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    彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Marketing,Strategy,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Strategy,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations.,Strategy Definition,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Organisation,Environment,Capability,Purpose,Content,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,can be defined as the resources and competences of an organisation neededfor it to survive and prosper (成功).,Strategic Capability,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,A distillation of the findings of the internal and external audits which draws attention to the critical organisational strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats facing the company.,SWOT Analysis,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Strength,PositionTechnology/ProductManagement teamNetwork,Opportunity,Weakness,Threats,Economics Climate/GeographyDemographyTechnology,PositionTechnology/ProductManagement teamNetwork,Change : PoliticsPressure: marketSuppliersCompetition.,SWOT Analysis,Internal,External,+,-,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Case Study,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Strength,Strong brand ValueHigh service standardFinanceCost and quality controlCustomer generation(孩子),Opportunity,Weakness,Threats,Chinese market sizeFast foodTaste,Food safetyLocalization (口味)Product customize,Fast Food Competitors (模式,口味)Market structure (餐饮行业)Health,McDonalds,Internal,External,+,-,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,电商公司swot 分析天猫, 苏宁,京东,Amazon,Case Study,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,is concerned with an organisations overall purpose and scope,how to compete successfully in a market,how resources, processes and people can effectively deliver corporate- and business-level strategies.,Corporate Level,Business Level,Operational Level,Strategic Choices,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Business Portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.,Business Portfolio,A strategic business unit (SBU) is a unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives, and which can be planned independently from other company businesses. An SBU can be a company division, a product line within a division, or sometimes a single product or brand.,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Corporate- Ansoff Matrix,Related: Concentric/Vertical Unrelated:Horizontal,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Diversification,Entertainment,MediaTelecom,HealthLifestyle,Travel,Financial Service,Food & Drink,Transport,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Corporate-BCG Matrix,市场占有率,市场增长率,Cash Cow,?,Dog,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,某一酒类经销公司经营A、B 、C 、D 、E、F、G7个品牌的酒品,公司可用资金50万。经对前半年的市场销售统计分析,发现:1.A、B品牌业务量为总业务量的70%,两个品牌的利润占到总利润的75%,在本地市场占主导地位。但这两个品牌是经营了几年的老品牌,从去年开始市场销售增长率已成下降趋势,前半年甚至只能维持原来业务量;2.C、D、E三个品牌是新开辟的新品牌。其中C、D两个品牌前半年表现抢眼,C品牌销售增长了20%,D品牌增长了18%,且在本区域内尚是独家经营。E品牌是高档产品,利润率高,销售增长也超过了10%,但在本地竞争激烈,该品牌其它两家主要竞争对手所占市场比率达到70%,而公司只占到10%左右;3.F、G两个品牌市场销售下降严重,有被C、D 品牌替代的趋势,且在竞争中处于下风,并出现了滞销和亏损现象。,Practice,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Corporate-GE/McKinsey Matrix,SBU Strength 经营实力High Medium Low,High Medium Low Industry Attractiveness行业吸引力,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Industry Attractiveness,Market growth rateMarket SizeDemand VariabilityIndustry ProfitabilityGlobal OpportunityMacro environmental Factors,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Market share Growth of market share Brand equity Distribution channel access Production capacity Profit margins relatives to competitors,Business Unit Strength,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,is concerned with an organisations overall purpose and scope,how to compete successfully in a market,how resources, processes and people can effectively deliver corporate- and business-level strategies.,Corporate Level,Business Level,Operational Level,Strategic Choices,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Business Level Generic Strategy,Michael Eugene Porterborn May 23, 1947 the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at The Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, based at the Harvard Business School,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Business Level Generic Strategy,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Competitor Buyer Supplier (market share) New comer Replacement,Advantage,Risk,Improvement Easy to copy Customer Satisfaction Sensitive for economic environment,Cost Leadership,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Leader,Challenger,Follower,Niche,Strategy Market Dominance,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,0,50,100,150,In this scheme, firms are classified based on their market share or dominance of an industry.,Definition,200,Strategy Market Dominance,高露洁 30.4%,黑人 18%,佳洁士 16%,云南白药 12%,中华 9%,竹盐 6%,舒适达 5%,其他 3.6%,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,is concerned with an organisations overall purpose and scope,how to compete successfully in a market,how resources, processes and people can effectively deliver corporate- and business-level strategies.,Corporate Level,Business Level,Operational Level,Strategic Choices,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Operational Strategy,Four basic strategies,Process focusRepetitive focusProduct focusMass customization,Within these basic strategies there are many ways they may be implemented,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,Mass customization provides a competitive advantage,Sell custom-built PCs directly to consumerLean production processes and good product design allow responsivenessIntegrate the Web into every aspect of its businessFocus research on software designed to make installation and configuration of its PCs fast and simple,Case Study DELL Computer,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,作业:亿滋中国 饼干品牌BCG Matrix分析根据各品牌的市场占有率,增长率 用BCG matrix 定位每个品牌简要阐述关键原因及相应发展计划,彭婧 2015-2016 重庆工商大学国际商学院,BCG Matrix Case Study,X,X,X,X,X,


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