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    名词,考点一 名词的分类,名词是表示人或事物名称的词,它分为普通名词和专有名词两大类。普通名词又分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词包括个体名词和集体名词,有单数和复数之分;不可数名词包括物质名词和抽象名词,没有复数形式。,普通名词,可数名词,不可数名词,考点二 名词的复数形式,1、规则变化,2、不规则变化,3、复合名词的复数形式有两种(1)将主体词变为复数。sister-in-law sisters-in-law(嫂子)boy classmate boy classmates(2)将复合词中两个词都变为复数,此种复合词中第一个词需是 man 或 womanman worker men workersWoman teacher women teachers,4、特殊情况(1)有些名词只有复数形式。 clothes, shorts(短片),pants(长裤),scissors(剪刀),goods(商品,货物),glasses(眼镜)(2)有些名词以 s 结尾,但不是复数形式。 news, maths, physics, politics(3)有些物质名词或抽象名词的单、复数形式表示不同的含义。 room(空间)- a room(房间) work(工作)- works(著作)(4)不可数名词的数量表达:不可数名词本身不可数,但可借助单位量词表示一定的数量。 a piece of breadnewspaper 一片面包一则新闻一张纸还可用 much, little, a little, a large amount of, some, any, no, lots of, plenty of 等来修饰不可数名词。 much money, some milk数词名词形容词构成的复合形容词,中间的名词不能用复数形式而须用单数形式。He is a four-year-old boy. 他是个4岁的男孩。(four-year-old 不能说成 four-years-old) a five-foot-deep-hole 一个五英尺深的洞,考点三 名词所有格,1、表示有生命的人或物的名词所有格形式,在此名词词尾加 s ,或直接加 。(1)单数名词加 s ,如Marys book(2)以s结尾的复数名词只加 ,不以s结尾的复数名词要加 s the three girls father 这三个女孩的父亲 the childrens present 孩子们的礼物(3)表示几个人共有,仅在最后一个人的名字后加 s;表示各自所有时,需在各个名字后加 sMary and Janes car(她俩人共有的车)Marys and Janes cars(她俩各自的车)(4)表示店铺、住宅、公共建筑等地点时,名词所有格后面的名词习惯上省略。 the barbers the barbers shop 理发店 to my auntsto my aunts house 到我姑姑家(5)有些指时间、距离、重量、价值、国家和城镇等无生命的名词,也可以加s构成所有格。 a weeks time 一周的时间 Chinas population 中国的人口,2、表示无生命的所有格形式:名词of所有者。 the name of the zoo 动物园的名字3、双重所有格即ofs或of名词性物主代词。 a book of my daughters 我女儿的一本书 the friend of his is very kind 他的朋友非常友好,专题训练,1Mr Gao is a teacher. He works in a new _. Ashop Bschool Cfactory Dhospital2If you want to know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in a _ . Adiary Bdictionary Cnewspaper Ddiagram3Mr Shute is a friend of _ .AJohns uncle BJohn uncles CJohns unclesDJohn uncle4-Would you like _ tea? -No, thanks. I have drunk two _ .Aany; bottles of orangeBsome; bottles of orangeCmany; bottles of orangesDfew; bottle of oranges5-When do you usually have your _ in the evening?AthingsBriceCmealDfood6I usually go to a _ to borrow some books.AshopBcinemaChospitalDlibrary,1B前一句说到“高先生”是老师,可知他在“学校”工作。2B如果你想知道词义,就必须在“字典”里查单词。3B“ofs 所有格”结构称为双重所有格。A项的错误是uncle后应加s 所有格形式; C项错误在于John后加了s所有格形式。D项错误是两个词都没有s所有格。4B“Would you like?”句型中用 some,是表示客气的邀请对方做某事。 two bottles of orange表示“两瓶桔子汁。”不可数名词的量化表示是在前面加上一个“数词+可数名词单(复)数+不可数名词。”如果是“一瓶桔子汁”,则应为a bottle of orange.5Chave a meal指“吃饭”。 have rice指“吃米饭”。此句的情景是指平常什么时间吃饭,而不是指具体吃什么,故不选B。6D一般“借书”须到“图书馆”。,解析,7People often use horses for _ .Ahard workingBworking hardCwork hardDhard work8The word “houses” underlined part is pronounced _ . AsizBzizCzisDis9Uncle Wang bought two _ yesterday.AwatchsBwatchesCwatchDwatchss10There are a lot of _ down there but hardly any _ .Asheeps; peopleBsheep; peopleCsheeps; peoplesDsheep; peoples11There is a _ over the river.AshipBboatCbridgeDvillage12In _ time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too.Afew yearsBa few years Ca few yearDa few years13There are lots of _ in the basket on the table.AtomatosBtomatoCtomatossDtomatoes,7D此同意为“人们常用马干繁重的活”。注意“use sth. for sth. ”结构, for后面一般接名词短语,而不接不定式。for后面接的名词表示用于某方面。8B此题考查house复数houses的发音,注意这是一个特例: househaus, househauziz。9B以-s,-x,-ch,-sh接尾的单数可数名词变复数时,后加-es。10Bsheep的单复数同形; people作“人们、人民”讲没有单数形式;作“民族”讲有单复数变化。例如:This will help peoples among different countries undrestand each other better这有助于不同国家人民之间的更好地相互理解。11C在河上(垂直的)上面一定是“桥”。12B“几年后”可以说 in a few years time 或 in a few years。 13、D,解析,14Whose _ are these?A photoBphotoesCphotosDphotoss15The cat caught two _ last night.AmousesBmiceCmouseDmices16Jack went to have two _ pulled out yesterday afternoon.AtoothsBtoothCteethDtoothes17The leaning tower is about 180 _ high.AfeetBfootsCfootsDfeets18There are many _ on the hill.AsheepsBsheepCsheepesDsheeps19There are six _ and fifteen _ in this workshop.Amans; womansBmen; womenCmen; womansDmans; women20In our school there are fifty-five _ .Awomen teachersBwoman teachersCwomen teacherDwomans teacher,14C 15Bmouse的复数形式是 mice。 16C 17A 18B 19B 20A,21The day before yesterday she told me _ news.Aa goodBsuch a goodCso good aDa piece of good22I wont go there with you, for I have a lot of _ to do.AworksBjobCworkDworking23_ will conquer(征服) nature.A The manBA manCThe me DMan24Li Lei is a friend of _ .AI sisterBmy sistersCme sisterDmy sister of 25Have you read _ ?AtodaysBtoday paperCthe todays paperDtodays paper,26The old woman feeds four _ .ApiggsBpigesCpigsDpig27There are seven _ in a week.AdayesBdaysCdaiesDday28Grade Three is divided into seven _ in our school.AclassBclassesCclasssDclass29How many _ are there in the room?AboxesBboxCboxsDboxxes30There _ all kinds of _ in this shop.Aare; watchesBbe; watchesCis; watchsDare; watchs,21DA、B两项的错误在于两者中都多了a,news是不可数名词。如将其中的a去掉,则为正确选项。C项的错误在于 so good后只能接单数可数名词。22Cwork作“工作”讲,是不可数名词。job侧重于“职业”,是可数名词。若指某人做什么工作,只能用单数。23Dman作“人类”讲,须用单数形式,且前面不加冠词。该句意为“人类将能征服自然。”24B此题考查双重所有格。双重所有格结构为:“名词+ofs所有格”,此结构中的s所有格也可用名词性物主代词来代替。25D“今天的报纸”可说todays paper。B项错误在于today的通格(非s所有格)不能作前置定语(但可作后置定语。如: the paper today) C项错误在于定冠词 the不能和 s所有连用。26C 27B 28B 29A 30A因为kind和watch都是复数形式,故谓语动词用复数。,


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