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    1,FODetect System Introduction FODetect 系统介绍,National Agents Project CIECCDr. Mu ShiqiangApril, 2007,This document includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the recipient organizations and shall not be duplicated, used or disclosed, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than to evaluate this technical / concept proposal. The data subject to this restriction are contained on all sheets. EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: Information contained herein is privileged or confidential information of XSight Systems and is exempt from public disclosure. Do not disclose outside the recipient organizations. Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.,2,Meeting Agenda 会议日程,Company Introduction 公司介绍FOD - The Challenge FOD-面临挑战System Introduction 系统介绍Xsight Current Activities Xsight目前活动Discussion. 交流讨论,3, Mission 使命,To provide the most advanced solutions to detect, monitor and avoid FODs.提供最先进的检测、监控、避免FOD的解决方案,4, Management 管理,Served as the CEO of Integritech Systems “Integritech Systems” 的CEOServed 15 years in IAF (Major) 在IAF服役15年(陆军少校)Head of F-15 avionics engineering division. F-15航空电子工程师师长Served as avionics engineer at the Boeing Company in St. Louis, MO.在圣路易斯波音公司担任航空电子学工程师,Alon Nitzan, Co-Founder, CEO 创始人之一,CEO,Worked on aviation programs with Boeing, Raytheon, Honeywell and USAF. 与Boeing, Raytheon, Honeywell and USAF.共同进行航空项目。BSc and MSc in Electrical Engineering from TAU. TAU电子工程学士和硕士,5,FOD Incidents FOD事件,July 25, 2000 Concorde crashed minutes after taking off from Charles de Gaulle. 2000年7月25日 协和飞机从戴高乐机场起飞后不久坠毁July 24, 2003 B747 returned to Tel Avivs Ben-Gurion A/P shortly after take off. 2003年7月24日-在起飞后不久, B747就从特拉维夫Ben-Gurion机场返回地面August 11, 2005 B747 tire punctured on landing at Tokyos Narita A/P. R/W closed for 24 minutes. 2005年8月11日- 在抵达冬季机场之后,波音747轮胎爆炸,机场跑道关闭24分钟December 19, 2005 B747-400, four tires blew during takeoff from LAX. FODs werescatteredacross airport runways and taxiways. 2005年12月9日,在从LAX起飞之后,波音747-400的四个轮胎爆炸,FOD散落在机场跑道和滑行道上。,6,“The resulting damage is estimated to cost the aerospace industry $4 billion a year.” “造成的损失约给航空业造成每年40亿美元的损失”,Current Practice 目前行动,Note: Based on Research done by U.S. Air Force Research Lab at Wright Patterson AFB (Squadron Leader Richard Friend)注释:根据美国空军研究实验室在 Wright Patterson AFB的研究(队长Richard Friend ),7,FOD Worldwide Aviation Challenge FOD 世界航空面临的挑战,FOD Physical CharacteristicsFOD 的物理特征:Any size, material or shape.任意大小、材质、形状Parts as small as a rivet.小至螺丝的零件FOD events occurFOD事件发生时间 : Day/Night and all weather (To the extent of an operational airport)白天夜间,所有气候条件(机场管理所达到的范围)Safety Timing安全定时:Detection Time检测时间FOD must be detected and pinpointed within seconds of aircraft movements.必须在飞机运行的几秒钟之内检测、定位出FODDecision Time决策时间Decision to divert traffic must be taken before the next movement.在下一项行动开始之前,必须作出改变交通的决定Provide the visual/operational information for correct decision.提供图像/操作信息,以便作出正确决策Capacity容量Maximize capacity and avoid unnecessary halts.最大化机场容量,避免不必要的中断Minimize access to runway due to current FOD practice.进行 FOD清扫时,尽量限制进入跑道,8,Xsight Solution Xsight 解决方案(US Patent granted获得美国专利保护),9,Xsight SolutionXsight 解决方案,10,Xsight SensorXsight传感器Surface Detection Unit地表检测元件,SDU ComponentsSDU组件:CCD/NIRMMWRProcessor Module处理模块Servo Module伺服模块Communications Module通信模块Switch & Control Module交换&控制模块Standard Frangible Coupler标准易碎接头Line series Power Supply串联电源,Dep,11,System block diagram系统结构图,12,User Interface Main Screen用户界面主屏幕,13,User Interface FOD Alert用户界面FOD 警报,14,Authentic FOD detection at Sdhe-DOV Sdhe-DOV的真实FOD检测,Real time video, aims to实时图像,目的在于:RT direction of the operation team为行动小组实时指明方向.Rapid removal of the FOD快速清除FOD .Increase Airport capacity增加机场容量.,Sensor controls,FOD location in sensors sensing area.感应器区域内的FOD定位FOD location in current image.目前的FOD定位图像(in addition to GPS location (除GPS定位和感应器数量之外)and sensor number)。,High Resolution ImageProvided upon FOD detection根据FOD检测提供的高分辨率图像,15,Safety Requirements安全要求,The SDU designed to meet FAA edge light safety requirement SDU设计达到FAA端面照光标准要求: 14” Height limitation限高14”.Frangible Coupler Use a standard coupler according to AC150-5345-46 易碎型接头- 使用符合AC150-5345-46的标准接头.Quick-Release Connector use a quick-release connector according to AC150-5345-26. 快速释放连接器-使用符合AC150-5345-26标准的接口Wind - designed and tested to meet AC150-5345-46b. 风速- 设计并经过测试,达到AC150-5345-46b标准,16,Safety requirements安全要求,Standard Frangible Couplerand Quick-Release Connector标准易碎接头及快速释放接口,17,FODetect Fundamentals FODetect基本原理,Between Movement Indication 行动指示Full FOD Occurrence to Decision time within 60 seconds 从FOD出现到做出决定在60秒之内Zero Runway False Alarms 零跑道报错率Operators visual inspection capability 使操作者能根据图像进行检测Superior Detection Performance 卓越的检测能力Design to detect small FODs, which constitutes the majority of the FOD problem. 设计用于测试微小的FOD,这些是造成FOD问题的主要原因Dual detection technologies.双重检测技术Closest to the runway离跑道最近- Best performance under poor atmosphere conditions. 恶劣天气时有表现优越COTS, Short rang and open architecture sensors. COTS 短期预报以及开放架构感应器,18,Current Activities目前活动,Technology testing Site at Sde-Dov (Tel-Aviv) Airport For The Last Year. 上年度现场Sde-Dov (特拉维夫)机场技术测试,19,Xsight China Xsight在中国,Working with CIECC 与CIECC合作Short term 短期Teaming with OEM/Integrators 与OEM和集成商协作Manufacture in Israel 在以色列制造Long term 长期Possible manufacture in China 可能在中国生产,20,Thank You ! 谢谢!,


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