaks, damage from manufacturing process or handling, integrity of bond between filter media and cellsides.在过滤器表面1“处采用方形采样口,扫描过滤器,确定由于滤料破裂或小孔造成的泄漏,以及生产,搬运途中造成的滤料与框架之间的泄漏 Sampling rate 采样流量 - 1 cfm Traverse rate 扫描速度 - 10ft/min ( 3 min/min) Average air velocity - 90+ 10ft/min (0.45+ 0.05m/s) 平均面风速(laminar flow condition) Sequential counting system 连续计数系统,Filter Testing 过滤器检测,Automatic Scanning 自动扫描,If the air velocity distribution test is done, it will print out a map showing the filter face velocities over 8 points for a 600 x1210 filter. Typically, the air velocity is within + 20%.风速的均匀度同时被检测。典型均匀度为+ 20%,Standard defines a leak is a hole which would produce a local penetration of 0.01% with an upstream concentration of 100%.按标准,当上游浓度100%时,下游浓度检测到0.01%穿透则视为泄漏,Leak Test 检漏测试,Filter Testing 过滤器检测,Leak Repair 泄漏修补,Filter Leaks 0.01% are patched. 0.01%的泄漏点可以修补Filter media is patched with medium or adhesive. 采用联胶或介质修补For any one leak - maximum area of patch is 2 in2 (13cm2). 任何一个泄漏点不可超过2 in2For the filter, the patching is limited to a maximum of 1% of the face area (IE-RP-CC001-3).根据IE-RP-CC001-3标准,过滤器泄漏点的修补面积不可超过过滤器面积的1%,Leak Test Report,Filter Testing Report 过滤器检测报告,Leak Found Report,Filter Testing Report 过滤器检测报告,Defect Map,Filter Testing Report 过滤器检测报告,Air Velocity Test Report,Filter Testing Report 过滤器检测报告,Fan Filter Unit TestingFFU测试,FFU Testing Chamber FFU测试台,The FFU Testing Chamber is specially designed to maintain an environment with room temperature of 24oC and ambient noise level below 35dBA for measuring : 特别设计的FFU测试台可在室温24oC 及背景低于35dBA的无响室内测量: air velocity 风速Probe Velocity Anemometer 风速计 noise level 噪音 Sound Level Meter 噪音计 external static pressure 机外静压 Air Flow Micromanometer 压力表 filter pressure 过滤器压损 Air Flow Micromanometer 压力表 electrical characteristics 电力参数Power Meter 功率表,Schematic Diagram of FFU Testing Chamber FFU测试台示意图,FFU Testing Chamber FFU测试台,Air Velocity Test 风速测量,The Probe Velocity Meter is used to measure the average air velocity at 8 points, 300mm below the FFU. For accurate readings, data is only recorded after the probe is stationary for at least 5 seconds. 风速在FFU过滤器出风面下300mm处测量8个点的平均风速。为得到准确地数值每点测量时测点需保持最少5秒时间。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Illustration of Measuring Points,Noise Level Test 噪音测试,Noise level is measured at 1 meter below the filter surface with the Sound Level Meter. Prior to the test, the ambient noise level is recorded. 噪音的测试在过滤器出风面下1米的位置测量,测试前要先测量背景噪音。,FFU MANUFACTURING 风机过滤器机组生产线,TUNRRET PUNCHER 高速冲床,BENDING MACHINE 折弯机,FFU ASSEMBLY ROOM FFU组装车间,AAF Astrofan FFU DC-System FFU 直流控制系统,First, which type of DC motor? BRUSH DC motor 有刷直流马达Requires carbon brushes to commutate (drive) motor需要碳刷来换向(驱动)马达BRUSH-LESS DC motor 无刷直流马达Does not require carbon brushes to commutate motor.不需要碳刷换向,EC Motors What is an EC motor?,impeller just mounted on rotor叶轮直接装在转子上Rotor (rotating part) outside;转子(转动部件)外置Stator (fixed part) inside;定子(固定部分)内置,AC Motor交流马达,Stator of EC MotorEC马达的定子,Printed Circuit Board印刷电路板,External rotor motor 外转子马达AC and EC,erfectly matched 完美组合,fans风机 very low noise超低噪音 highly efficient高效率,external rotor motors外转子马达highest efficiency over wide speed range 在更广的速度范围中具有最高的效率very low heat loss generated 低热损,controllers控制器all control and EMC functions built in 所有控制器和电磁兼容内置,What is DCSYSTEMS ?,ECSYSTEMS,Unique features 独特的特色special winding design特殊的绕线设计= no bearing currents = 无轴承电流patented new soft“ commutation 有专利的新的“软”换向= no commutation noise = 无换向噪音new low ripple“ magnets 新的“低涡流”磁场= no vibration 无震动,Motor Efficiency 马达效率,Cleanroom 无尘室,Efficiencies of AC versus EC motors AC 和 EC 马达效率比较,fractional horsepower motor systems (including drive efficiency)部分驱动电机系统(包括驱动效率),三相交流,电容马达,罩级马达,Standard AC induction motors 标准交流感应电机,P1 n3 63% fan speed风机速度 = 25% motor load马达负荷,1400 kW,1 kW,Motor load马达负荷 P / Pnom,马达效率,AC & DC FFU COMPARISON直流及交流型 FFU 技术参数及运行费用比较,AC & DC FFU COMPARISON直流 及 交流 型 FFU 技术参数及运行费用比较,AC & DC FFU COMPARISON直流 及 交流 型 FFU 技术参数及运行费用比较,Softstart软启动,Benefits 优点no current surges during start-up 启动时无高峰电流low torque load to bearings and structure 轴承和结构低负荷no sequenced startup required 无需顺序启动,Startup Current = 3.5 * Nominal Current(运行电流),Startup Current of AC Fan交流风机的启动电流,ebm交流马达的启动电流,主电流,Startup Current Nominal Current(运行电流),No need forsequencedfan start after power failure停电后无需顺序启动,Startup Current of EC Fan,C: 电机启动比例,主电流,Benefits 优点wide supply voltage range 200V 277 V电压范围宽100V 130Vlowest possible current 可能达到的最低电流minimum installation cost 最小安装成本,Power Factor Controller “PFC” (功率因子控制器),EC-SYSTEMS,EC-i integrated 集成,R3G400 e.g. fan for 1200 x 1200 FFU with Integrated electronics,R3G400 e.g. fan for 1200 x 1200 FFU,300 W SMPS w/ active PFCextremely low noise,EC-SYSTEMS History,R3G400 e.g. fan for 1200 x 1200 FFU,500 W active PFC Commutation low noise,1996,2000,2004,400 W integratedactive PFCno commutation noise,EC-i EC-集成,Controller控制器,Motor马达,Drive驱动,Fan风机,Setting设置,EC controllability EC-i,Benefits 优点 Less wiring 更少线路 Less labour 更少人力 Easy to commission容易实现 Foolproof installation安装简易,Lowest wiring labour and cost,EC-SYSTEMS EC-i Filter-Fan-Units (FFU),Networked with ebmBus 用ebmBus的网络Controlling and Monitoring 控制和监控Visualization 可视High Efficiency 高效No Harmonics (active PFC power-factor controller)无谐波(积极功率因子控制器),Fan-Modul,3D fans sizes 310, 355, 400200 - 277 V motor with integrated electronicsUp to 400 W with RS485 ebmBUS we name it: EC-i (EC-integrated集成),EC-SYSTEMS EC-i R3G400 with integrated electronics,Active PFC积极功率因子EMC / EMI filters up to 400 W with RS485 ebmBUS,R3G400-XX00-XA3D fan size 400 200-277V motor with integrated electronics,R3G400-XX00-XA3D fan size 400 200-277 V motor with integrated electronics,EC-SYSTEMS EC-i R3G400 with integrated electronics,Active PFC积极功率因子EMC / EMI filters 电磁兼容过滤up to 400 W with RS485 ebmBUS,R3G400-XX00-XA3D fan size 400 connector box and LED display,Optional Connector BoxRJ45 for RS485 ebmBUSLED signal “power on”,EC-SYSTEMS EC-i R3G400 with integrated electronics,R3G310-XX00-XA,Power max 400 WSupply200 277 VAC / 50 60 Hz电源100 130 VAC / 50 60 Hz,R3G400- XX00-XA,R3G355- XX00-XA,3D fans with EC-motor Integrated commutation with RS485 ebmBUS,EC-SYSTEMS EC-系统 EC-i R3G310, R3G355, R3G400,2 x 4,3 x 4,4 x 4,FFU,1,200 m/h,1,800 m/h,2,400 m/h,Mains Current without PFC is 50% higher than with PFC,w/o PFC没有功率因子Power Factor= 0.53Current IRMS = 0.96 A,with active PFCPower Factor= 0.99 Current IRMS = 0.64 A,PFC Power Factor Correction 功率因子校正,RMS Mains Current实际电流,Imains mA,PFC Power Factor Correction功率因子校正true RMS current w or w/o active PFC有无功率因子的实际电流比较,不带功率因子,带功率因子,R3G400-AD25-60,air flow,Fan rotates clockwise ! 风机顺时针转动,External rotor motor,Fan switched on, produces air flow from sucking to discharge side 风机启动,产生从入口到出口的空气流,1,450 rpm2,500 m/h 250 PaP1 = 345 Watt,Soft-Braking软制动(Soft-煞车),Fan switched off, driven by high pressure at discharge 风机停止, 被出口高压驱动,Fan rotates counter-clockwise !风机逆时针转动,External rotor motor,970 rpm1,980 m/h 250 Pa .07 Nm,Reverse Rotation反方向转动,Start soft brake,40 rpm after 4.2 seconds,Idling reverse at 250 Pa 970 rpm,R3G400-AD25-60,Fan switched on, soft braking decelerates from 970 rpm to 40 rpm within 5 seconds风机启动, 软启动在5秒钟内从970 rpm 减到40 rpm,Fan rotates counter-clockwise !风机逆时针转动,External rotor motor,air flow,250 Pa,250 Pa,40 rpm1,790 m/h 250 Pa .57 Nm,R3G400-AD25-60,Reverse Rotation反方向转动,Softstart,begin soft brake,40 rpm after 4.2 seconds,Idling reverse at 250 Pa 970 rpm在250 Pa 970 rpm时反方向转动,1613 rpm after 12,5 sec.,R3G400-AD25-60,8 x RS485=248 FFU,1-31 FFU,1-31 FFU,32 x,Control Diagram 控制系统图,The Intelligent Master Gateway with IP Enable Module provies interface up to 3 Master RS485 interface and a 10 Base-T port(RJ45 connector). The IP Enable Controller provides an ease of use for system integrator. User can plug the controller to any LAN points connected to a Network follow by a simple software configuration and it is ready for operations. 智能型主网关可以连接3个RS485接口及10级 T接口(RJ45联接器)。它可以很方便地连接上任何局域网,加上简单的程序设定便可运行。The Master gateway is configurable by program to 主网关可以以三种方式控制 Control 3 sets of 31 FFU 直接控制三组的31台FFU OR 或 One set of 255 repeaters for direct replacement for upgrading system 控制255个路由器已升级现有系统 OR 或 Master/Slave gateway: Each Master can connect up to 255 Slave. 主/次网关控制:每个主网关控制最多255个次网关,Master Gateway 主网关,Slave Gateway 次网关,Software Features 软件特性,Cleanroom Layout for easy FFU location identify, including Zoom In/Out 可视洁净室平面图可方便显示FFU运行状态及故障FFU位置 FFU Error reporting by print out, e-mail, alarm output FFU 错误报告可以打印,电邮及信号输出的形式及时产生 Master Gateway output/input connected to BMS or fire alarm system 主网关的信号输出/输入可以连接去用户的自控系统或火警系统 FFU time switch setting of high/low speed for energy saving 在不同工作时间的高/低转速设定可以节省能源 Multi level user name and password protection 多层用户及密码保护,控制系统具有分级管理功能 (共分5级) 每级具有不同的管理权限,由低到高管理权限依次整加 每个管理等级可以设定多个管理员,每个管理员具有不同的密码 不同管理等级的管理员凭密码登陆系统,并可执行改管理等级的管理权限 系统会自动记录不同管理人员登陆和离开系统的具体时间,以备查询,控制系统具有能耗管理和分析功能 可以实时显示每一台/每组或设定的每个区域以及全部FFU的实际能耗 可以按比例示意图形式分析不同区域能耗 可以提供不同区域/组别日平均能耗成本分析曲线图,Software Layout 软件界面,Chinese/English Version Software 软件具备中英文版本,AAF FFU FEATURE 风机过滤器机组特性,箱体结构: 最新的FFU箱体顶部设计,保证马达和风机可以从箱体顶部直接取出,克服传统FFU箱体设计需要将箱体翻转180度才可以更换马达的缺点,方便FFU安装后的运行维护 (这点对1200mm x1200mm 的FFU尤其重要)。马达: 德国进口Ebm DC外转子高性能直流马达/后倾式风扇,马达更节能,散热性能良好,具有更长的使用寿命.过滤器:超过80年过滤器生产经验,世界著名的过滤器制造商,通过UL及FM认证,每一片高效过滤器出厂前都经过单独严格的测试以确保过滤器的效率和品质达到设计要求.最佳的整机性能:针对项目对FFU性能的具体要求, AAF依靠专业的FFU测试实验室对FFU箱体构造和导流风道进行针对性的研发和设计, 从而在保证满足不同项目的使用要求的同时, 最大限度的降低FFU箱体震动和噪音值,配合AAF专业生产的ULPA超高效过滤器 (U15/U16/U17)达到最佳的整机性能。最新的控制系统:AAF提供最新研发的FFU第六代控制系统,此系统是目前最先进的直流FFU控制系统,除了保持原有的控制系统时时监控的功能外,还具有网页查询功能,支持消防分区,和更全面的分级管理功能,同时具有更快的扫描监控速度和更强大的扩展性。,AAF FFU FEATURE 风机过滤器机组特性,相关认证: AAF 高效/超高效过滤器产品通过UL和FM专业认证. FFU整机包括箱体和过滤器通过UL507认证售后及本地服务: 我公司建立了完善的售后服务体系,可以保证在设备正常运行期间为业主提供优质技术支持和相关服务。,FFU在洁净系统的应用,AAF 专业的过滤技术在清溢的实际运用,AAF 的FFU和过滤器 安装在1级的洁净室,AAF FFU 实际运用,AAF FFU 实际运用,CHARTERED Semiconductor Manufacturing,Our Customers .,Clean Room,Thank you for your paticipation谢谢您的参与!,人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。,