shame的用法总结大全 shame有羞愧,羞辱,可耻的人,羞愧感的意思。那你们想知道shame的用法吗?今天给大家带来了shame的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。shame的用法总结大全shame的意思n. 羞愧,羞辱,可耻的人,羞愧感vt. 使蒙羞,玷辱,使感到羞愧,使相形见绌变形:过去式: shamed; 现在分词:shaming; 过去分词:shamed;shame用法shame可以用作名词shame的基本意思是“羞愧,羞耻”,多指由私通、私生、血统低下、与罪犯有牵连、犯罪等原因带来的耻辱或坏名声,是不可数名词。表示“可耻的人、事或物”“遗憾的事,可惜”时,是单数名词,常跟不定冠词a连用。shame表示“羞愧感,羞耻之心”时,一般用于疑问句或否定句中。shame的基本意思一是“使蒙受羞耻”,二是“使感到羞愧”,引申为“使相形见绌”,是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。shame用作名词的用法例句He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty.他毫无羞耻之心,而且从不觉得内疚。He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on to shame.他冒着生命危险救了那个孩子,使所有旁观者都相形见绌。Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。shame可以用作动词shame的基本意思一是“使蒙受羞耻”,二是“使感到羞愧”,引申为“使相形见绌”,是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。当以动词不定式或that从句作主语时, shame常用于it作形式主语的结构中。shame用作动词的用法例句He was shamed by how much more work the others had done.别人做得多得多,他感到很难为情。Her careful work put all the rest to shame.她的细致工作使得其余所有的人都自愧不如。Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。shame用法例句1、I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大。赎罪2、Youve no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame.你没有理由自责,也没有理由感到惭愧。3、Her father and her brothers would die of shame.她父亲和她的兄弟们会羞愧死。深感羞愧:shame一词该怎么用Thats all right Solomon.No shame in it. No shame at all.Hamilton, we have to hurry.Bought too many libation.12 Years a Slave这很对所罗门。没有耻辱。 一点也不羞愧。汉密尔顿,我们必须赶紧。为奴十二载一、你知道shame有几种含义吗?n.1.羞愧,羞耻He had expressed shame for a past transaction of his life.他对过去那件事表示了羞愧。2.羞愧感She had no sense of shame and never felt guilty.他毫无羞耻之心,而且从不觉得内疚。3.憾事,带来耻辱的人,可耻的人What a shame that it rained today.今天下雨了,真可惜。v.1.使蒙羞,玷辱 TShe shamed him into making amends.她迫使他蒙羞作了道歉。2.使羞愧,使丢脸 THe was shamed by how much more work the others had done.别人做得多得多,他感到很难为情。3.使相形见绌 THer academic achievements shamed her brothers.她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。二、词义辨析:还有哪些词含有“耻辱”的含义呢?disgrace, humiliate, shame, dishonour这些动词均含“使丢脸、使受耻辱”之意。disgrace侧重在别人,尤其在众人面前丢脸。humiliate强调受辱者自尊心的损坏。shame指由不光彩或不道德的行为引起的惭愧感或羞耻感。dishonour有时可与disgrace换用,但前者是指因失去荣誉所致。三,你学会shame的用法了吗?一起来检测一下自己吧!There is no _ in gaining knowledge from mistakes for you, or your boss.从错误中获得知识并不羞耻无论是对你还是你的老板来说。人民日报罕发英文"What a shame for Hong Kong"对高考英语的启示人民日报很少发英文,这篇海报上的英文很惹眼,我今天就跟大家聊聊这句英文对于高考有什么启示吧:What a shame for Hong Kong这句话怎么翻译?很多人可能翻译为“香港的耻辱”,但很多人不清楚,shame 除了表示“耻辱”,还可以表示另外一层含义,先卖个关子。今天我们就一边学习 shame 的用法,一边体会人民日报在措辞上的高明之处。先看一下牛津词典上 shame 的定义shame的第一层含义是“羞耻”、“耻辱”之意。shame: the feelings of sadness, embarrassment and guilt that you have when you know that something you have done is wrong or stupidshame 是当你意识到你的所作所为是错误或愚蠢的时候,你内心中产生的悲伤、尴尬、愧疚感。比如:1. His face burned with shame他的脸因羞愧而发烫。2. She hung her head in shame.她羞愧地低下了头。敲黑板:当 shame 表示“羞耻、耻辱”的时候,是不可数名词。再来看这一层含义:used to say that something is a cause for feeling sad or disappointed一件让人感到悲伤、失望的事情此时的 shame 不能翻译为“耻辱”,而是“可惜”。这种用法下,shame 要和冠词 a 连用,而且经常用在 what a shame 和 It is a shame的句型之中,比如:1. What a shame they couldnt come.他们不能来,太可惜了。2. It?s a shame about Tim, isn?t it?Tim 太可惜了,你说是不是?3. It?s a shame that she wasnt here to see it.真可惜她不能在这儿亲眼看看。敲黑板:a shame 表示“一件令人感到惋惜的事情”,同义词为 a pity。所以我们可以简单得出这个结论:不可数名词的 shame 表示“耻辱”、“羞耻感”;而和 a 连用的单数形式的 shame,即“a shame”表示“一件令人惋惜的事情”。我们再用其它词典印证一下“a shame”的用法:1.柯林斯词典If you say that something is a shame, you are expressing your regret about it and indicating that you wish it had happened differently.当你说某件事情是 a shame 的时候,你正在表达你的遗憾,并暗示你希望事情不这样发生。2.朗文词典used when you wish a situation was different, and you feel sad or disappointed当你希望情况不是这样,并且对现实情况感到伤心和失望时使用。3.剑桥词典If something is described as a shame, it is disappointing or not satisfactory.如果某一件事情被描述为“a shame”,意味着这件事情令人失望和不满。所以,再次敲黑板:what a shame 意思是“太可惜了”,而不是“太可耻了”。之所以很多人会把 what a shame 理解为“太可耻了”,可能跟英文中另一个短语搞混了,那个短语叫“shame on you”。“shame on you”里的 shame 是不可数名词,表示“耻辱”,shame on you 翻得好听点是“你太可耻了”,翻得难听点是“你真不要脸”。我们可以对香港.徒说声:shame on you!再回到人民日报海报上的英文:因为这句英文的对象是整个“Hong Kong(香港)”,而不是“Hong Kong rioter(香港.徒)”,所以用 What a shame(真可惜!)来表达惋惜之情是最合适的。如果把对象改成“Hong Kong rioters”(香港.徒),那么句子就要写成 Shame on Hong Kong rioters 了(香港.徒,你们太可耻了)。What a shame 表达一种惋惜之情,而 Shame on sb. 表达一种愤怒之情。shame的用法总结大全