实用英语写作教程,Content,Chapter I ABCs of English WritingChapter II Genres of English Writing (I)Chapter III Genres of English Writing (II)Chapter IV Common Mistakes in English Writing,Chapter I ABCs of English Writing,I Punctuation MarksII Manu ScriptsIII DictionIV Correct and Effective SentencesV Ways of Develop paragraphs,I Punctuation Marks,The comma (,)The period (.)The semicolon (;)The colon (:)The question mark (?)The exclamation mark (!)Quotation mark (“”)Parentheses/brackets ()Square brackets(【】)The dash(-),Attention !,1. Never begin with a comma(,),a period(.), a colon(:), a question mark (?), an exlamation mark(!)2. Never ends with 【 “ ( -,The comma (,),A comma is used to join clauses. It is put before the conjunction (and,but, or, for, so, nor, yet )2. A comma is used after an adverbial clause or phrase.3. Commas are used to separate a series of words or phrases with the same function in the sentence.,4. Nonrestrictive clauses and phrases are Set off by commas.5. Commas set off parenthetical elements.6. In dates, a comma is used to separate the day and the year if the order is month-day-year, no comma need be used if the order is day-month-year.,7. Numbers 1,253,900 53,807,214,The period (.),Declarative sentence, a mildly imperative sentence, and an indirect question2. Abbreviations3. Ellipsis mark ,Writing Task 1,most american people are fond of cats and or dogs it is said that every year they spend about $5.4billion on their pets including $1.5 billion on pet food four times the amount of money they spend on baby food now there are about 100 million dogs and cats in the country the number is still going up rapidly since 12 500 puppies are born every hour,Answers to task 1,Most American people are fond of cats and/ or dogs. It is said that every year they spend about $5.4billion on their pets, including $1.5 billion on pet food -four times the amount of money they spend on baby food. Now there are about 100 million dogs and cats in the country; the number is still going up rapidly since 12 500 puppies are born every hour.,Task 2,its 745 on tuesday morning and 26 year old steve clerkson is going to work he puts on his jacket and picks up his cell phone paper and laptop as he leaves the house he turns on his mp3 player and put on his headphones he is ready to go,Answers to Task 2,Its 7:45 on Tuesday morning and 26-year-old Steve Clerkson is going to work. He puts on his jacket and picks up his cell phone, paper, and laptop. As he leaves the house, he turns on his MP3 player and put on his headphones. He is ready to go.,II Manu Scripts,ArrangementCapitalization,Arrangement,1. two centimeters at the top2. two centimeters at the bottom3.one and a half centimeters on the left4.one and a half centimeters on the right,Capitalization,1. proper names2. key words in titles3. the first words of sentences,Task 1,where i lived, and what i lived forare transgenic crops safe?well-known dramatists of the ming dynastya day to rememberapproaches to teaching english as a foreign languagecriticisms on the ending of mark twains adventures of huckleberry finn,Answers to task 1,Where I Lived, and What I Lived For Are Transgenic Crops Safe?Well-Known Dramatists of the Ming DynastyA Day to RememberApproaches to Teaching English as a Foreign LanguageCriticisms on the Ending of Mark Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,III Diction-Using Proper Words,I. Using words correctlyII. Using words accurately,I. Using words correctly,1.overcome ChinglishEg:Im not afraid of the hot weather. I dont mind the hot weather. I found the room rather cold. I felt the room rather cold. On Sundays I always sleep late. On Sundays I always get up late.,The blanket felt soft to her. She felt the blanket soft. His level of English has been proved. His English has improved. He came out the fourth in the exam. He received the fourth place in the exam.,2. Beware of archaisms, obsolete words, and newly-coined words,Words or meaning of words which are no longer in common used but occur in special text (e.g. Religious works) and poetry are called archaic. Eg: mayhaps (v.hope; adv.maybe), quoth (vt.say), thy (pron. your), ere (prep. before) Words or meaning which have gone out of use altogether are called obsolete. Eg: admirable废语令人惊奇的 fine n. 废语惩罚,处罚;为接受惩罚支付的钱 Newly-coined words Eg: junior-high-schooler, tube-steak, water-sensitive-crops, snow-poor-winter, ,3.Avoid slang,On hearing that his father had kicked the bucket, we wrote him a letter to express our deep sympathies.The big banquet held in honor of the distinguished state guests was really neat.俚语呱呱叫的;了不起的,极好的 Unexceptionable/ admirable/ excellent,II. Using words accurately,The shade of meaningEg1: eagle and hawkEagle is a bird that soars high and thus see far. to have an eagle eye (to have excellent vision)Hawk is a bird of pray, symbolizes harshness, thus people call the hard line politician “the hawk”.Eg2: dumb and muteHe is a dumb / mute man.,1. Specific and concrete words,Specific and generalA good man : kind / honest / just / generous / sympathetic / warm-hearted / selfless / honorableGood food: tasty / nourishing / rich / wholesome / high-priced / fresh / substantial,General: In spring, the weather in Beijing can be very bad.Specific: In spring, it is often windy and dusty here.More specific with the help of details:In spring, the wind blows all day long. The air is then filled with fine dust which sometimes shuts out the sun. There is no escape from the fine dust. It gets into your eyes, your ears, your nostrils, and your hair.,2. Denotation and Connotation,Denotation is the basic ,direct, literal meaning of a word. As defined by the dictionary.Connotation is the association around and the overtone about the word. its the feeling or idea suggested by the word.,E.g . 国家Country emphasizes the territory.Nation emphasizes the people.State emphasizes political organization. Land is often used to connote certain feeling.An island country ; neighboring countrypeace-loving nation; the awaking nation of AfricaState-owned enterprisesOur state system is the peoples democratic dictatorship.A far-away / foreign land; a land of liberty/ opportunity,Different connotation reflects the different attitude of the speaker.,Complimentary derogatory neutralPublic servant bureaucrat government employeeFinancier speculator investorLaw officer cop policemanCaptain of industry tycoon successful businessman Investigator spy detectiveCaptive jailbird prisoner,3. Synonyms,Synonyms :Two or more forms with very closely related meaning, which are often but not always, intersubstitutable in a sentence.According to formality:Early English: small/little ask time rise French: petite question age mountLatin: diminutive interrogate epoch ascendGenerally, Latin words are more bookish than early English and French.,Examples,The concert concluded with a performance of Beethovens 5th symphony.They ended the concert with Beethovens 5th symphony. My father purchased a large automobile. My dad bought a big car.,IV Correct and Effective Sentences,Elements of a sentenceII. Requirements of a correct sentenceIII. Requirements of an effective sentence,I. Elements of a sentence,1. Completeness in structure;2. Begin with a capital letter;3. End with a full stop, or a question mark, or an exclamation mark;4. Express a single complete idea.,II. Requirements of a correct sentence,1. completeness in structure2. the right subject3. agreement between the subject and the predicate verb4. agreement between pronoun and antecedent5. clear pronoun reference6. ending sentences with full stops7. joining clauses with conjunctions8. a main clause in a complex sentence9. proper use of comparisons10.correct use of the tense,Task 1Correct the following sentences:,Because he hadnt finish his assignment, so he continued working in the classroom. completeness in structureNot knowing his name, it was difficult to introduce him. the right subjectA number of spelling mistakes was found in his composition. agreement between the subject and the predicate verbEverybody should return the books he borrowed within a week. agreement between pronoun and antecedent,She told my sister that her idea was practicable. clear pronoun referenceNo one come to the party, it was a complete failure. ending sentences with full stops / joining clauses with conjunctionsBecause he had not heard about that important decision. a main clause in a complex sentenceThe Sahara is larger than any desert in the world. proper use of comparisonsWe have revised our work plan last night. correct use of the tense,Fragment and Ellipse,A fragment is a part of sentence (such as a phrase or dependant/ subordinate clause) which begins with a capital letter and ends as a sentence does. E.g.Fragment The result being that he lost the presidential election. Sentence The result is that he lost the presidential election.,More Fragment-like sentences,As exclamations Oh! Nonsense! Well done! What a day! How kind of you! Susan a singer!?In spoken English A: how about this? B: very good! A: Your name and your address, please? B: All right , here.,As transitions And a final instance, To return from our digression, Now, a few more words about the meeting today.For emphasis and vividness There is a price to pay for success. The demanding price of self denial, the price of blood and sweat and tears.,III. Requirements of an effective sentence,I Unity Unity: A sentence should express a single complete idea, no more, no less. If it contains too much, then the sentence becomes confusing . If it contains too little, then the idea in it is incomplete.In other words, a sentence violates the principle of unity if it contains ideas that are not closely related; whats more, a sentence is not unified if it does not express a complete thought.,Eg:Ideas not closely related: Born in a small town in South China in 1937, he grew up to be a great musician.He was born in a small town in South China in 1937, and grew up to be a great musician.Idea incomplete: Dream of the Red Mansion is the best-known novel. Dream of the Red Mansion is one of the best-known classical Chinese novel.,1. Avoid chopped-up sentence,In the following sentence, the idea of one unified sentence is chopped into several short sentences.E.g: My best friend in high school was our literature teacher. Her name was Wang Li. She taught us literature for three years.Revised: My best friend in high school was our literature teacher, Wang Li, who taught us for three years.,2.Avoid Fused sentence: several ideas are fused into one sentence.,Fused: She suddenly paused and it seemed wonderful that she could speak so easily but she was usually bashful.Improved: She suddenly paused. It seemed wonderful that she could speak so easily, but she was usually bashful.Fused: They did not win the game so far as I could see they did not even try. Improved: They did not win the game. So far as I could see, they did not even try.,II Coherence,Coherence requires that the parts of a sentence are so arranged that they stick together, and that the ideas progress in a logical sequence.1. Parallelism E.g: I forgot that my research paper was due on Tuesday and my teacher had said he would not accept late papers.,In parallel construction it is necessary to balance word for word, phrase with phrase, clause with clause, sentence with sentence. It is sometimes necessary to repeat the introductory word or phrase or clause.,The child was pretty and had brains. The child was pretty and intelligent.He sat down and was beginning to work. He sat down and began to work.I will wait until you call or she comes. I will wait until you call or until she comes.I went to the dance with a girl from Memphis and who has a southern accent. I went to the dance with a girl who is from Memphis and who has a southern accent.,2. Consistency(1) keep the same grammatical subject unless there is good reason for changing. Eg: The cast first discusses the play and then nightly rehearsals begin.The cast first discusses the play and then begin nightly rehearsals.(2) Keep the person of pronoun consistent. Eg: Having eaten our lunch, they departed by boat.Having eaten their lunch, they departed by boat.,(3) Keep the number of nouns and pronouns consistent Eg: Being a student, we all wish to learn to write well. One can never write effectively, unless they write as much and as often as they can.(4) Keep the mood and the voice that you have decided upon. Eg: First build a fire and then you should make the coffee. He drove the car into the garage and the motor was quickly stopped.,3. Subordination Correct subordination clarifies the relationships between ideas, thus strengthens the coherence of a sentence.Subordination also leads to greater economy in writing, permitting one to express oneself in the fewest possible words.,It can be achieved by turning the other clause into:(1)an adverbial clause (2) an adjective clause (3) a present participial phrase(4) a past participial phrase(5) an appositive,Eg: A. I was in college. I had a roommate. He was studying to be a lawyer.B. I ran out of ink, thus being unable to finish my theme.C. The dean issued a bulletin, and it said the library would remain open on weekends.,III Conciseness,1. No wordinessWordiness also violates the principle of unity, the idea gets blurred by unnecessary words which obscure it like clouds and smoke. Sorry, Im not in a position to offer assistance to him.Sorry, I am unable to help him.The maid put the letter that came from Prague on my desk.The maid put the letter from Prague on my desk.There are several advantages to buying a motorbike.Buying a motorbike offers several advantages .Id like to take the opportunity to say thank you.Thank you.,2. Clarity,Clarity requires that a sentence should be written with its meaning unmistakably clear.Misunderstanding is often caused by the position of modifiers:The meaning of a sentence can be changed drastically by changes in the position of modifiers.Eg: I really dont mind waiting. I dont really mind waiting. In one word, the modifier must be placed as near to the modified as possible.,IV Emphasis,Emphasis is the means by which you give desired force to your writing.1. positioning for emphasisThe sentence end-the place of strongest emphasisThe sentence beginning-the place of secondary emphasisThe middle - the place of least emphasisE.g.He will not have the endurance needed for the long training required to be a dentist, I think.Attention: move the point to be emphasized, out of order, to the front, this process is often called fronting or inversion. E.g: This I will never do.,2. use of the appropriate voice for verbs,In general the active voice is preferable because it is more direct and precise, but sometimes the passive is more appropriate than the active.E.g.The advice which was given to me by you will be followed by me.Television was watched by the whole family in the evenings.Passive voice is preferable:when the receiver of an actio