,英语中各种数字的读法, nineteen seventy-nine nineteen hundred (and) seventy-nine,1. 年,2. 电话号码,one o two three,英语中各种数字的读法,3. 货币,four dollars (and) twenty-five (cents),1979,1023 ,1227 ,one double two (or two two) seven,4.25 ,4. 算术式,2 + 3 = 5 5 3 = 2 3 2 = 6 9 3 = 3,英语中各种数字的读法,5. 日期,December the fifth, two thousand and eighteenthe fifth of December, two thousand and eighteen, Two plus three is (equals, is equal to) five., Five minus three is (equals, is equal to, leaves) two.,Three times two is six;,Three by two are six; Three multiplied by two is six., Nine divided by three is (makes) three.,Dec. 5, 2018,Notes:,日期的表达英式和美式有所不同,请注意区别。 在日期的写法上,英式先写日期,美式先写月份。 (英)2017年4月6日: (美)2017年4月6日: 在读法上,英国人有两种表达方式: 1April the sixth, two thousand and seventeen 2The sixth of April, two thousand and seventeen 美国人则一般这样表示: April sixth, two thousand and seventeen (省略“the),6th April , 2017,April 6, 2017,英语中各种数字的读法,6. 时间,整点表达:点钟 (+ oclock) 7:00 a.m. 几点几分: 顺读: 3:25 2) 逆读: 6:05 3:50, seven (oclock) a.m., three twenty five,five past six (分钟不超过30, 用past), ten to four (分钟超过30, 用to, 钟点+1, 表示“几点差几分”),英语中各种数字的读法,6. 时间,分钟数是15 (一刻钟) 时,一般不说fifteen,而说 a quarter. 3:15 分钟数是30 (半小时) 时,一般用逆读法 half past + 钟点数 4:30 , three twenty five, a quarter past three,half past four,英语中各种数字的读法,7. 分数,分母是2或4的分数,常用 “half” 和 “quarter” 来表示1/2 3/2 ,one half (or half),three halves (or one and half),quarter,three quarters,英语中各种数字的读法,7. 分数,分母不是2或4的分数:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如果分子大于1,分母需用复数。1/3 2/3 7/5 比较复杂的分数,用 over,如: 24/789,a (one) third,two thirds,one and two-fifth, twenty four over seven hundred and eighty nine,英语中各种数字的读法,8. 小数: 小数点后面的数字要一一读出,13.91 0.2393.64215.11, thirteen point nine one, naught/zero point two three, ninety-three point six four, two minutes fifteen point one one second,英语中各种数字的读法,9. 百分数: % 读做 percent, 应用时常与 by 连用,0.68% 36%, zero point six eight percent, thirty six percente.g. The price was reduced by 20%.,英语中各种数字的读法,10. 门牌号门牌号遇三位数分别读出各数字,遇四位数时则分成两半来读。Room 302 读作:3491 King Street 读作:,Room three Of twothree zero two,thirty-four ninety-one King Street,11. 温度 表示温度有华氏(Fahrenheit)和摄氏(Centigrade)两种。英美均使用华氏作为温度的计量单位。摄氏用法现已日渐普及。15读作:32读作:0C读作:-5读作:,fifteen degrees Centigrade(或Celsius),thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit,nought degrees Centigrade,five degrees below zero,英语中各种数字的读法,Note:,“0”在英语中有许多表示方法 应该注意的是:英国英语与美国英语在念法上有所不同,在TOEFL考试中,“0”常念作“zero”,但在IELTS考试中“0”常念作“nought” ;而在电话号码中 “0” 读作字母“Oh”, 就像在单词“go”中的发音。,zero, nought, null, nil, nothing,