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    第二讲,初高中衔接 走进高中,Part 1 Revision,元音,i:e : : u: : ea a e ,辅音,清:p t k tr f s h浊:b d dr v z m n ,辅音,l r j w,单词拼读(第三组),reprzenttv sted skjrt sttstks sepre()n nflns slz()m n()l,单词拼读(第四组),ndrmtrldpnizmidmdnlstbvsltrt ptmstk,翻译句子:,1. 树叶在秋天变黄。Leaves turn yellow in autumn.2. 请把这本书递给他好吗?Would you please pass him the book?3. 每个人都在认真地读英语。Everyone is reading English carefully.,4. 妈妈叫我不要在马路上踢足球。Mother told me not to play football on the road.5. 我们都认为帮助残疾人是我们的职责。We all think it our duty to help the disabled.6. 再给我一次机会,我会成功的。Give me another chance and I will succeed.If you give me another chance, I will succeed.,7. 我一到北京就会给你写信的。I will write to you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.8. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去野炊。If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.,9. 昨天当我到电影院时,电影已经开始了。When I went to the cinema yesterday, the film had already begun.10. 请告诉我他是什么时候做完家庭作业的。Please tell me when he finished his homework.,Part 2 Listening,Part 3 Grammar Focus 句子成分,什么是句子,句子是一组词按语法规律构成的语言单位,它具有相对独立而又完整的意义.句子是怎样构成的?每个句子都是由各个句子成分组成的.句子成分有主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语和补语,(一) 主语,定义:主语是动作的执行者,说明句子讲的是谁或者什么情况.,什么可以作主语?,名词2. 代词3. 数词4. 动词不定式短语5. 动名词短语,I bought a beautiful hat。,The first is the best.,To learn a foreign language is not easy,John carefully searched the room.,Smoking is bad for your health.Looking after babies is a tough task.,6. 从句. That he is a thief surprises us. Whether we will cancel the meeting hasnt been decided. What he said is not right.,it 作形式主语,当句子的主语是动词不定式或动名词或从句时,为了使句子平衡, 可借助it放于句首,此时,it无具体意义,只是形式主语,而真正主语是后面的动词不定式,动名词或从句.Eg. Its difficult to work out the problem.,形式主语,真正主语,it 作形式主语的结构,1.It is/was + adj./n. + to do我们不可能按时去那儿。It is impossible for us to go there on time.2. It is/was + adj./n. + that从句我们必须按时到那儿去是一个规定。It is a rule that we must go there on time.,特殊,3. Its no use / no good / useless + doing sth和他谈话是没有用的。It is no use talking with him.,找出下面句中的主语.,1. George has gone to Paris.2. Reading aloud every morning is a good habit.3. To see once is better than to hear a hundred times.4. Who will do the job is not very important.5. What to do next is not decided.6. It is important to learn English.,(二) 谓语,定义:谓语是用来说明主语的动作或状态,一般由动词或动词短语充当.谓语具有各种时态语态的变化.,找出下列句子的谓语,1. The earth goes round the sun.2. It happened last week.3. I was reading a novel.4. He can run very fast.5. We must go on with our experiment.,(三) 宾语,定义:宾语是用来表明动作行为的对象或结果,是动作的承受者. Eg. I like English.,什么可以作宾语?,1. 名词.He carried the baby in his arm.2. 代词.I missed him very much.3. 数词We need four.,4. 动词不定式I like to read his novels.5. 动名词短语I have not finished reading that book yet.6. 疑问词to doDo you know where to go?,7. 从句I dont know what you are talking about.,找出下列句中的宾语,1. I will answer your letter before the end of the week.2. I enjoy reading.3. The nurse took good care of the children.4. I dont know when he will come.,注意:双宾语,有时有些及物动词要求有两个宾语, 直接宾语和间接宾语, 称之为双宾语.这两个宾语往往一个指人,一个指物.直接宾语一般代表事物,而间接实质宾语一般代表人.Eg.I sent him two books. I sent two books to him.2. My father bought me a present. My father bought a present for me.,it 作形式宾语,结构:主语 + 谓语( think / find / consider / make) + it + adj./n. + to do 或that 从句Eg. 1. We think it important to learn English.2. We find it impossible that he will finish the work on time.3. We think it our duty to clean the classroom.,完成句子,1. You should _(说清楚) that you cant come. ( make)2. We should _ ( 使之成为规则)to get up early. ( make)3. We _ ( 认为这是一个荣耀)to go to the party. (honor),make it clear,make it a rule,consider it an honor,简单句的五种基本句型,S VS V OS V P(表语)S V O O5. S V O OC(宾补),S + V ( 主+谓 ),I smiled. He cried. At last they arrived. I can swim.,1.,2.,3.,4.,S + V + O(主谓宾),I like English. He is reading a book. We have finished our homework.,1.,2.,3.,S + V + P(主系表),I am a teacher. He looked tired. The food tastes good. Leaves turn yellow in autumn.,1.,2.,3.,4.,S + V + O + O(主谓双宾),He gave me a book. His brother told me the story yesterday. He passed me a book.,1.,2.,3.,S + V + O + OC(主谓宾宾补),We find the book boring. We make him our monitor. He has made it a rule.,1.,2.,3.,Part 4 Exercises 划分句子成分,各种成分表达方式,主语 谓语宾语 表语宾补 定语 ( )状语,1The fruit looks fresh. 2The fruit looking fresh in his store sells well .3I have e-mailed him the news. 4. Jim does his new job well .,),(,),(,5This is the last chance to go abroad for further education .The Internet has brought about big changesIt doesnt matter whether you come or not.Peter was killed in a car accident !,(,),The theory he insisted on proved wrong.10. Are the parents who let their child who is young enough walk in the dark alone at night considerate?11. “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst” is a proverb, which means life is beautiful and full of frustrations as well . 12. “A mysterious illness has been brought under control”, the government said on Wednesday .,(,),(,),(,),(,),Thanks for your attending!,


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