盘点托福口语考试中中国考生3个常见问题及解决办法 托福口语考试可能是中国考生比较不擅长的一个考试科目了。今天给大家带来了盘点托福口语考试中中国考生3个常见问题及解决办法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。盘点托福口语考试中中国考生3个常见问题及解决办法托福口语发音不标准难过印象关对中国考生来说,托福口语中最大的问题可能就是发音不标准了。虽然如今英语教育已经在中国普及,许多人也的确是从小就开始学英语,但更偏向于书面的教学形式却让许多考生的英语仍然处于一种哑巴英语的状态。大家也许词汇量不错,写作文看*都没太大问题,但一旦要开口说英语,千奇百怪的发音在托福考官看来就无异于一场freak show了。大家需要明白,托福口语考试,就好比去参加一场面试,无论你多么有才多么能干,如果穿着邋遢打扮另类,往往很难给人留下良好的第一印象。而托福口语的发音,也同样能起到给人留下第一印象的重要作用。所以,考生在托福口语备考的过程中,进行足够的发音模仿纠正练习以及参照原版教材的跟读训练,都是绝不可少的。不要求大家能说一口地道的英式或美式发音,但至少要保证足够标准,能让老外也听得懂的英语发音,这才是考生考好托福口语的基础所在。满腹经纶说不出来也是白搭托福口语的题目,从话题内容上来说其实并不算难,很多题目考生只需要稍作思考,一般都能想到一些可以说的内容。但能否把想到的内容表达出来,对中国考生来说则又是另一回事了。遇到的许多托福考生学员,都存在这样一个问题,那就是看到题目以后让他们开动脑筋想能说的内容,许多人能在草稿纸上洋洋洒洒地写出一大堆,而且耗时绝对不多。但想要把这些内容组织好快速准确地说出来,却会难倒这些考生。有话说不出是件很痛苦的事情。而想要解决这个问题也没有能够速成的方法,唯有每天坚持开口说话,保证足够的训练量和稳定的练习频率,平时主动思考,遇到想开口的时候就尝试用英语去说,只有把思维模式转换为英语,在思考和组织表达内容的时候就用英语来想,考生才能做到流利顺畅地把自己的想法用英语表达出来。张口就来全无章法错误百出能够顺利说出自己想说的话其实只是基本条件,有不少托福考生可以做到,但说出来的语言质量不过关,托福口语同样无法拿到高分。用比较官方一些的说法就是,口语表达的语言质量太低。这种低质量主要体现在句子基本都是短句,或者是不符合基本语法规则的run-on sentence;用词不恰当,词组搭配不合理或者强行拼凑;语法时态人称等多个细节都存在明显错误等等。也许有人会说,那么挑剔做什么,重要的不是表达的内容么,只要能领会意思不就可以了?其实不然,虽然托福口语的确看重考生的表述内容,但对于基本的口语质量也绝对不是全无要求。少量的细节基础错误可以睁一只眼闭一只眼,但如果多到让考官无法直视,或者总在关键地方出现这些错误,那么考生的口语分数绝对会受到扣分惩罚。因此,提升托福的口语得分,考生对口语表达的语言质量,也需要引起足够的重视才行。托福口语范文:最喜欢的志愿者工作Which volunteer job are you interested in?Tutoring other students; Teaching adults to read; Providing the old with transportation.Which one of the following volunteer work would you prefer doing? Tutoring children, driving senior citizens around or teaching adults to read?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:12月20日托福口语Task1Sample response:As far as Im concerned, Im interested in tutoring other students due to the following reasons.Firstly, I have the experience to teach other students English and Chinese. And I know how to communicate with them by using proper teaching methods. In addition, to be a teacher in the future is my dream job. So it will be a good opportunity for me to improve myself in tutoring skills. And I will accumulate more experience in teaching and getting along with children.托福口语范文二:12月20日托福口语真题Task 1I would choose to drive senior citizens around for the following reasons. Firstly, senior citizens are the group of people that need our help the most. Take my grandfather for example, hes 86 years old and he loves getting out of the house, he especially enjoys going to a caf downtown where he meets with his friends regularly. But sometimes it can be really challenging for him, like last week it was snowing for like 3 days and it was icy on the ground outside, so he couldnt go anywhere, he was so upset that he was stuck at home. But if there were volunteers to drive him to places he wants to go, he wouldnt have had to suffer. Plus, its nice to spend some time with senior citizens. Some young people but find it dull to talk to the elderly, but I always enjoy chatting with them, my grandfather for instance can always bring interesting topics to the table and he always cracks me up.托福口语范文:把寝室钥匙锁屋里后怎么办Task 5题目女生把寝室钥匙锁屋里了进不去,室友的orchestra在排练,因要写社会学作业,而outline在房里。要么不打扰室友,去图书馆准备作业,等室友回去,但有的笔记还在宿舍,不太方便;要么去找室友要钥匙,但排练很重要,怕打扰她不太好。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:The girl locks her key in the dorm and couldnt get in, but she needs to write a paper on sociology, and her outline is left in the dorm. Her roomie is having a rehearsal with the orchestra right now, so she could either go to the library and wait for her roomie, or go find her roomie for the key to unlock the door. Id take the first option, cause its impolite to bump into the rehearsal and interrupt her roomie, which could be embarrassing; it would be much better if she prepares her paper in the library and wait for her roomie there, as she could check up for some reference and info which may be helpful for her research. Even tho she doesnt have her outline at hand, it wont be a big deal, since she could still make the best use of her time in the library, and Im sure that it wont be long before her roomie finishes her rehearsal.盘点托福口语考试中中国考生3个常见问题及解决办法