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    ,人教版初一英语上册期末复习精品课件,七年级英语上册课文填空(上),一. 用适当的介词填空二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空三. 用适当的名词(单数/复数)填空四. 用形容词填空五. 用代词填空,一. 用适当的介词填空,Whats this _ English?Call Alan _ 495-3539.A set _ keys.Thanks _ the photo _ your family.Look _ the family photo.Write _ the people _ the photo.Bring a photo _ your family _ school and write a letter _ it.The pictures are _ the wall.The big windows are _ the wall.The keys are _ the drawer.The backpack is _ the dresser.My pencil sharpener is _ the backpack.He only watches basketball game _ TV.Jim is _ Class 116.,in,at,of,for,of,at,about,in,of,to,about,on,in,in,on,in,on,in,一. 用适当的介词填空,15. Sandra Clark eats lots _ healthy food.16. _ breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples.17. _ dessert , she has ice cream.18. Come and buy your clothes _ Huaxings great sale.19. We have sweaters _ a good price.20. We have great bags _ only ¥12!21. Do you need bags _ sports?22. _ girls, we have T-shirts _ red, green and white _ only ¥18!23. _ boys, you can buy socks _ only ¥5 each!24. Come and see _ yourself _ Huaxing Clothes Store.25. Come _ Mr Cools Clothes Store!26. Have a look _ Zig Zags Clothes Store.27. The green shorts are _ sale _ 25!28. Do you have s School Day _ your school?,of,For,For,at,at,for,For,in,For,for,at,to,at,on,at,for,for,for,for,一. 用适当的介词填空,29. Do you go _ a movie?30. What kind _ movies do you like?31. She thinks she can learn _ Chinese history.32. I often go _ movies _ my friend.33. He often goes to see Beijing Opera _ weekends.34. Jet Li is _ the movie.35. Are you good _ kids?36. We need help _ our Beidaihe School Trip.37. Can you help kids _ swimming?38. Then you can be _ our school music festival.39. Please call Zhang Heng _ 622-6033.40. Musicians Wanted _ School Music Festival.41. We want two good musicians _ our rock band.42. I usually get up _ five oclock.43. He goes _ work.44. I usually go _ school _ eight oclock.,to,of,about,to,with,on,in,with,for,with,in,at,For,for,at,to,to,at,一. 用适当的介词填空,45. I usually go _ bed _ eight oclock.46. Please take these things _ your sister.47. Can you bring some things _ school?48. The notebook is _ the floor.49. To get _ work, he takes the number 17 bus _ a hotel.50. The bus usually takes him _ work _ 19:15.51. People love to listen _ him.52. People usually eat dinner _ the evening.53. People usually eat breakfast _ the morning.54. People usually eat lunch _ the afternoon.55. Thanks _ your letter.56. Do you want to know _ my morning?57. Please write and tell me _ your morning.58. _ class I have volleyball _ two hours.59. Im usually very tired _ class.,to,at,to,to,on,to,to,to,at,to,in,in,in,for,about,about,After,for,after,一. 用适当的介词填空,60. I have science _ 8:00 _ 9:00.61. Dave has music _ Monday.62. Scott has art _ Friday.63. Han Xiao plays volleyball _ Tuesday.64. I like to play _ my dog.65. But his “subject” is only running around _ me.66. _ America, School starts _ eight-thirty.67. I have breakfast _ seven-thirty, but _ that, I take a shower.68. _school I like to play basketball.69. Please write and tell my _ your life _China.70. Is that your computer game _ the lost and found case?71. Lets listen _ the teacher.72. Please listen _ me.,from,to,on,on,on,with,with,In,at,at,after,After,about,in,in,to,to,二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空,Whats this in English?Its _ orange.Whats this in English?Its _ map.This is _ eraser.Thanks for _ photo of your family.Look at _ family photo.Write about _ people in _ photo.Bring _ photo of your family to school and write _ letter about it.Wheres _ backpack?Its under _ table.Theyre on _ sofa.Is _ baseball on _ sofa?Wherere _ books?I dont know._ math book is on _ dresser._ ID card is on _ table.,an,a,an,the,the,the,the,the,a,the,the,the,the,the,the,The,the,The,the,二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空,14. _ pen is on _ floor.15. Do you have _ ping-pong ball?16. Ed has _ great sports collection.17. This is _ egg.18. That is _ apple.19. I have _ ice cream for dessert.20. I have _ broccoli ice cream for dessert.21. _ apple is _ fruit.22. How much is _ red sweater?Its eight dollars.23. I want _ sweater.24. _ blue sweater is seven dollars.25. How much are _ red socks?Theyre 8 dollars.26. We have sweaters at _ very good price.27. Have _ look at Zig Zags Clothes Store.28. Do you have _ School Day at your school?,The,the,a,a,an,an,an,a,An,a,a,a,The,the,a,a,a,二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空,29. Do you have _ Art Festival?30. February is _ first month of _ year.31. Do you want to go to _ movie?32. I want to see _ comedy.33. I want to see _ action movie.34. Mike likes _ actor Rick Smith. 35. Black September is _ very successful thriller.36. Jackie Chan is _ great actor.37. Its _ exciting movie.38. Its _ very exciting movie.39. Its _ English movie.40. Its _ documentary.41. Its _ interesting documentary.42. Its _ funny comedy.43. I want to join _ art club.,an,the,the,a,a,an,an,a,a,an,a,an,a,an,a,an,二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空,44. Can you play _ chess?45. I can play _ guitar.46. He can play _ piano.47. She can play _ violin.48. They can play _ drums.49. Tommy can play _ trumpet.50. Do you have _ e-mail address?51. Thanks _ lot.52. What _ funny time to eat breakfast.53. To get to work, he takes _ number 17 bus to _ hotel.54. Before that I really take _ shower.55. I have _ alarm clock.56. He has _ old math book.57. I can speak _ little English.58. _ set of keys are on the desk.,/,the,the,the,the,the,an,a,a,the,a,a,an,an,a,A,三. 用适当的名词(单数/复数)填空,How are you?Im fine. _ (thank)Whats this?Its a _ (quilt).Is this your _ (notebook)?Find a set of _ (key).Those are my two _ (brother).Thats my _ (sister).Theyre his _ (parent).These are my _ (friends).Is she your _ (aunt)?Here is my family _ (photo).Here are your _ (math book).The _ (watch) are on the dresser.The _ (boy) over there is my brother.,Thanks,quilt,notebook,keys,brothers,sister,parents,friends,aunt,photo,math books,watches,boy,三. 用适当的名词(单数/复数)填空,14. The _ (boy) in red are his brothers.15. Can you bring some _ (thing) to school?16. Those are my _ (CD).17. Lets play _ (volleyball).18. Lets play the _ (drum).19. We have many _ (sport) _ (club).20. Ed Smith has a great _ (sport) collection.21. I like playing computer _ (game).22. He has 8 tennis _ (racket).23. He has 3 _ (soccer ball) and 5 _ (volleyball).24. He doesnt play _ (sport).25. Do you like _ (banana)?26. Do you like _ (hamburger)?27. Do you like _ (French fries)?28. He like _ (strawberry).,boys,things,CDs,volleyball,drum(s),sports,clubs,sports,games,rackets,soccer balls,volleyballs,sports,bananas,hamburgers,French fries,strawberries,三. 用适当的名词(单数/复数)填空,29. They have _ (ice cream) for dessert.30. She doesnt like _ (broccoli).31. I like _ (salad).32. I like _ (tomato).33. He has some _ (photo) of his family.34. Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy _ (food).35. For breakfast, she likes _ (egg) and _ (apple).36. For dinner, she has _ (chicken).37. Some _ (people) are under the tree.38. Nick doesnt like his _ (class).39. My _ (clothes) are all red.40. This T-shirt is seven _ (dollar).41. How much are these _ (sock)?42. The black_ (pant) are one _ (dollar).43. Do you like _ (sweater)?,Ice cream,broccoli,salad,tomatoes,photos,food,eggs,apples,chicken,people,class,clothes,dollars,socks,pants,dollar,sweaters,三. 用适当的名词(单数/复数)填空,44. I need some _ (help).45. Do you need _ (bag) for _ (sport)?46. For _ (girl), we have T-shirt in red for only 18 yuan.47. Anybody can afford our _ (price).48. We have sweaters at a very _ (price).49. The yellow _ (short) are on sale for 25 dollars.50. My _ (shoe) are black.51. How old are you?I am twelve _ (year) old.52. How old is he?He is one _ (year) old.53. What kind of _ (movie) do you like?I like action _ (movie) and _ (comedy).54. My father likes _ (documentary) and _ (Beijing Opera).55. We want two good _ (musician) for our rock band.,help,bags,sports,girls,prices,price,shorts,shoes,years,year,movies,movies,comedies,documentaries,Beijing Opera,musicians,四. 用形容词填空,nice 好的,令人愉快的first 第一的last 最后的,上一个的those 那些these 这些this 这个that 那个good 良好的fine 好的many 大量的more 更多的Interesting 有趣的boring 无聊的fun 有趣的difficult 困难的,四. 用形容词填空,14. relaxing轻松的15. great美妙的,大的16. every每一,每个17. orange橙色的18. healthy健康的19. big大的20. small小的21. short矮的,短的22. long长的23. welcome受欢迎的24. happy高兴的25. old老的,旧的26. scary恐怖的,可怕的27. funny好玩的28. sad悲哀的29. exciting令人兴奋的,刺激的,四. 用形容词填空,30. Chinese中国的31. American美国的32. favorite最喜欢的33. new新的34. successful成功的35. busy忙的36. strict严格的37. tired累的38. black黑色的39. white白色的40. red红色的41. green绿色的42. blue蓝色的43. yellow黄色的44. orange橙色的,四. 用形容词填空,How are you?I am _, thanks._ to meet you! _ to meet you , too.Whats your _ name?Jenny.Whats his _ name?Brown.That sounds _ .Ed Smith has a _ sports.Lets play soccer.No, its _.Lets play tennis.OK, its _.Lets play the piano.Yes, its _ .Can you play the trumpet?No, its _ .I like watching TV, because its _ ._ star Sandra Clark eats lots of _ food.Thanks a lot.Youre _ .My _ actor is Paul Jackson.He has a _ movie.,四. 用形容词填空,16. Mr Bean is a very _ comedy.17. Black September is a very _ thriller, but I think its _ .18. One _ thing: Mike is _, but he likes Beijing Opera!19. Jackie Chan is a _ actor. His movie Rush Hour is _ .20. We want two _ musicians for our rock band.21. Scott works very _ hours.22. He works _ night.23. What a _ time to eat breakfast!24. _ wishes for you!25. Whats your _ subject?Its science.26. Its Tuesday, November11. Im really _ .27. Then at 9:00 I have science. Its _ , but _.28. Next, at 10:00, I have art. Its _.29. I like my music teacher , Mr Cooper. Hes _ .,四. 用形容词填空,30. Our teacher is very _ and Im usually very _ after class.31. Then I have Chinese history club. Its really interesting!32. Scotts _ day is Friday because he has art. he like art.33. Were _ friends.34. Its very _ to have a Chinese friend!,五. 用代词填空,How are _ ?Im OK.How is _ father?_ is fine.How is Mary?_ is fine.How are Mary and Tim?_ are OK.How are _ parents?_ are OK.Whats this?_ is a map.Whats this in English?_ is an orange.Whats that?_ is a ruler.Whats that in English?_ is a jacket.Spell _ , please?What color is _ ?_ is black and white.Whats _ in English?_ a key.Spell _, please.K-E-Y.What color is _ ?_ yellow.13. Whats _ name?Alan.,五. 用代词填空,14. Nice to meet _.Nice to meet _, too.15. Hi, Mary! _ am Jim.16. Whats _ name?His name is Tony.17. Whats her name?_ name is Gina.18. Is that _ ruler?Yes, _ is.19. Is this _ backpack?No, _ isnt. Its _ backpack./ its _.20. Please call _ at 235-0285.21. _ are my two brothers. And _ is _ sister.22. Hi ! Everybody, _ is my friend, Anna. And _ is my brother Paul.23. _ are _ parents. _ is my grandmother. _ is my friend, Lin Fang.24. Is _ _ aunt?Yes, she is.25. Thanks for the photo of _ family. Here is _ family photo!26. Whatre these?_ are maps.,五. 用代词填空,27. Are these maps?Yes, _ are.29. Whatre those?_ are math books.30. Are those chairs?No, _ arent.31. Wheres the bag?_ on the sofa.32. Wheres Mary?_ behind the tree.33. Wherere my parents?_ in the room.34. Wherere Mary and Tim?_ in the classroom.35. Wheres Tim?_ in the tree.36. Ed Smith has a great sports collection. _ has 8 tennis rackets, 9 basketballs and 7 baseballs.37. Sonia Hall has a sports collection. _ has five baseballs.38. Do you have a tennis racket?No, _ is boring.39. Do they like French fries?Yes, _ do.40. Does he like pears?Yes, _ does.41. Do you like salad?No, _ dont.,五. 用代词填空,42. How much is this T-shirt?_ is seven dollars.43. How much are these socks?_ two dollars.44. Can I help you?Yes, please.45. Here _ are.46. How much is the red sweater?_ eight dollars.Ill take _ .47. How much are the blue skirts?_ ten dollars.Ill take _ .48. Excuse _ , is this your bag?49. Come and buy _ clothes at Huaxings great sale!50. _ can afford _ prices!51. Come and see for _ at Huaxing Clothes Store.52. When is Liu Pings birthday?_birthday is September 5th.,五. 用代词填空,53. When is your birthday?_ is March 21st.54. Do you (你们) have an Art Festival?Yes, _ do.55. Maria likes thrillers but _ doesnt like comedies.56. Guo Peng likes comedies and _ likes Beijing Opera.57. June often goes to see Chinese action movies. _ thinks _ are very exciting. _ also likes Beijing Opera. _ thinks _ is very interesting. She thinks _ can learn about Chinese history. _ often goes to see Beijing Opera with _ father.58. I often go to movies with _ friend, Mike. _ favorite actor is Paul Jackson. _ has a new move. _ is a very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor Rick Smith. _ really likes _ movie, Black September. _ a very successful thriller, but _ think _ boring. 59. Rowan Atkinson is a great _. _ movie Mr Bean is very successful _. _ very funny.,五. 用代词填空,60. Can _ play the guitar?Yes, I can.Can you play _ well?No, _ cant.61. Tom can play the guitar but _ cant play _ very well.62. Can Gina play the guitar?Yes, _ can.63. Can _ play the piano, the trumpet or the guitar? Then _ can be in _ school music festival. Please call _ at 622-6033.64. Come and join _ (我们).65. Come and show _ (我们).66. Whats _ last name?Jones!67. How old are _ ?Twelve years old.68. How old is _ ?Eleven.69. He brushes _ teeth and has a shower.70. Then he eats _ breakfast.71. After breakfast he plays _ guitar.72. The bus usually takes _ (他) to work at 10:15.73. People love to listen to _ (他).,五. 用代词填空,74. The bus usually takes _ (她) to work at 10:15.75. People love to listen to _ (她).76. The bus usually takes _ (他们) to work at 10:15.77. People love to listen to _ (他们).78. The bus usually takes _ (我) to work at 10:15.79. People love to listen to _ (我).80. The bus usually takes _ (我们) to work at 10:15.81. People love to listen to _ (我们).82. The bus usually takes _ (你) to work at 10:15.83. People love to listen to _ (你).84. The bus usually takes _ (你们) to work at 10:15.85. People love to listen to _ (你们).86. The bus usually takes _ (它) to work at 10:15.87. People love to listen to _ (它).,五. 用代词填空,88. Please write and tell _ about _ morning.89. Best wishes for _ .90. Whats _ (你的)favorite subject?_ favorite subject is science.91. Whats _ (你们的)favorite subject?_ favorite subject is science.92. Whats _ (他的)favorite subject?_ favorite subject is science.93. Whats _ (她的)favorite subject?_ favorite subject is science.94. Whats _ (它的)favorite subject?_ favorite subject is science.94. Whats _ (他们的)favorite subject?_ favorite subject is science.,五. 用代词填空,95. Why do _ like science?Because _ is interesting.96. Why does _ like art?Because _ fun.97. Why does _ like P.E?Because _ exciting.98. Whats your mothers favorite color?_ favorite color is blue.99. Whats his grandmothers favorite food?_ favorite food is broccoli.100. Whats her brothers favorite actor?_ favorite actor is Jackie Chan.101. Whats Marys favorite teacher?_ favorite teacher is Mr Cooper.102. What is your friends favorite subject?_ favorite subject is math.,五. 用代词填空,103. “ Whats _ favorite subject?” Miss Wang asks _. I dont like any subject. I like basketball only . _ like to play with _ dog, Nick. _ is 2 years old. _ doesnt like subjects. But _ “subject” is only running around with _ . _ are good friends.104. Please write and tell _ about _ life in China.,


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