雅思口语高分经验总结分享 口语话题究竟该如何准备的内容,现场表现应该注意哪些点?今天给大家带来雅思口语高分经验,希望可以帮助到大家在雅思口语高分经验总结分享,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。口语攻略丨雅思口语高分经验总结分享首先我们来看,雅思口语part1的话题都很基础,基本是唠家常,比如你的名字,名字谁起的,家住哪?怎么来这儿考试?为啥要出国留学啊?回答内容不要细节,2-3句话即可,短平快。口语part1一方面是放松,一方面是给考官留下一个基本功还不错的好印象,真正发力在后面。雅思口语Part2命题口语,给一个主题和大致思路,自己说2分钟。这部分主要考察的考生的一个综合口语能力,描述话题是否全面、抒情手法,表演功力什么的都不是考察重点,重点是在2分钟内考生如何说,用词及语法没有大错误,信息量够即可。比如话题:独自旅行的经历,就说一次gap year经历,或者离家出走的经历都行。去哪儿,做了什么,感觉如何,主要强调细节。细节考验的是一个人的综合语言使用的能力,也是口语part2的考试意义。进入口语part3,这部分是最难的,考生会和考官有一个对话过程,口语part2的内容进行延伸。比如考官问你旅行的意义是什么?如果你回答:就是一个人寻找自己的过程。太文艺了,没有get到考官的点,不如换成:对我来说旅行的意义是去一个新的地方体验当地文化,但是对于我的家人来说,去旅游就是去吃吃喝喝,和一群人自拍,退休之后去旅行就是弥补当年的遗憾。层次和逻辑都有了。好了我们来看一下雅思口语高分经验具体注意事项吧。雅思口语高分经验:控制语速考生的语速过快,但是无法听清,或者内容中有很多错误,这不能称之为流畅,而仅仅是语速过快。所以,一定要控制自己的语速,这个需要考生长期去训练,按照雅思口语评分标准的流利度来说,口语语速上的快慢要利用停顿、连读。相反的,语速太慢也会对考生有影响,如果是因为想不起内容,可以在停顿的地方自然过度,比如:let me seeI thinkwell.真正的流利是建立在考生对内容的一个全方面的把握,而不是用语速来假装自己很“流利”。雅思口语高分经验:反复纠正要不得很多考生在话题描述过程中喜欢纠正自己的内容,比如语法错误,用词错误,发音错误,不纠正还好,一纠正就被考官发现问题了。而且多次反复纠正很容易让人在听觉上感到不悦,一种卡壳的停顿感,会影响考生的分数。如果考生在对话时发现自己的问题,只要不是大问题,平稳过渡,后面注意即可。如果是卡壳了,想不起来的单词换个单词描述,或者描述出来即可,停顿、纠正都是减分的行为,平时训练的时候就要改正。雅思口语高分经验:逻辑高于一切准备好思路比光准备话题要来的高效,一个话题如何展开才是正常的思路呢,多问自己:who,when,what,where and how,按照这个逻辑或者按照卡片上的提示顺序来描述,而不是东一榔头西一锤子。一般来说,先描述事实,再抒发感情。雅思阅读素材 :Music and the MindMusic is the manifestation of the human spirit, similar to language. Its greatest practitioners have conveyed to mankind things not possible to say in any other language. If we do not want these things to remain dead treasures, we must do our utmost to make the greatest possible number of people understand their idiom. -Zoltn KodlyRecently a number of reports have appeared that attest to the connection between music and academic achievement. In a study of the ability of fourteen year-old science students in seventeen countries, the top three countries were Hungary, the Netherlands, and Japan. All three include music throughout the curriculum from kindergarten through high school. In the 1960s, the Kodly system of music education was instituted in the schools of Hungary as a result of the outstanding academic achievement of children in its "singing schools." Today, there are no third graders who cannot sing on pitch and sing beautifully. In addition, the academic achievement of Hungarian students, especially in math and science, continues to be outstanding. The Netherlands began their music program in 1968, and Japan followed suit by learning from the experience of these other countries.Another report disclosed the fact that the foremost technical designers and engineers in Silicon Valley are almost all practicing musicians.A third report reveals that the schools who produced the highest academic achievement in the United States today are spending 20 to 30% of the day on the arts, with special emphasis on music. Included are St. Augustine Bronx elementary school, which, as it was about to fail in 1984, implemented an intensive music program. Today 90% of the students are reading at or above grade level.Davidson School in Augusta, Georgia (grades 5-12), which began its music and arts program in 1981, is #1 academically in the country. Ashley River Elementary in Charleston, North Carolina is #2 academically, second only to a school for the academically gifted.I personally experienced the relationship between music and scholarship when I was director of the Seattle Creative Activities Center many years ago. At that time, we did not have the research at hand to explain why many children who were taking music and painting classes suddenly began to excel in math at school. Other children began to improve in their language arts skills.Today, the research emerging from the cognitive sciences gives us useful information to explain those connections. As a result of technology which allows us to see the human brain while it is in the process of thinking, we can observe, for example, t hat when people listen to melodies with a variety of pitch and timbre, the right hemisphere of the brain is activated. It also "lights up" when people play music by ear. When, however, people learn to read music, understand key signatures, notation, and other details of scores, and are able to follow the sequence of notes, then the left hemisphere "lights up." Significantly, it is activated in the same area that is involved in analytical and mathematical thinking.雅思双语阅读:一位外国父亲教的人生信条1. Never waste water.永远都不要浪费水。2. Listen to good music, especially jazz.听好音乐,特别是爵士乐。3. Admire people who are not only good at what they do, but who love doing it.尊敬那些不仅擅长做某项事,而且热爱做所做事情的人。4. Respect your roots.尊敬自己的长辈。5. Never waste food.绝对不要浪费食物。6. Your body is a beautiful machine. Eat right and exercise.你的身体是台精美的机器。要保持良好的饮食习惯,常锻炼。7. Never waste money.绝对不要浪费钱。8. Be kind to children and animals.对孩童和动物都要和善。9. Be a good friend.做一个够义气的朋友。10. Never waste anything.不要浪费任何东西。11. When youre watching a nature show on television, dont feel too bad when the lion kills the gazelle because the lion has to eat, too.当你看见电视上的动物世界里狮子吃掉羚羊时,不用感到痛心,因为这就是食物链。12. Theres always something.凡事总有希望。13. Dont scuff your shoes.不要把鞋穿坏。14. Anticipate what could go wrongsomething always goes wrongand try to prevent it from happening. If it happens anyway, learn from it.要对不幸的事情来临有所准备虽然有时事情总会变的很糟,但要在事情变坏前有心理准备。无论发生什么事,都要从中得到教训。15. Act a little cocky.平时表现的要自信些。16. Theres only one way to do things: the right way.凡事总有解决的办法,但要找准正确的方向。17. When youre screwing something in, make sure its on good and tight, but dont overdo it, or youll strip the screw.当你想把什么事情牢牢抓紧时,要把握一个合适的度,否则你就会失去。18. Dont take the little sticker off the peach until youre ready to eat it because the sticker will rip the skin and make it go bad faster.除非你想吃掉桃子,否则不要轻易把它的包装撕掉,因为没有包装它会坏的很快。19. Listen to people. Listen to their stories. Listen deeply. Thats how you learn things.学会聆听。听他们的故事,要认真入神。因为那是你学东西的方式。20. Love your family. Theyre for always.雅思阅读高分技巧: 阅读速度要靠平时的培养首先,先明确一下阅读的几个要点和阅读考试的几个特点。雅思阅读*多为学术性和科学性*,这类*最大特点是客观,内容丰富,而且大多数都与被考试人背景无关,使得考试更加公正。另一方面,*长度较长,3篇*阅读量较大,其中还要思考做题,所以阅读一直时间很紧。另外,3篇*顺序并非按难度划分,每篇*给的题目顺序也非按难度顺序排。因此,切不可由于第一篇*过难而对整个考试失去信心。下面着重讨论一下阅读技巧。有人说雅思阅读需要大量单词量,其实不然,只要掌握常用的2000-3000词就行。我的词汇量就是高中毕业水平,适当扩展了一些,但也绝没达到雅思要求的4000 个。尤其对于应试阅读,其中大量学术性名词是你不可能见过的也不用明白意思的,但是,*中一些重要动词和连词对理解起着举足轻重的作用,因此,适当扩展一些常用动词,连词是必要的,我们可以运用扩散法,看见一个生词,不仅记住它,还记住它的近义反义词,达到事半功倍的效果。第二点是大多数人关心的速度问题,我想这也是我介绍的重点。不谦虚的说,我的阅读和做题能力在同龄人中算快的,阅读考试只要45分钟就能做完,考试时也如此。如何做到呢?首先,拿到一篇陌生*时,先看题,众所周知,题目顺序是根据*顺序来的,这样带着问题看更有针对性,同时节省时间。如果上来就通读,很可能什么也记不住,做题时也得再看一遍。雅思阅读题大致分为三种,概括题,细节题,判断对误题,先说最好做的细节题,我可以保证,细节题的答案全都能在文中找出,而且基本都是照抄,变形式的都很少,这就要求我们找答案要又快又准。怎么做呢?首先要大致看看答案位于*哪个部分。这可通过题目顺序或大致对*的印象判断,然后用浏览的方式找到和题目所给句子完全相同或相近的句子,从中找到所缺的词语或问题的细节,选出答案。多少速度算合适呢?反正要一目10 行,这并不难,只要多练习,是没有问题的。再来说概括题,有人说通过段落第一句和最后一句,甚至靠段落中出现的词汇来选答案,我说,这种方法碰到简单的很有效,一但碰到陷阱,很可能一分都拿不到。我一般用答案筛选法,比如读完第一段。看看给的选项,筛选出合适的,如此反复,更快速的方法是,看看选项里有没有一些专有名词,然后看哪个自然段出现了,在检查是否符合,当然这也有一定冒险性,有时候两个自然段都有,就要看哪个更符合。概括题千万不要吝惜时间,它在雅思阅读比重中占的很大,但掌握后很好拿分,因此要多做练习。雅思口语高分经验总结分享