2020托福口语高效备考攻略 托福口语考试不需要跟考官交流,只需要对着电脑回答问题即可,今天给大家带来了托福口语高效备考攻略,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语高效备考攻略丨这5个方面一定要注意托福口语高效备考攻略一 创造语言环境“自言自语法”练习中,可以随心所欲地创造语言环境。可以在任何时候、的任何地方采取适当的语速和音调。托福口语高效备考攻略二 模考练习采用“自言自语法”提高自己的英语口语能力要学会模仿。模仿的原则:一要大声模仿。二要仔细模仿。优美的语音、的语调不是短期模仿所能达到的,需要有耐心,有信心,有恒心,不能有任何松懈,要相信自己完全有能力模仿得更好。托福口语高效备考攻略三 练习材料需要精挑细选托福口语备考的时候,建议考生有目的的选择你所说的材料,开始的时可以练习小故事,语言尽量的简单,生动,有明确的细节,这样对于把握语言的连贯性有好处,对于托福口语的提高也有着很重要的意义。托福口语高效备考攻略四 句型练习提升很重要很多考生觉得语法在考试中考的越来越少了,就不重视句型的练习,其实这是不对的,句型在最能直接反应说话的应用单位的,口语的培养就必须要抓句型的。在自己在说英语的时候最好要带上手势,动作和表情,虽然说语言是人们交流的重要工具,但是不是唯一的工具,说话带上手势,动作和表情的话给人又是另一种感觉。托福口语高效备考攻略五 练习复述打好综合口语基础当你阅读完一篇*的时候,要用自己的话在复述一遍,刚开始的时候,你的复述中允许自己带点中文,但是还是要尽量能背诵下来,考生也可以在复述的过程中用文中出现的关键词或部分句型,作为复述的线索,辅助自己较完整的复述所读材料。还可以听磁带或是可能视影片后在复述,这种办法既能提高听力又能练习口语,还可以矫正自己的语调和语音。托福口语高效备考攻略六 讲话内容要充实考生说话要有感染力,你所说话能给别人带去一种什么样的感情,要是总是一个语调说话,跟机器人没有什么区别。托福口语高效备考攻略就为大家介绍到这里,其实托福口语主要考察大家的口语表达能力和总结归纳能力,所以大家在平时练习中要学会创造语言环境,根据口语考试要求来练习。托福口语范文:学校减少校报投入Task 5题目学校要减少对于校报的funding, 要是不能再发行了怎么办?第一个解决方案是减少国内外新闻时事的部分,因为其他的地方也能看到这些消息,但是可能会减少学生的interest;第二个解决方案是减少报纸的发行量,反正有一部分学生是相互传阅的,但是这样有可能有一些学生就看不到了。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:The university is going to reduce the campus newspapers funding, two editors were worried about the distribution problem. They could cut down the national and international news part or reduce circulation of the newspaper. Personally, I think, in case of some students might not have the chance to read the newspaper, I perfer the the first solution. Cause, students still could read those news from other media, such as on the internet, they might even learn more details about the events and see some interesting comments about the events. At the meanwhile, there will be more spaces for school events which I think will actually increase the students interest. For example, they could set up a school calender about what kinds of activities will be on during the week for students to participate, in that way students definitely gonna read it.托福口语范文:公司新产品的影响Task 6范例商科,marketing的,介绍了公司当有一个新产品的时候又不同的影响distribution channels(比如商场,网络,电话)的因素。第一个是要考虑成本,比如卖书,要是在商场的话就要考虑各式各样的别的开销,比如租金什么的,所以在网上卖更合适,可以省钱;第二个是individual needs, 比如卖衣服,那在网上卖顾客就不能试穿,所以还是要提供face to face的服务,所以商场更好,可以measure。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:when a company has a new product coming, there will be some different distribution channels, such as shopping mall, online,or cellphone. There are two factors need to be concerned. First is the cost, for example, the company wants to sell books, if they sell them in the shopping mall, they have to think about the rent and stuffs, so it will be more convenient to sell books online. The second factor is individual needs. For instance, the company wants to sell clothes, if they do it online, the consumers could not try them on, so the company need to provide some kind of face-to-face services, such as measurement, which means it will be better for the company to sell clothes in a shopping mall.(新东方 童启榕)2020托福口语高效备考攻略