雅思写作,Vivi,Tasks for today,An overview of IELTS writingTask 1 入门题型介绍评分标准写作策略如何有效地表达数据句型介绍课堂练习,An overview,Time of the test:Task 1Time: Number of words:Task 2Time: Number of words:,60 minutes,20 minutes,150 words,40 minutes,250 words,Q&A,1.Q:有必要抄题目吗?A:No!2.Q:有必要写文章标题吗?A:No!3.Q:先写task 1还是task 2?A:先写有把握的!如果都没把握,先从task 1入手。4.Q:Task 1和task 2分别写多少字比较合适?A:task 1:160左右 task 2:260左右 越长越好5.Q:句子越长越好吗?A:NO! 正确达意最重要!(参照考官范文)6.Q:拼写错误扣分吗?A:允许偶尔出现的拼写错误,但基本单词不能拼错!7.Q:需要打草稿吗?A:NO! 绝对没时间!8.Q:有卷面分吗?A:没有。但是,卷面整洁美观绝对有用!9.Q:可以隔行写(double spacing)吗?A:No!10.Q:换行时可以把单词拆开写吗?A:最好不要split words.11. Q:用什么格式?“齐头式”(the modern style) 还是“缩入式”(the traditional style)?A:建议用“齐头式”,即“空行不空格”。,Traditional method 缩入式,Modern method 齐头式,Task 1:题型介绍,第一类:数据图表Pie chartLine graph/chart/(diagram)Bar chart/graph/(diagram)Table第二类:示意图Diagram of a process / flowchart (流程图)Diagram of how sth. works (工作原理图)Map,Pie chart,Line graph,Bar chart,Table,Diagram,Diagram,Map,最近的考题,12月8日1 bar chart (动态)12月6日1 line graph(动态)12月1日1 bar chart(静态)11月24日2 maps11月17日1 line graph(动态)11月10日1 table11月3日2 bar charts (动态)10月27日1 table (动态)10月20日2 maps10月13日2 line graphs (动态)10月11日3 pie charts(动态),动态数据的表达,Spice exports from Africa fluctuated wildly over the period.The development of new products fell gradually.There has been a noticeable decrease in research investment.The purchases of tickets dropped significantly last month.On the Internet, the number of sites rose significantly.There was a sudden decrease in the sale of mangos.At the theme park, there were very slight fluctuations in the number of visitors.There was a gradual decline in sugar imports.The quality of food in supermarkets has increased slowly.The number of air travelers fluctuated remarkably.,Rewrite the following sentences, using Adjective + Noun form to replace Verb + Adverb form, or the other way around.ExamplesThe consumption of chocolate fell steadily.There was a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate.,I. 上升、下降、波动,II. 保持稳定,动态数据的表达,The Tea Room,Caf Cool,Internet Express,Wi-fi Cafe,例,静态数据的表达,注意比较级、最高级的用法。,The chart below shows the results of a survey about the most important inventions in the last 300 years.,More females _ males chose the bicycle.The bicycle was more _ than any other invention.The car was _ popular among females than males._ invention among both sexes was the TV._ women than men voted for the mobile phone._ invention among both sexes was the bicycle._ males than females picked the radio.The computer was _ for women than for men.More people selected the bicycle _ any other invention.The TV was _ popular than any other invention. As many females _ males chose the computer.,例,找出比较级。把错误的选项划去。,Task 1 评分标准 vivi,Content task fulfillment (任务完成情况)读懂图表,对数据进行分析,并指出图表的总体趋势和走向。找到特征数据重点描述。Organization coherence and cohesion (连贯与衔接)文章要有逻辑性。通过一定的衔接手段(cohesive devices)来表明上下文的连贯性(coherence)。常用的衔接手段有logical、grammatical和semantic三方面。Language vocabulary and sentence structure(词汇与结构)句子要达意,语法要基本准确。词汇要丰富,句式要有变化。,5分或以下的,语法错误较多,句子不能达意,逻辑混乱。6分左右的,一般没有致命的语法错误,句子基本达意,逻辑基本通畅。7分以上的,用词丰富,句子结构比较复杂,表达准确,逻辑性强。,Task 1 写作策略-语言要求,用词准确,语句通畅,句式丰富,条理清晰。(熟记固定句型,灵活运用。)注意时态和语态。数据图表的时态根据标注的时间段判定过去的时间段,用过去时。未标明的,用一般现在时。如涉及到将来的时间,用将来时。流程图一般用一般现在时和被动语态。,Task 1 写作策略内容要求,既有趋势描述,又有数据支持。误区一:只罗列数据,没有必要的比较和趋势的描述。误区二:只描述趋势,没有具体数据的支持。Example: describe the following graph.,The number increased gradually in the first decade, and continued to rise at a much higher rate until it reached the peak (13000)in 2000. After that there was a sharp decline to 8000 in the following 3 years. Then from 2003 onwards, it went up steeply again.练习:试加入具体数据,Suggested key,The number increased gradually from 1000 to 4000 in the first decade, and continued to rise at a much higher rate until it reached the peak of approximately 11,000 in 2000. After that there was a sharp decline from 11,000 to around 9,000 in the following 3 years. Then from 2003 onwards, it went up steeply again.,Task 1 写作策略结构要求,Introduction (12句)Body (重点)Conclusion (12句),Task 1 开头的写法,用一句话交代清楚三个因素研究对象(what)研究方式(how)时间段(when)充分利用图表的文字部分和题目进行改写。熟记各种图表的表达pie chart, line graph, bar chart, table,diagram, map表示“显示”的动词show, illustrate, compare, give information about, give a breakdown of, describe the trend of, provide interesting data regarding 等表示数据形式的词number/amount/percentage/proportion,如图表中无明确的时间则忽略,例,The graph gives information about the income trends of four cafs over last year.1thechartillustratesaboutthechangesin4cafesofincometrendsoverlastyear. 2Wecouldgainsuchinformationaboutlastyearsincomeoffourcafesinthispictureasbelow 3thegraphgivesinformationaboutthechangingtrendsincafeincomeoverlastyear(fromjantodec),what,when,开头的两种主要句型,show that + 从句show, illustrate, compare, give information about, give a breakdown of, describe the trend of, provide interesting data regarding + 名词短语,Suggested key:,The bar chart provides some interesting data regarding the reasons why adults choose to study. The bar chart shows the percentage of people who decide to study for different reasons. The bar chart compares the amount of money spent on fast foods among different income groups in Britain.The line graph describes the trends of fast food consumption over the period from 1970 to 1990.,1:The table shows the changes in the percentage of households with consumer durables in Britain over the period from 1972 to 1983.This is a table which describes the trends of households with different consumer durables in Britain over the period from 1972 to 1983.2The bar chart compares the amount of leisure time in a typical week by sex and employment status from 1998 to 1999.3The first table shows the changes in the number of visits abroad by UK people for various purposes over the period from 1994 to 1998.4The bar chart illustrates the changes in the number of prisoners in five countries over the period from 1930 to 1980.,Handout 1 Book store:The table shows the number of books sold to different customers in a college bookshop in February, 2000.Handout 1 Weekly earningsThe bar chart shows the changes in the average earnings per week of the UK people of different education levels over the period from 1965 to 1995.The bar chart shows that the average weekly earnings of the UK people were generally on the rise over the period from 1965 to 1995, whatever their education levels were.,Body和conclusion的引语句型,According to the table, As is shown in the table, As can be seen from the table, It is clear/apparent/obvious from the table that From the table, we can see clearly that The figures/data/statistics lead us to the conclusion that 注:以上所有省略号部分都必须用完整的主谓结构的句子。,作业有效地表达数据,倍数分数表达1980年发达国家的平均学校教育年数几乎式发展中国家的四倍。(剑三3)从图中可以看出冬天的用电量是夏天的大约两倍。(剑四2)在老年夫妇中,只有4生活在贫困中,远低于均值。(剑四1)百分比的表达在所有的家庭类型中,单亲家庭和单身无子女家庭的贫困比例最高(分别为21和19)。(剑四1)用在加热房间和加热水上的电量百分比是52,是所有用途中最高的。(剑四2)日本65岁以上的人口比例预计会在2040年急剧增长到27,几乎是1960年的9倍。(剑五1)数据的变化和趋势美国的失业率从1993年3月的7下降到了1998年3月的5。相比之下,日本在这段时间的失业率从2.5上升到了5。从1998年开始,两国的失业率都保持相对稳定。(剑三4)在这20年间,汉堡包和披萨的消耗量上升了(分别为80克到超过500克,40克到接近300克),而鱼和薯条的消耗量从300克逐渐下降到了200克左右。(剑一3),Homework:,翻译写:剑三四套小作文的开头熟记讲义中所有句型,以及课堂练习中的所有句子。背诵本课件中的两篇范文。,