托福写作备考训练这些做法原来都是错的 托福写作备考训练这些做法原来都是错的?3个正确练笔思路指点?今天给大家带来了托福写作备考训练这些做法原来都是错的,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作备考训练这些做法原来都是错的?3个正确练笔思路指点托福写作备考要多看预测资料?错!说到托福写作的备考就不得不提到预测类资料,许多同学备考作文都比较依赖这类资料,毕竟是曾经在考试中出现过的题目,大家可能会觉得自己在考试里更有可能会遇到,甚至整个练笔的选题范围都围绕着预测里的题目来进行选择,也花了不少心思去找这些题目的范文来参考学习。然而在看来,这种做法是有所偏颇的。托福写作预测中的题库,其价值其实并不如大家想象的那么大。先不说考生会不会在考试中遇到相同或是相似的题目,托福考试的作文题目变化趋势一直是比较大的,几乎每一年都在发生改变,前一年可能还是agree/disagree的题目比较多,后一年就变成了开放式命题占大头的情况。而写作题目也年年会有大量新题出现,考生花费很大心思记熟背好的预测题的写法思路套路模板,发挥不了作用的可能性反而更大一些,这种围绕预测资料来进行练笔准备的写作备考方式并不可靠。当然,预测资料中的题目作为单纯的练习题来说还是值得练笔的,但大家要明确思路,目标是为了练习自己的写作基本功和拓展写法思路,而不是为了特意去记忆某些题目。同时,除了预测类作文资料,还是建议大家再找一些其它类型的作文备考资料和素材来研究学习一下。把写作的基础技能都熟练掌握好,这才是考生获得作文高分的立身之本。托福写作备考要大量背素材?错!托福写作备考另一个错误的学习四楼就是大量背诵记忆作文素材,特别是名人事例之类的素材。大家之所以会背那么多素材,无非是担心自己碰到某些话题想不出应该如何举例论证会无话可写。这种担心当然是没错的,特别是独立写作作为立论文,也的确需要通过举例论证的方式来提升观点的说服力。但具体到需要背多少素材才能满足需求,或是到底要不要花时间大量去背素材,这其中的度大家还是需要把握好的。具体来说,一篇托福独立写作,满打满算大家可能用到的例子也就3-4个,而假如考生花费了太多时间在背素材案例上,投入产出比显然是不划算的。那么,这其中的平衡要如何把握呢?建议大家不妨把托福写作的话题按照类别来简单划分一下,然后根据类别的数量每一类话题都准备3个左右的例子论据即可。而对于这些例子应该如何准备,这其中也是有讲究的,那就是例子要少而精。少自然是指数量不用太多,精则是说例子要有较高的普遍适用性或者说泛用性,要保证这些例子在同一类话题的不同题目中都可以拿来使用。按照这个标准准备好不同分类作文话题的论据素材,比起大量背素材,才是更为节省时间又有针对性的理想做法。托福写作备考要多用难词难句?错!托福写作备考可能在不少同学看来是彰显自己英语水平的机会,因此大家总会忍不住要把自己学到的难词难句塞到*里去秀上一把。而托福写作的评分标准也的确有对词汇和句式也就是language use的考核要求。不过相对于*的论述内容来说,词句方面的要求其实并不算高。在看来,难词难句用的多,其实还不如用的巧。之所以不推荐大家多用难词难句,原因主要有两个。第一个在于这些词句本身的使用难度不低,其实是很有可能用错的,特别是在大家还没有彻底学会其用法的时候,盲目堆砌在*里一旦出现搭配或是语法结构上的错误反而弄巧成拙。第二个原因则是从读者也就是评分老师的角度来谈,对于考官来说,一篇*里加入大量难词复杂句式,其实阅读体验并不算太好,大家不要觉得难词和长难句老外读起来不费力,其实人家也是不怎么待见这类词汇句式的。与其强行使用,还不如减少用量提升用词用句的准确度,保证这些词句用得恰到好处,反而能够给评分老师留下更好更深刻的印象。托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:给朋友的花钱建议托福写作难点话题一览The advice you would give your friend on how to use his or her money.A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either to go on vacation or to buy a car. Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friends two choices and explain which one you think your friend should choose. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.写作思路展开结构分析这个题目的思路可以从长期价值和短期价值去分析。选择去度假旅游属于相对短期的价值,而选择买车则能发挥长期价值。这两种选择本身没有对错之分,无论选择哪种都有较为明显的好处当然也有各自的坏处。大家选择自己能想到比较多理由事例的一点去展开即可。本话题高分范文赏析Receiving money is always an unexpected delight. Making the decision of how to spend this money is always a difficult choice. What it comes down to, however, is the individuals personal preferences, lifestyle, and prioritis. If one of my friends has to choose between buying a car and going on vacation, I would carefully consider their lifestyle and advise them based on their wants and needs. Living in a city can be a very high-paced, stressful way to live. Having a car would bring many conveniences that would make the experience much more enjoyable. First and foremost, a car can get you around the city very quickly and directly. This would be an important factor if my friend goes to school or works far away from home.Second, a car offers privacy. If my friend does not enjoy public places, then a car would be an excellent option. Cars also have their disadvantages. A car has many additional costs beyond the initial expense of buying one. One must pay for insurance, gasoline, and any incidental fees such as repairs. If my friend does not have a lot of extra money besides his/her inheritance, a car may not be the best option. A vacation is also an excellent decision. If my friend works at a high-stress job, then a vacation is sometimes the only way to relax and forget about ones worries in the work world. Vacations to faraway lands can give a person more perspective on the world, and can also provide excellent memories. However, vacations always have to end, and one must return to his/her everyday life.Therefore, I think that if my friend lives far away from his/her work or school and has a little bit of extra money, then a car would be the best option. However, if he/she lives near his/her work and holds a high-stress position, I would suggest that a vacation would be a better option. As mentioned above, how we spend our money is a very personal decision, based on ones own priorities. In the end, only my friend can decide what is best for him/her.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:为何电影广受欢迎?托福写作难点话题一览Why are movies so popular all over the world?Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析这个话题的难度应该比较低,相信即使是不怎么喜欢看电影的同学也能够想出不少可以展开讨论的点。比较容易想到的人们喜欢电影的原因有:电影能够满足人们的幻想/电影能使满足人们的好奇(比如了解其他国家的很多事情)/电影是最经济的娱乐方式之一等等。本话题高分范文赏析One of the most popular pastimes today is movie-going. With what started as moving-picture shows has dramatically developed into an industry that spends millions upon millions of dollars while still turning a gigantic profit.Movies are so popular because they are the most fascinating and easiest escape means from increasing pressure, which comes from family, school, working place, society, and so many other directions. Combined with acoustic and visual effect, movies are definitely more appealing for audiences who have exhausted themselves in the real world than are those printed novels. It must have been much easier to see a movie than to read a novel, since all the audience should do is simply to sit there in a soft chair in the dark about 150 minutes. Captured, involved, the audience in a movie theater will forget everything but the story in action on the screen.Movies have magic power to let people immerse themselves in fiction. The point is that almost everyone long for the power of snapping his/her fingers and seeing his/her wishes and dreams instantly granted. Everyone long for eternity of love, many idealize about it but now in the theater its time to "feel" it. Every move the character makes, every breath the character takes, all seem to happen around, and clearly sensible. On the screen, no entire life needed, movies illustrate all aspects of love we can imagine: all aspects of love, from the mushy warm and fuzzy feelings we feel with our children and companion animals, to platonic love we have with friends and acquaintances, to the romantic soul mate kind of love, to the agape kind of unconditional love, its the full gamut. Dramas are created in order for us to play out different sides of ourselves. In short, movies are so popular because many can escape into the world of fantasy and live vicariously through the characters and in doing so, work out different feelings and emotions that they may not have the opportunity to do in their "normal" lives.