Our favourite films,DIFFERENT RELATIONSDIFFERENT MOVING,Today we will introduce three different movies,covered three kids of relations.The love between father and daughter-Silent witnesss (全民目击)The loyal of a dog to his master -Hachiko (忠犬八公)The love story between two robots -Wall-E (机器人总动员),First let us to see the first movie :Silent witness,Silent witness,Its a Chinese movie directed by FeiHang (非行)and XiaoPingKai (肖平凯)is the producer。,Brief introduce of the film,In the film,LinTai(SunHonglei decoration) is a rich bussinessman.His weddingday is approaching,suddenly the bride died in the underground parking. His daughter Lin Meng Meng has become the biggest suspect,he spares no effort to hire the top lawyer ZhouLi(Yu Nan decoration) in order to defend his daughter,and the prosecution is attorney Tong Tao(Guo Fucheng decoration),who has gaps of many years with him.,For protecting his daughter, Lin Tai lead the audience to believe that he was the murderer.However,the right-minded attorney exposed the truth. Lin Tai said:In ones life, there is always something more improtent than anything. We all know,its the love to his daughter.He can expend all he have to exchange his daughters freedom.,演员照片,The reason love this film,This movie show us what the fathers love is , and also let us feel the affection of the education. As what Lin Tai said the end of the film Daddy exchanged for your freedom with my life, not only want you to live in the world, but also to be born again.,The first part is about the family, the next is a special emotion,happened between a dog and the ower.,Hachiko: A Dogs Story,Hachiko: A Dogs Story,The hero of the story is Parker,he is a college professor, encountered an abandoned dog. Its lonely figure sparked his mercy. His wife strongly opposed at first, and does everything possible to pack it off .But then she saw that her husband and daughter loved the dog very much and finally decided to admit the dog into the family. Parker called it Hachi.,Hachi accompanied the Parker entire family to grow together , then it grew gradually from the puppy into the colossus. During leisure time , Hachi can always bring the family happiness.,Every day ,Hachi accompanied Parker to work on time and at 5:00 in the evening appeared at the station entrance to wait Parker back. That was the time only for them! When Parker comes out from the station to call “Hachi” ,the dog excitedly went forward to him.The story in the station performed day after day. One day when Hachi could pick the ball , Parker was very happy. However it was the last precious recollections between them,Because on that day, Parker suddenly fell in the university lecture , he died of the heart disease .Then he never returned to the station. Afterward, Hachi waited the professor at 5:00 pm every day, waitedwaited .the next day, the third day . From summer to autumn, in the nine-year period, Hachi still had no changes in the wind and rain until it finally died .,some picture about the movie,The story taught us the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved.And Hachi will forever be my hero. I was moved by the emotion between them, especially the loyalty of Hachi. Hachi devoted the whole life to waiting for Parker. Nowadays, few people can love someone to this extent. Yes, We cant! What we could learn from Hachi are that what the true love is and how to love. By the way, the film was based on a true story happened in Japan in 1935.,WALL-E,Love is everyone desired, let us walk into another movie Wall E about love between robots.,Canyouimaginewhattheearthwillbeinthefuture?Someofuswillgiveawonderfulpictureofourfuturelives,butthemovienamedWallEgivesusacontrarydescription.Inthemovie,theearthiscoveredwithamountofrubbish,andtheonlyresidentsarearobotnamedWallEandhispet.WallEisakindofrobotthatisproducedtocleartherubbishontheearth.Heworksdayafterday,andthiskindoflifelastsnearly700years.Inthisperiodoftime,Wall-Egraduallyhasself-awareness.,And one day, Wall-Es peaceful life is broken by Eve, another robot from a spacecraft of human beings, whose mission is to find plants. Wall-E falls in love with Eve at first sight. When Eve finds the plant, she is taken away by the spacecraft. Wall-E gives up his job on the earth and leaves the earth with Eve. And then they come to the spacecraft where the human beings live on. To protect the plant, Eve and Wall-E have to fight against the followers of AUTO,the real controller of the spacecraft. And during the fight, the residents on the spacecraft begin to help each other and find the true meaning of human beings. In the end, human beings return their hometown-the earth. And Wall-E realizes his dream and joins his hands with Eve.,Main character,EVA,WALL-E,This movie tells us a love story between robots. In real word, love is confined by a lot of things so when we find our love we will list many conditions. Contrasted with humans love, love between robots is pure and innocent. Love the movie very much even though there are not dialogues in most of the film. Compared with action, words are so pale. In our life, sometimes we say too much but do so little. We say “love you”, but actually we love ourselves more than love others. If human beings lost function of language, they would become more sincerely than now.,