第三章 汉译英的句法处理,第一节 主语的确定,句子一般由主语和谓语组成,主语是谓语陈述的对象,是一个句子中值得突出的信息。由于主语通常处在句首的位置,它在句中占有非常重要的地位。汉译英时,由于汉英两种语言的差异,并非所有的原文句子中的主语都能被转换成译文句子中的主语。这样,汉语句子英译时,确定句子中的哪一部分为主语就是要解决的首要问题。,英语句子一般要有主语,以动词为核心,主语和谓语之间有许多相互制约的语法关系,汉语则不是这样。在汉语里,往往把主语和谓语当作话题和说明(即主题和述题)来看待。著名汉语言学家赵元任归纳总结了汉语六种主语:1名词性主语2动词性主语,如“走行,不走也行。”3表示时间处所和条件的词语。4介词引出动作者做主语,如“由主席召集会议。”5别的介词短语。6主谓主语。这六种主语只有第一种与英语主语相同或相似。英语中常常只有名词或主格人称代词才能做主语。汉语里则几乎什么词都能直接做主语。,1. 主语必须符合英语的语言习惯和英美等国的文化习俗,(1)热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contracts.,(2)希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。 It is hoped/anticipated that Shanghai will establish friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future.(3)我知道你要说服他放弃那个计划是很困难的。I know it is difficult for you to persuade him out of the plan.,2. 主语必须符合英美等西方人的思维方式,(4)她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man. 当然上句亦可译为:She has never thought that he is a dishonest man。但两相比较,前一种译文强调“他是个不诚实的人”是客观事实,字里行间显露出她对这事感到惊异,后一种译文更强调主观印象。,(5)众所周知,中国在1980年成功地发射了第一颗洲际导弹。As is known to all, 1980 saw the successful launching of Chinas first intercontinental guided missile. 。 按照西方人的思维模式和英语表达习惯,英语还可以用地点等名词来做主语。通常以时间、地点等名词做主语的句子,常用see, witness, find等动词做谓语。因此,在英译这类汉语句子时,常可采用这种句式。再如: (a)这个运动首先在北京兴起。Beijing first saw the rise of the movement. (b) 在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。Nanjing witnessed many great historic events.,(6)下倾盆大雨了。It is raining cats and dogs. 我国著名语言学家王力先生曾经说过:“就句子的结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。”,(7)自1983年以来,已经建立了一百多个这样的组织。 There have been established more than one hundred organizations of this kind since 1983. “There动词主语”的结构是英语的一个特殊句式,它往往可以用于翻译汉语中的“有”字句和无主句。,3. 主语必须是句中应该突出的部分,(8)到去年年底,我部已同有关省市签订了100余艘小船舶的建造合同和协议。By the end of last year, contracts and agreements were signed with some provinces and cities for the construction of more than 100 medium-and-small-sized vessels.(9) 我给你打国际长途就跟给楼下的李姐打电话差不多,一拨就通。An international phone call to you is as easy as a call to Sister Li downstairs.,4. 主语必须符合句中的逻辑关系,(10)我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。We have won one victory after another for our cause.Our cause has won victories one after another.A series of victories have been won for our cause.(11)我们武汉还在吸引外资企业进行老企业改造、房地产开发等方面制定了一系列优惠政策。We have also formulated a series of preferential policies to absorb foreign capitals in such fields as technical renovation of old enterprises, and real estate development.,5. 主语必须符合上下文行文的需要,篇章是一些意义相关的句子通过一定的承接手段合乎逻辑地组织起来的语义整体。 汉语篇章中的主语主要是通过原词复现、照应和省略的方式起着衔接篇章的作用。而英语的主语则往往避免重复原词而更多地使用照应和替代地方式来衔接上下文。,(A)原文以原词复现的手段承接上下文时,译文可采用照应和替代的办法承接上下文。,(12)中国妇女今天的社会地位和平等权利来之不易。妇女所遭受的深重压迫和苦难,不但远远超过了男子,就是世界其他国家也不多见。1949年,新中国成立,占全世界妇女四分之一的中国妇女终于获得了历史性的解放。在婚姻家庭领域,妇女已获得了婚姻自主权、独立的姓名权,与男子一样获得了家庭财产的所有权和继承权等等权利。,(12)中国妇女今天的社会地位和平等权利来之不易。妇女所遭受的深重压迫和苦难,不但远远超过了男子,就是世界其他国家也不多见。1949年,新中国成立,占全世界妇女四分之一的中国妇女终于获得了历史性的解放。在婚姻家庭领域,妇女已获得了婚姻自主权、独立的姓名权,与男子一样获得了家庭财产的所有权和继承权等等权利。Women did not gain their rights easily:the worst oppression of all was that on Chinese women, who were made to suffer far more than menwho faced treatment, in fact, even harsher than in other parts of the world. and when the Peoples Republic of China came into being in 1949, they finally won their freedom. The immediate benefits of this could be seen in marriage and the home, as women gained the right to marry whom they wished and the right to keep their own names after their wedding. They also got to exercise various rights, up to that point enjoyed only by men, such as those dealing with property and family inheritance.,(B)原文以照应的手段承接上下文时,译文亦应采用照应的手段承接上下文。,(13) 年前,在上海展览馆,看了一场奇特的服装表演,“模特儿”们都已人到中年甚至老年,从42岁直至74岁。他们穿了自己设计裁剪的衣服,随着音乐走在长长的红色地毯上,操着没有训练的朴素的步子,面带羞怯而勇敢的微笑。他们逐渐地镇定下来,有了自信。他们的脚步渐渐合拍,注意到了观众。Previous to the Chinese New Year, at the Shanghai Exhibition Hall I saw a unique fashion show. The “models” were all of middle age and even old age, ranging from 42 years to 74. They wore clothes of their own designing and making, walking on a red carpet, with the accompaniment of music, stepping naturally without training, beaming shyly and yet courageously. They gradually calmed down, restored self-confidence, and began to step in harmony with one another, and became conscious of the audience.,(C)原文以省略的手段粘连篇章结构时,译文可采用照应和替代的办法承接上下文。,(15) 八达岭这一段是1957年修复的,是长城的典型建筑,平均高7.8米,底部宽6.6米,顶部宽5.8米。The section at Badaling was restored in 1957, and it is typical in its structure. It is 7.8 meters high on average, 6.6 meters wide at the bottom, and 5.8 meters wide at the top.,翻译下列句子,1真是太荒唐了。2热得我满头大汗。3你竟然喜欢他,真是有趣。4完成这项工作我们花了五年的时间。5大家指望那位老教授会来参加我们的晚会。6就只剩下28美元了。7我一见到那孤儿,总会想起他的父母。8四月一日,会议召开了。,选择恰当的主语完成下面的翻译,每空一词:,1星期天早晨他的身体状况仍未好转。 found him still unwell.2.我们期望在不久的将来中国人能受到更好的教育。 that the Chinese people will get a better education in the near future.3巨大的高炉、平炉群,每天都炼出数以万吨计的钢和铁。 Every day, and are turned out here from the huge furnaces.4以前人们认为原子是最小的元素,现在才知道原子还可以分为原子核与电子、中子与质子。 used to be the smallest elements. Now, that atoms can be further divided into nuclei and electrons, neutrons and protons.,5如果我们抓住并利用这些机会,武汉的工业将会有灿烂的明天。 If we seize and make full use of the opportunities today, will have a splendid tomorrow.6现代工业需要大量蒸汽。 are required by modern industry.7一位年轻的工程师设计了这种世界上最快的飞机。 , the fastest in the world, was designed by a young engineer.8人们在十九世纪做了一些用钢筋来加强水泥的实验。 saw experiments to make concrete stronger by reinforcing bars.9.第一架喷气式客机1952年在英国开始飞行。 saw the first jet airliner in 1952.10.附近的孩子免费上这所学校。 is free to children from the neighborhood.,第二节 谓语的选择,汉语的谓语和英语的谓语差别很大。前者的范围非常宽泛, 可以用来充当谓语的成分也多种多样,因而汉语主谓搭配的形式复杂多变。英语的谓语则只能由动词来充当,其形态比较稳定,对于非谓语动词,英语赋予它们以非常严谨的非定式形态。,具体说来,汉语谓语与英语谓语的差别表现在以下几个方面:A.汉语的谓语无人称和数的变化;而英语的谓语有人称和数的变化,其单、复数和人称要依据主语来定。 1)我来自上海。 2)你来自北京。 3)他来自深圳。,B.汉语谓语动词本身显现不出时间的先后,其时间的先后往往是以添加表示不同时间概念的词或者以动词排列的先后顺序表示出来的。但英语的谓语动词本身有时态、语态、语气的变化,谓语动词动作所发生的时间概念除添加表示时间的状语外,往往要通过谓语动词时态的变化来表现。 4)本公司全体同仁竭诚为各界服务。 our corporation whole-heatedly serve various circles. 5)该机是市场紧俏产品,既是音响有时精美的高档家具。 This product well since it entered the market, not only as an exquisite sounder, but also as a piece of high-grade furniture.,C.汉语中的名词、形容词、数词和介词短语均可以直接作谓语;而英语往往要以连系动词作为桥梁将这些词类连接起来,否则就无法成句。 6)她今年十八了。 She is eighteen this year. 7)鲁迅,浙江人。 Lu Xun was from Zhejiang. 8)北京的秋天最美。 Autumn is the most beautiful season in Beijing. 9)我爸爸今天不在家。 My father is not at home today.,D.汉语句子中的谓语可以是一个主谓词组,而英语的句子是不可以用主谓词组充当谓语的。在将以主谓词组作谓语的汉语句子译成英语时,往往要变换句式。 10) 他们正在谈论的那位女教师品格正直。The woman teacher they are now talking about is upright. 11) 武汉这个地方,我认为比深圳好。I think Wuhan is better than Shenzhen.,E.汉语和英语的句子有五种常见的句型,其主要成分的顺序是一致的。英语基本句型: a.主语+谓语(连系动词+表语) b.主语+谓语(不及物动词) c.主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 d.主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 e.主语+谓语+间宾+直宾 在将汉语句子译成英语时,若主要成分的顺序一致,则可套用对应的英语句型,所选择的谓语也大致可以与原文对应。,汉语中的两种特殊句式:连动式和兼语式 连动式:由两个或两个以上的动词或动词性词组所构成的连动词组充当谓语的句子。例: 暑假里他乘火车到西安去参观。 兼语式:由兼语词组作谓语的句子。兼语词组由一个动宾词组和一个主谓词组套在一起组成,动宾词组在前,主谓词组在后,动宾词组的宾语兼作主谓词组的主语,形成“动词+兼语+兼语的陈述部分”结构。例如: 他叫我投寄这封信。She went to Xian for a visit by train during the summer vacation. He asked me to post this letter.,1、所选择的谓语应在人称和数上与主语保持一致,1.乡镇企业的繁荣是我国农村改革的必然产物。The prosperity of township enterprises the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural areas.2.王教授精通好几门外语,他有资格在那种场合担任译员。Professor Wang, who a good command of several foreign languages, qualified to be an interpreter on that occasion.As Professor Wang a good command of several foreign languages, he qualified to be an interpreter on that occasion.,2、所选择的谓语必须保持时态与原文语义相吻合,3.他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。His absent-minded during the experiment nearly an explosion of the chemical.4.他过去的那副尊容,只要你见过一次,无论什么时候你都不会忘记。He a face that once you saw never forgotten.,3、所选择的谓语必须与主语在逻辑上搭配得当,1.实事求是地说,解决中国人的吃饭问题,困难不少,但潜力很大,前景广阔。Truly speaking, China has had great difficulties in solving her problem with food provision. But she also has great potential and prospects for having her people well fed.2.应该特别强调的是,科技兴农在中国发展粮食生产方面存在着巨大的潜力。It should be stressed that the application of science and technology to agriculture points to huge potential in the development of agriculture in China.3.这次旅游可选择的地方有北京、上海或西安。This tour will Beijing, Shanghai and Xian.4.这一证书课程分在三年中学完。This certificate course of studies will over three years.,4、所选择的谓语必须与宾语在逻辑上搭配得当,1.从这次讲座中,我们学到了许多美国历史方面的知识。We much knowledge of American history from the lecture.2.谁来养活中国的问题,实际情况究竟怎样呢?看粮食,要看中国的农业;看农业,首先要看市场。Then what are the facts about who is going to provide food for China? To know the food provision in China we have to take a full view of her agriculture, for which we should first look at her market.,5、原文若是形容词短语、名词短语、数量词或介词短语作谓语,译文常常采用系表结构,1.你们一定知道,这种打字机轻便高效,经久耐用有经济实惠,适合高中学生使用。You are well aware that this type of typewriter is portable and durable, economical and practical for high school students.2.金杯牌气床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式繁多,舒适大方,携带方便。The “Golden Cup” brand of air-filled bed cushions are made in advanced technology. With novel structure, beautiful shape and various patterns, they are comfortable and convenient to carry.,6、原文若有几个动词同时出现(即汉语的连动式或兼语式),译文可以选择一个主要动词作谓语,其它动词用其它形式(如非谓语动词、介词短语等),1.第二天早晨,她腋下夹着几本书回来了。Next morning, she came back home with some books under her arm.2.市政府采取各种措施招商。The municipal government takes many measures to invite investment.3.招商代表团吸引了许多东南亚客商来新加坡洽谈业务。The delegation of inviting investment has attracted many businessmen from South-east Asia to Singapore to hold talks on different projects.,7、原文若为有形式标志的被动式,译文中亦用被动式作谓语,有形式标志的被动句是指在句子中有下列词汇表示的句子: 被;受;挨;遭;奉;叫;让;给;加以;予以;为所;被所;是的;系的;在中。1.鼎湖山整个地区为热带、亚热带森林所覆盖,气候独特。Dinghu Mountain is covered by tropical as well as subtropical forest and has unique climate.2.一切科技成就是建立在理性思维的基础上的,没有理性思维就不可能有科学。All scientific and technological achievements are based on rational thinking, without which there would have been no science.,8、原文若为无形式标志的被动式,译文中通常亦选择被动式作谓语,无形式标志的被动句是指汉语中那些以“受事主语+谓语”的句子,其形式是主动的,但意义是被动的。1.订单及订费可寄给当地代理中国出版物的书商或径直寄给中国国际图书贸易总公司。Orders plus payment can be sent to a local dealer of Chinese publications or directly to China International Book Trading Corporation 2.又一座立交桥将于年底通车。Another flyover will be opened to traffic by the end of this year.,9、若不知道原文谓语动作的发出者是谁,或原文的主语为“人们”、“大家”等,或句中含有“据说”、“据传”、“据悉”等字眼,译文的谓语常用被动式,1.家家房顶上都装了供沐浴用的太阳能热水器。A solar heater is installed on the roof of every house, providing warm water for the shower.2.据说,核电站正在筹建中。Nuclear power plants are said to be under preparation for construction.3.在记者招待会上,人们问了他许多问题。He was asked a lot of questions at the press conference.,10、若要突出宾语,则往往将宾语置于主语的位置上,动词采用被动句式,1.利用煤和石油可以制成各种各样有用的东西。All sorts of useful things can be produced from coal and oil.2.我们知道,发电站每天都大量地产生电能。As we all know, electrical energy is produced in power stations in large amounts every day.,汉译英,1东湖里的鱼很多。2魏华要我陪她一起到书店里去。3她公然反对她父母想她嫁给那个男人的意愿。4我岁数大了,他们不让我继续干活。5对这种病例,我过去从未有过这种看法。6我们给他送了一部他最近访问中国的彩色纪录片。7我们应该尽我们最大的努力防止这类事故再次发生。8禁止游客在公共汽车上吸烟。9我给他写了一封信,建议他把文章寄给人民日报社。,第三节 语序的调整,语序指句子成分的排列次序,它体现了词语之间的关系,反应语言使用者的逻辑思维和心理结构模式。英语和汉语在基本语序上是大同小异的。“同”的是主语、谓语和宾语的位置,“异”的是状语和定语的位置。汉译英时,必须考虑到英语读者的思维习惯,适当地将译文的语序进行调整。 1定语的位置 2状语的位置 3一系列表示时间或地点的词在一起时的先后顺序 4 叙事和表态的先后顺序,定语的调整,汉语中定语通常放在名词之前。 英语中,单词作定语时一般放在名词之前。但词组或从句作定语时则要放在名词之后。 1)新器件应满足所要求的条件。The new device should satisfy the required conditions.,在英语中,若作定语的形容词修饰由some, any, every, no等构成的不定代词,形容词常常后置。 2)我有重要的事情要告诉你。 I have something important to tell you.,在英语中,某些以结尾的形容词用作定语时,一般要后置,尤其是当被修饰的名词之前有形容词最高级或every, the only等修饰语时更是如此。 3)我们已经试过各种可能的办法了。 We have tried every way possible. 4)唯一可以利用的材料是铝。 The only material available is aluminium.,汉语中往往把较大的地点作定语,放在较小的地点名词之前。英语中则把较小的地点名词置于较大的地点名词之前,且两者之间用逗号隔开。 5)世界上最大的都市有日本的东京,美国的纽约,英国的伦敦和中国的上海。 The largest cities of the world are Tokyo, Japan; New York, USA; London, England; and Shanghai, PRC.,汉语词组作定语时, 通常放在被修饰的名词之前,而英译时该修饰语则放在名词之后。 6)在太空中有各种各样肉眼看不见的波。 There are various kinds of waves invisible to the naked eye in the aerospace. 7)日本和我们是一衣带水的邻邦。 Japan is our neighbor separated only by a narrow strip of water.,汉语中,越是能说明事物本质的定语越要放在前面,说明规模大小或力量强弱的定语要放在后面。英语则相反,越能说明事物本质的定语越要靠近它所修饰的名词。 8)我们要把祖国建设成社会主义的 现代化 强 国。 We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country. 9)他是一位中国 现代 优秀 作家。 He is an outstanding contemporary Chinese writer.,1 2 3,2 3,1,1 2 3,3 2 1,状语的调整,1)复杂的计算我们可以用计算机进行,因为它能迅速地求出准确的答案。 In complicated calculations we can use a computer, because it quickly gives us an exact solution.2) 他们刚刚作了一项物理实验。 They have just made an experiment in physics.3)尽管如此,我们对这件事情仍然不能掉以轻心。 Nevertheless, we should not treat the matter lightly.,一系列表示时间、地点、方式的状语先后顺序的调整,1)他家住浙江 杭州 西湖路 195号。 He lives at 195 West Lake Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang.2)敬启者:您所订的中国日报将于1996年 5月26日 满期。 Dear Sir, Your subscription to China Daily expires on May 26, 1996.3)他每天早晨 在教室里 认真地 学习。 He studies hard in the classroom every morning,叙事和表态的先后顺序,在汉语中,句子的叙事部分通常在前面,表态部分在后面,而且叙事部分可以很长,表态部分一般都很短。在英语中则往往相反,表态在前,叙事在后。 1)如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。 It would be appreciated if samples and /or brochure could be soon forwarded to us.2)驾车经过这一地区 真是太危险了。 It is dangerous to drive through this area!,叙事部分,表态部分,叙事部分,表态部分,表态部分,表态部分,叙事部分,叙事部分,1第二次世界大战是一九四五年八月十五日结束的。The Second World War ended on August 15th,1945. 或 World War came to end on August 15th,1945.2听了他的讲述,所有在场的人都很受感动。Everyone present was moved by her story.3我们面临的这场严重危机很快就会过去的。It wont be long before we get over the serious crisis confronting us.4他刚被采纳的两项合理建议成了报纸头版头条新闻,在全国引起了巨大反响。His two rational proposals that have just been adopted have hit the headlines in the press and evoked nationwide repercussions.5他们之所以先知先觉,是因为他们知识渊博,同时还认识到自己的不足。They can be men of foresight in that they have much knowledge and recognize that they need more.6我禁不住流下了热泪。幸亏月光下的夜色,没让人看到我的脆弱。 I felt tears streaming from my eyes. Thanks to the dimness of the evening under the moonlight , I had been able to conceal my frailty.,第四节 句内关系的分析与再现,句内关系是句子言内意义的体现。汉语复句类型繁多,句内关系比较复杂。,A 并列复句,B 主从复句,并列关系,连贯关系,递进关系,选择关系,转折关系,假设关系,条件关系,因果关系,目的关系,汉语复句英译时,有两种译法,一是译成简单句,因为英语中可以用非谓语或介词短语来表示从属关系;二是译成复句,用从属连词或各种从句的形式来处理。,1 并列关系,并列、对照、解说都属于并列关系。 并列关系:“也也”,“又又”,“既不也不”之类的关联词,也可以不用关联词。 对照关系:常用“不是而是”之类的词语表示肯定、否定两个方面的对照。也可以通过反义词语的运用形成对照,比如:双桥好走,独木难行。 解说关系:“这就是说”、“换句话说”之类的关联性插说成分。也可不用关联词。,1) 我帮助他,他也帮助我 。 I help him and he helps me.2) 早期的电影是无声的,你既听不到演员的对话,也听不到动作所发出的响声。The early films were silent, you could neither hear the dialogues between characters, nor the sounds and noises made by actions. The early films were silent; you could not hear the dialogues between characters, nor could you hear the sounds and noises made by actions.,3)这两种文明产生于不同地区,它们的发展并行不悖,互不影响。 These two civilizations, which were created in different areas, developed in parallel and without interinfluence.4) 不是他没有讲清楚,就是我没有听明白。 Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not here well.,2 连贯关系,连贯关系指各分句之间在意思上相连贯,在概念或动作上指一个接着一个。常用的关联词语有“接着”、“然后”、“于是”、“就”、“一就”。5) 计算机刚一启动,就发现有病毒。 Hardly had the computer started working when viruses were found.6) 杨小姐郑重地递给我一张名片表示希望和我交个朋友,于是便开始和我低声交谈。 Miss Yang, who had presented a name card to me in hopes of making friends with me, began to converse with me in a gentle voice.,3 递进关系,递进关系常用的关联词“不但而且”、“不只是还”、“不仅而且”,“还”,“并且”。7) 新建的住宅小区不仅有商业网点、供电供水、垃圾转运等齐全的设备,还有学校、幼儿园、派出所和医疗站。 In the new residential area there are not only commercial networks, water, gas, electricity supply systems, and garbage removing service, but also schools, kindergartens, police statio