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    SectionA(3a-3c),Ive had this bike for three years.,Unit10,郑燕玲 八1班 2017年6月23日,1.庭院拍卖 .2.不再、不复 . 3.成长、长大 .4.说实在的 .5.失去、交出 .6.清除、丢掉 .7.至于、关于 .,一.自主学习,Words,phrases,1.卧室 .2.铁路 . 3.拥有 .4.某种 .5.诚实的 .6. 一会儿 .7.地位(职.级)低下的 .,bedroom,railway,own,certain,truthful/honest,while,yard sale,no longer,grow up,to be honest,part with,clear out,as for,junior,Before reading,poor children,1.What is his family going to sell at the yard sale?,2.What each paragraph is about?,Answer the questions.,Task1,1.What is his family going to sell at the yard sale?,a train and railway set ,the toy monkey,football shirts,certain toys,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 3,The reason why they want to have a _ _.,Children feel _ and the reason why they feel _.,The writer didnt want to _ _ his football shirts.,yard sale,sad,sad,give,up,2.What each paragraph is about?,Para 1,Read the para 1 carefully and finish the tasks.,Write T or F(Correct them),Answer the question(3b),F,F,They want to give the money to a childrens home.,Why did they decide to have a yard sale?,Because the fathers children get bigger their house seems to get smaller.,Careful reading,Task2,My daughter is 15 and my boy has already started junior high school. 2.Our house really get smaller.,16,seems to,2.What do they want to do with (处理)the money from the sale?,( ),( ),Careful reading,Task3,Para 2,Read the paragraph 2 carefully How do they feel about selling their old things?,My son was quite at first.Although he his old toys .,sad,has not played with,for a long time,understanding,sad,part with,3.How many things have they decided to each sell?,Five things.,Para 2,4. Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set?,Because he has owned the train and railway set since his fourth birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven.,Answer the questions(3b).,Read the paragraph 3 Translate the sentences.,Para 3,1.As for me ,I did not want to give up my football shirts.,2.说实在的,现在我已经有一段时间没踢(足球)了。,至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衫。,To be honest,I have not played for a while now.,Task4,4. How can the old toys be useful again?5. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? What would you do with the money you raise?,Answer the questions(3b)(Different students have different answers.),After reading,4. How can the old toys be useful again?,(1)They can be sold to the people who need them.,可以被卖掉,(2)We can give them away to poor children.,5. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? What would you do with the money you raise?,你会怎样处理你筹集的钱?,Yes, I have.,(1)I would give it to the charity.,(2)I would give it to the people who are in need.,3c Find the words or phrases in the article which have the similar meaning with the ones below.,lose _ kids _truthful _ many _some time _ even though _ quickly _ older _,part with,children,to be honest,a lot of,for a while,Although,fast,bigger,After reading,从文章中找到单词/词组替换以下内容,Retell the article.,The authors family is going to have a _. They decided to sell things they _ and gave the _ to a childrens home. At the beginning, his son was sad, because he has owned the train and railway set since his _. And he also liked the toy monkey he has had since his birth. His daughter was more _, although she also felt sad to _ certain toys. The author will give up his _ because he hasnt played_.,yard sale,no longer use,money,fourth birthday,understanding,part with,football shirts,for a while,After reading,义卖活动要求:为了帮助有需要的人们,我学决定于周五下午4:00-5:00进行校园义卖,学生可以售卖自己不需要的文具、旧书或者是其他物品,所得的款项将作为爱心基金。请4人一组讨论,填写以下表格:,Group work,Report:I am Carol. I sell a pencil box.I have owned it for 1 year.Its still new. Its five yuan. XXX sells. She/He has owned it for year. Its yuan. ,1.Amy,whatdoyouthinkofmynewdress? Mom,_,Ithinkitsnotnice.2.Hisfather_worksinthepostofficeand heworksinabank. 3.JustnowI_someoldbooks frommybookcase.4._me,Idontwanttojointhechessclub. Iunderstandyou.Youdontlikeplayingchessatall.5.Althoughhewaspoor,herefusedto_ thefamilyjewels(珠宝首饰)., , , ,Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.,tobehonest,nolonger,clear out,ed,asfor,A,partwith,Summary:,Yard Sale,The reason,The son,The daughter,The writer,The children are1. .,The house seems to2. .,We want to have a 3. .,Well give the money to 4. .,He was quite 5. .,He wanted to keep a 6. set and his 7. .,She was more 8. .,She felt 9. to part with certain toys.,He wanted to keep his 10. .,He is getting 11. .,growing up fast,get smaller,yard sale,childrens home,sad,train and railway,toy monkey,understanding,sad,football shirts,older,We should,help others,love our life,Homework,Recite the new words and phrases,Practice retelling the article,Thanks for listening,


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