托福口语为何要冲刺上24分 托福口语为何要冲刺上24分?口语分数分水岭详细讲解,今天给大家带来了托福口语为何要冲刺上24分 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语为何要冲刺上24分?口语分数分水岭详细讲解托福口语24分是口语水平的分水岭首先,托福口语24分,对考生来说就是一道口语水平的分水岭。很多人会奇怪为何是24分而不是23分或者25分,原因很简单,根据托福考试给出的评分标准,在结合多位托福考试资深名师的经验来看,24分基本上就意味着托福口语较高的标准。无论是按照6个TASK算平均分然后对照30分,还是按照3个部分good和fair等评分区间来看,24分都可以看成是一个比较靠谱的划分考生口语真实水平的分界点。而在托福总分相同的情况下,口语24分和口语23分的意义也就完全不同了。托福口语24分是申请名校的起跑线当然,如果只是作为衡量水平的分水岭,也许考生对口语24分的追求还不会这么执着,真正让许多同学托福口语非考上24分不可的因素,在于口语24分许多时候还是美国众多名校的申请起跑线。统计了一下近几年来美国综合排名靠前学校的托福分数要求,在排名靠前TOP50的学校中,但凡对托福口语分数有单独要求的学校,其口语最低分数要求都在24分及以上,换句话说,如果考生想要申请名校,那么托福口语拿到24分才算是有了申请的资格,能够站到申请的起跑线上。否则甚至连申请都是没机会的。这也是许多同学如此追求托福口语24分的主要原因所在。托福口语24分是获得各类留学附加机会的入门标杆而除了直接申请的门槛之外,许多来自名校或者优秀学校的面试机会,甚至是一些夏校体验的机会,也会对考生的托福口语成绩提出一定的要求,而口语24分,可以说是一个相对较为保险的入门标杆。考生如果口语水平不达标成绩达不到要求,也许就会连这些能够增加自身留学申请成功率的机会也得不到,想要拿到好学校的OFFER,当然就更无从谈起了。综上所述,如果大家参加托福考试是为了之后出国留学申请能够进入更好的学校,那么托福口语24分,就会成为考生需要征服的一道难关。明白了这个特殊数字的意义和价值后,大家对于托福口语冲刺上24分的决心,想必也会变得更为坚定了吧。托福口语范文:建议设置电子布告栏题目回忆:学生建议设置电子布告栏,因为很多学生经过,而且校园会更整洁。听力女生不同意,因为不是每个人都会经过那里,比如关于一个show如果只有图书馆张贴信息她就会错过。另外电子布告太慢了,大家还是喜欢看张贴的信息。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:12月20日托福口语真题Task 3The student proposes that the university should have an electric bulletin board due to two reasons. The first reason is that students pass by the bulletin board every day. And the second reason is that the university will look much tidier and much cleaner. In the conversation, the woman disagrees with the proposal. Her first reason is that not everyone passes by the bulletin board every day. She once saw a poster about a show on campus, but if the information was only posted in the library, she wouldnt have been able to know about it. As for the second reason, she mentions that many students will think its too slow to read information posted on the electric bulletin board, posters are much more convenient.托福口语范文:购物观和金钱观Task2Some people would like to borrow money to do a large purchase. Others will save money until they can afford. Which do you think is a better way?If theres something you want to buy, do you prefer saving money yourself to buy it or ask someone to borrow some money to buy it?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:Sample response:For me, I will absolutely choose to do a large purchase when I save enough money. Because firstly, I am the person who likes to make the ends meet by working hard. It makes me feel upset if I overdraw the money or borrow money from others to buy something. In that way , I will live under much pressure, which is a terrible feeling and will influence my quality of life. Besides, borrowing money from friends or relatives will have a bad impact on the relationship between us if I cant return the money in time. Comparing the large purchase with the good interpersonal relationship, I cherish the latter more.托福口语范文二:12月20日托福口语真题Task 2I would definitely save money myself to buy what I want for the following reasons. First of all, I always think things can go a little awkward between friends when theres money involved. Take myself as an example, when I was in college I borrowed some money from my roommate to buy a laptop I really needed. At first I thought we were really good friends so it would be no problem as long as I could pay him back in 3 weeks, but after like 4 days, my roommate wanted me to pay him back because he needed to go on a school trip, of course I couldnt pay him back right away and he got mad at me. Things went pretty awkward since then and I was really embarrassed. So now if theres something I wanna buy, I would definitely save money myself. Plus, most of my friends are students just like me, we still rely on our parents, so it would be irresponsible to borrow money from our friends just to buy something we want, its better to get a part-time job and save some money ourselves.托福口语为何要冲刺上24分