托福阅读考试怎样合理安排时间 托福阅读考试怎样合理安排时间?做题顺序时间分配细节介绍。今天给大家带来了托福阅读考试怎样合理安排时间 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读考试怎样合理安排时间?做题顺序时间分配细节介绍托福阅读做题顺序建议边看边做大部分考生都会有如此的一个习惯,首先是把托福阅读*通读一遍,而后又去看题目。如此做的考生并非是你的阅读水平极高的话,提醒大家别如此做,由于若你的的阅读水平不够的话,或者词汇量积累不够,也许你的阅读*将耗尽你大多数的时间,从而没有时间去看题找答案了。但此方法并非是绝对不可取,若这篇*是你原来就已经读过的,即使你一字一句读也不会浪费太多时间;另外还有一种就是前面提及的,你的阅读水平极高,能够轻松的应付这种阅读*,否则用这种方法就宣布你的“死刑”。托福阅读每篇*都要分配固定时间通常不会碰到加试的情况下,那么你有60分钟(2019年8月起缩短为54分钟)用来应对3篇700字左右的*,还有30道左右的题目。如此若你根据18分钟一篇*来解题的话,如此时间刚好是54分钟。但考生们还必须要清楚的是托福阅读3篇*的难易度是不相同的,若前面的*偏难一些情况下,如此大家会有更多的时间后面*简单一些问题还不大,但若前面的*题目较简单你一样是可以使用20分钟,在后面遇到较难的*和题目的时候就会时间不够用了。因此大家在托福阅读考试时第一篇阅读做题时最好别超过18分钟。如此你的时间是否真的就不够用了,到最后时间快到时你后面的题目依然是并未来得及看就只能靠猜了,而这么做的正确率将会大打折扣。托福阅读背景:五分之一地球人相信外星人潜伏在身边Aliens exist and they live in our midst disguised as humans - at least, thats what 20 percent of people polled in a global survey believe.The Reuters Ipsos poll of 23,000 adults in 22 countries showed that more than 40 percent of people from India and China believe that aliens walk among us disguised as humans, while those least likely to believe in this are from Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands (8 percent each).However, the majority of people polled, or 80 percent, dont believe aliens in our midst."It would appear that that theres a modest correlation between the most populated countries and those more likely to indicate there may be aliens disguised amongst them compared with those countries with the smaller populations," said John Wright, Senior Vice President of market research firm Ipsos."Maybe its a simple case that in a less populated country you are more likely to know your next door neighbor better," he said.More men than women - 22 percent vs 17 percent - believe that alien beings are on earth.Most of those believers are under the age of 35, and across all income classes, the survey showed. Of those who do not believe, most are women.外星人不仅存在,而且假扮成人类生活在我们中间至少有20%的人这么认为。日前,路透社与益普索集团对22个国家的2.3万名成年人开展的一项全球调查显示,印度和中国有40%的人相信外星人伪装成人类生活在我们中间,而比利时、瑞典和荷兰(各8%)相信这一说法的人最少。不过多数受访者(80%)不相信外星人就在我们身边。市场调查机构益普索集团的高级副总裁约翰?怀特说:“相对于人口较少的国家,人口最稠密的国家民众似乎更倾向于认为可能有外星人潜伏在他们中间。”他说:“道理很简单,在人口较少的国家,人们更容易知道周围都住着什么人。”此外,男性比女性更相信外星人藏身地球的说法,比例分别为22%和17%。调查显示,多数相信外星人存在于地球的人年龄在35岁以下,而且各收入阶层的人都有。在不相信外星人存在的人中,女性居多。托福阅读背景:二十年内人类将和外星人相遇Russian scientists expect humanity to encounter alien civilizations within the next two decades, a top Russian astronomer predicted on Monday."The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms. Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years," Andrei Finkelstein, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Applied Astronomy Institute, was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.Speaking at an international forum dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, Finkelstein said 10 percent of the known planets circling suns in the galaxy resemble Earth.If water can be found there, then so can life, he said, adding that aliens would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head."They may have different color skin, but even we have that," he said.Finkelsteins institute runs a program launched in the 1960s at the height of the Cold War space race to watch for and beam out radio signals to outer space."The whole time we have been searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, we have mainly been waiting for messages from space and not the other way," he said.俄罗斯一位权威天文学家周一预测,在未来二十年内,人类将能和外星人相遇。俄罗斯国际文传电讯社引述俄社会科学院应用天文学研究所负责人安德烈?芬克尔斯坦的话说:“生命起源犹如原子的形成一样不可避免其他星球上也存在生命,我们会在20年内找到它。”芬克尔斯坦在一个以外星生命探索为主题的国际论坛上表示,银河系中绕恒星公转的已知行星中,有10%的行星与地球类似。他指出,如果能在这些星球上找到水源,就可以找到生命。他还说,外星人很可能与人类相似,有两只胳膊,两条腿,一个脑袋。他说,“他们可能有不同的肤色,但我们也如此。”芬克尔斯坦所在的研究所在20世纪60年代冷战时期的太空竞赛高峰期发起了一个向外太空收发无线电信号的计划,该计划目前还在进行中。他说道:“一直以来我们都在搜寻外星文明,不过基本上除了等待来自外太空的信息外,我们还别无他法。”托福阅读背景之“过小年的传统”中国民间传统的祭灶日“小年”来到了。这一天人们通常通过祭灶和扫年来宣告整个春节庆祝活动的开始。也有日历将腊月廿三和廿四都标注为小年,原因在于南北方的小年会相差一天,北方多数人廿三过小年,而南方人的小年则要晚一天。你们那里哪天过小年?Little New Year (Chinese: Xiaonian), usually a week before the lunar New Year, falls on Feb 1 this year. It is also known as the Festival of the Kitchen God, the deity who oversees the moral character of each household.“小年”通常在农历新年前一周左右,今年是在2月1日,也是年前的“祭灶日”。传说中,灶王爷会监督着每家每户的善恶。Here are six things you should know about the Little New Year, another sign of the start of spring.下面是“小年”的六种民间习俗,“小年”也预示着春季的开始。Offer sacrifices to Kitchen God祭灶王File photo shows people participate in a sacrificial offering to the Kitchen God in Nantong, Jiangsu province, Feb 11, 20XX. Photo by Xu Peiqin/AsianewsphotoIn one of the most distinctive traditions of the Little New Year is the burning of a paper image of the Kitchen God, dispatching the gods spirit to Heaven to report on the familys conduct over the past year. The Kitchen God is then welcomed back by to the home through the pasting of a new paper image of him beside the stove. From this vantage point, the Kitchen God will oversee and protect the household for another year.“小年”最具特色的风俗就是“祭灶王”,具体来讲就是将旧的灶王像烧掉,送“灶王”上天禀报这家人过去一年的善恶。大年三十的晚上,要在灶台旁贴一张新的灶王像,也就是“接灶”。这样,来年“灶王爷”就能继续监督并庇佑这一家人。Most of the offerings are sweets of various varieties. It is thought that this will seal the Kitchen Gods mouth and encourage him to only say good things about the family when he ascends to heaven to make his report.人们还会在祭灶时给灶王爷摆上多种甜点做贡品,认为这会堵住灶王爷的嘴,让他上天汇报时只说好话。托福阅读考试怎样合理安排时间