托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知 今天给大家带来了托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知托福综合写作阅读环节注意事项:阅读不能只看段落首尾句3分钟时间看阅读内容,而阅读内容的篇幅还不短,在这种情况下很多同学会感受到一定的时间压力,也因此会下意识地就把做托福阅读的快速读*技巧给使用出来,也就是大家很熟悉的*各段落只看段落开头和结尾句子的做法。对于托福阅读*来说,这种做法的确能够有效帮助考生提升阅读和理解*的速度。但对于托福综合写作的阅读却并非如此。大家需要明白的是,托福综合写作的阅读内容和之后的听力内容是存在很强的对应关系性的。也就是说阅读*中每一个分论点的论述,都会在听力中被逐一反驳,而反驳的就是这些分论点在具体论证分析过程中存在的逻辑漏洞。而这些具体论述的内容一般不会在各个段落的首尾句子中出现,都是在段落当中展开的。如果大家只盯着各个段落的首尾句看,虽然能很快看完全文,但因为缺乏对其中论述过程中的了解,就会给之后听力中记录反驳观点以及写作中阐述论点矛盾带来很大的不便,省一时之力却后患无穷,实在不是明智之举。正确做法是尽可能提升整体阅读速度,保证在3分钟内较为完整地把整个阅读部分的内容都看一遍,并辅助以笔记记录下论述的细节和重点,为之后的听力和写作提供参考信息。这样才能有效保证对综合写作中阅读部分包含信息较为准确全面的抓取和把握。托福综合写作阅读环节注意事项:阅读1论点3理由不是固定结构做过一些托福综合写作题目的同学可能会注意到,托福综合写作中阅读部分的结构是较为固定的,一般来说都是1个论点+3个理由的构成形式,当然这也符合标准学术性*的结构模式。但大家也不要想当然的认为所有托福综合写作的阅读部分就一定都是这样的结构了。根据讨论话题的不同变化,这种1+3的结构也有可能是1个话题主题+3种不同理论的展开,或是1个事物主体+3个问题缺点的形式。而由于对这些较为少见的结构缺乏足够的认识和了解,考生在突然遇到这类变种1+3的*形式时可能就会因为没有准备而在记录信息和行文展开上出现问题,如果还是按照原来练熟了的写法思路来套用,就会在写作逻辑和用词方面出现一定问题。为了避免这类问题,还是建议大家能够多看多练综合写作,特别是多看这一点,有些综合写作题即使考生来不及或者没有安排练笔环节,也请尽量把其中的阅读*读一下,做一个简单的结构分析。综合写作的阅读内容看得阅读,大家也就能更为熟悉其结构变化,并积累更多的应对经验了。托福综合写作阅读环节注意事项:3分钟看不完之后20分钟里再补?最后一个考生需要在综合写作的阅读环节中注意的细节属于考生在考试策略上的问题。有些考生对于综合写作要在3分钟内读完*这个要求不以为然,因为按照流程,在听完听力开始正式写作时,考生还是能够在屏幕上继续看到一开始给出的阅读*,于是这些同学就觉得3分钟看不完也没关系,之后写*的时候再看一下不就行了,反正还有20分钟的写作时间呢。这种想法可谓大错特错,而一开始没看完阅读*的弊端,会给之后的听力和写作环节都带来不利影响。对于听力环节来说,之前也说了托福综合写作的阅读内容和听力内容有很强的关联性,可以说听力就是为了反驳阅读而存在的。如果大家对阅读部分内容没有完整充分的理解,在听力中原本应该是逐个找反驳内容进行记录就变成了缺乏针对性的盲听盲记。考生不得不记录下所有信息点之后再反过来去验证阅读内容,先不说能否做到记下那么多内容不出现遗漏,记录质量本身也会大打折扣,会给大家造成极大的抓取信息和记录笔记的压力。而对于写作环节,为了弥补之前3分钟阅读的漏洞,考生也需要在20分钟的写作过程中不停地去回顾之前的阅读部分去寻找对应内容,不仅在写作时间上会变得更为紧张,有时候边看阅读边写*,也难免不会出现直接把原文原句给顺手抄上去的情况,而这种抄原文的做法可谓是综合写作的大忌,会造成很严重的扣分。另外,大家不要觉得20分钟写*时间很充裕。参加过模考的同学应该会有这种体会:哪怕20分钟完全用来写*,很多时候也相当捉襟见肘,如果还得分时间给阅读,简直就是在给自己添乱找麻烦,还不如一开始的3分钟就好好用足把*看全看懂。托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:发明新产品的畅想托福写作难点话题一览If you could invent something new, what product would you develop?If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.写作思路展开结构分析这道题目作为IF假设型的题目,给予了考生较大的发挥空间,大家可做出较自由的选择,只要能够列出三个理由,或者要完成的若干个功能即可。比如,治疗某些绝症的药物等等。本话题高分范文赏析The world today is moving at a faster and faster pace. An invention that would be exceptionally useful for the human race would be an intelligent humanoid robot. On a daily basis, millions of people in China perform tasks which are exceedingly tedious, and are a tragic waste of the abilities of these people. Tasks such as house cleaning, street cleaning, some types of farming, some factory work, toll booths and a multitude of other jobs would be performed just as easily by a robot as by a man. In some cases, robots could potentially outperform man because they would not need to rest. They could perform these simple tasks at a rapid speed, and therefore would be a significant advantage in some manual labor jobs. Other tasks that people perform are incredibly dangerous, and often cause life long injuries, or much worse as to kill people. If these types of jobs were performed by machines, there would be far fewer work-related injuries and deaths. A prime example is deep sea welding on oil platforms. Every year there are many deaths of workers who hold this dangerous position. In addition, because it is such a high-stress job, the workers lives are often shortened because of inability to cope. As machines obviously do not feel emotional stress, they would perform hundreds of times better than men do in these types of situations. Humanoid robots would also more efficiently perform complex jobs such as surgeries and manufacturing high-tech materials. For example, eye surgeries and brain surgeries require a very steady, careful hand, and an intensely varied knowledge of the human anatomy. A robot could be programmed to complete such surgeries flawlessly. Manufacturing high-tech materials is very complex, as it involves many intricate mathematical problems. A robot could be programmed to perform calculations in seconds that would take a man hours or days to perform. Therefore, I think an intelligent humanoid robot would be incredibly beneficial to the human race, although many of the tasks it performs would need to be supervised by a person, and some tasks would be impossible to perform for a robot.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:是否允许孩子做家务?托福写作难点话题一览Should children be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析"as soon as they are able to do so"有些过于绝对。所以不能同意让孩子太早参加家务活动更好写一些。尽管让孩子做家务有很多的好处,但让他们过早参与家务劳动,而不顾孩子的承受能力,可能会导致孩子的逆反心理(antagonistic psychology),反倒达不到教育目的。要先让孩子明白做家务的好处,让他心甘情愿地去做才能达到教育的目的。本话题高分范文赏Helping out with household tasks is the first job that most people usually partake. From an early age, children are encouraged to help around the house, doing little tasks that help out their parents and grandparents. I believe that this is an important feature of society, and should be continued. It is very important for children to learn how to be responsible for their environment. This is a skill that they will take with them throughout their lives, and it should be fostered at an early age. If people are able to keep a clean house or workplace, they will be able to achieve tasks much more easily. For example, if children learn early in life that everything has its place, then this lesson will not only teach them to keep things tidy, but also instruct them on how to stay organized. Another reason why this is important is because it promotes a strong work ethic in children at an early age. If a child is given responsibilities around the house, and it is made sure that the child completes these tasks, the child will learn how important it is to follow through on instructions. Many parents go so far as to punish their children for not doing chores, which I think will ultimately be beneficial for the children. It will help them in all of their later endeavors in life. Finally, encouraging children to do work around the house as soon as they are able to gives them an appreciation of what their parents do for them to keep them safe, clean and warm. Many young children have no idea how difficult it is to keep a house in good condition. It is important that children learn from an early age how much their parents do for them, and learn to respect their parents more based on this. Overall, I agree with putting children to work early in life around the house. Of course, there are limits on this. Children should not become the maids of the household. They should be given enough work to encourage a strong work ethic and an appreciation of their parents, but not so much that they have no time to do anything else.