,Netflix CultureNetflix文化Freedom Responsibility自由与责任,We seek Excellence我们寻求卓越Our culture focuses on helping usachieve excellence我们的文化聚焦于帮助自己达成卓越,Seven Aspects of our Culture反化的7个方面alues are what we value(价值观来自于我们推崇和珍视的价值)High Performance(追求高绩效)Freedom& Responsibility(自由和责任) ontext, not Control(情景管理而非控制)ghly Aligned, Loosely Coupled(认同一致,松散耦Pay Top of Market(支付市场最高工资)Promotions& Development(晋升和成长),Many companies have niceounding value statementsdisplayed in the lobby, such as众多公司在大堂展示动听的价值观,诸如/正直ommunication/沟通Respect尊重Excellence卓越,Enron whose leaders went to jailand which went bankrupt from fraud,had these values displayed in their lobby安然公司,高层入狱,公司因欺诈而破产,在它的大堂里展示着这些企业价值观Integrity正直Communication沟通Respecti尊重Excellence卓越These values were not, however, what was really valued at Enron这些字眼显然并非是安然公司真正的价值观),The actual company valuesas opposed to thenice-sounaing values,are shown by who getsrewarded, promoted, or let go公司真正的价值观和动听的价值观完全相反,是具体通过哪些人被奖励、被提升和被解雇来体现。,Actual company values are thebehaviors and skillsthat are valuedin fellow employees真正的价值观是被员工所重视的行为和技能。,At Netflix, we particularly valuethe following nine behaviors andskillsIn our colleagues在 Netflix,我们特别珍视以下9项同事们拥有的行为和技能meaning we hire and promote people who demonstrate these也意味着我们雇佣和升迁能够体现这9项特质的员工,You make wise decisions (people, technicalbusiness, and creative) despite ambiguity你在对人,对技术、对商务和对创新上能够做出明智的决定,摒弃模棱两可You identify root causes, and get beyondJudgmenttreating symptoms你明辨事物根由,不为表象所惑判断力You think strategically, and can articulatewhat you are, and are not, trying to do你能战略性思考,有自知之明,并努力做到You smartly separate what must be donewell now and what can be improved later你能很聪明地分清楚哪些事现在必须完成,哪些事可以稍后跟进,You listen well instead of reactingfast, so you can better understand你善于聆听,而非快速反驳。如此你能够更You are concise and articulate inCommunication speech and writing沟通力你在说和写的时候简洁清晰You treat people with respectndependent of their status ordisagreement with you你待人接物心存敬意,不在意对方的身份也不在意对方持有异议You maintain calm poise in stressfulsituations在重压之下,你也能镇定自若,