托福听力讲座类内容展开套路分析 托福听力讲座类内容展开套路分析 ,记录逻辑词考点更好抓,今天给大家带来了托福听力讲座类内容展开套路分析 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力讲座类内容展开套路分析 记录逻辑词考点更好抓托福听力讲座类内容展开套路介绍托福听力讲座部分的*套路是有很强的规律性的,一般来说分为以下6个步骤:第一步:回顾上节课内容第二步:引出专有名词(这节课的主题)第三步:介绍这个专有名词(一种现象,或人物,或历史事件)第四步:通过列举分类的方式或者介绍流程的方式来阐述主题的具体内容第五步:在整个讲座过程中穿插学生提问或者老师自己提问,之后给出解答(每个提问处都很可能是考点)第六步:最后对主题进行总结或升华(例如会提到讲座主题对过去或未来产生的影响或深远的意义等)托福听力听懂讲座要抓句子逻辑关系词逻辑是连接一篇*的筋骨脉络,每一篇托福听力*都有着严谨的*层次和逻辑关系。句子之间常见的逻辑关系有转折、对比、因果、顺承、举例等。逻辑是通过逻辑词和逻辑短语来体现的。一旦出现逻辑词,就很可能跟出考点,所以听清逻辑词,并迅速记录下来,能够使得*内部的关系和顺序一目了然。最好的迅速记录句子间逻辑关系的方法就是通过各种符号来进行记录,具体的符号大家可以自行设定其含义,这样更容易记住和使用。提醒大家,拥有良好的逻辑意识,并且能够掌握常见的逻辑词以及短语,这样无论是在测试阅读、听力、口语或作文部分的时候都是一个优势。如果你能够在平时的听力训练中注意总结这些逻辑词和短语的用法,并将此运用在自己的口语和写作部分,那一定能够进入高分档。新托福听力备考:单句练习1. He doesnt teach in this department.他不在这个系教书。2. It seems as though weve known each other for a long time instead of just two weeks.似乎我们已经认识了很长时间而不是两个星期。3. Dicks parents made him spend his vacation at home.迪克的父母让他在家里度过假期。4. I found that poem hard to understand, didnt you?我发现那首诗歌很难懂,你呢?5. He himself didnt know what to do.他自己都不知道做什么。6. This trip will be shorter on the subway than on the bus.这次旅途坐地铁比坐公共汽车短。7. Sue swims a mile every day to keep in shape.苏每天游泳一个小时以保持身体健康。8. The high winds resulted in heavy damage to trees and power lines.劲风造成了树和动力线的严重破坏。(high:强烈的,猛烈的。)9. Im going to help Teresa with her math this afternoon.今天下午我要帮助特丽萨学习数学。10. Why dont we move the chairs inside?我们把椅子搬到里边吧。11. Kate was really feeling down in the dumps about her latest chemistry assignment.特真的对最新的化学作业感到愁眉不展。(down in the dumps:闷闷不乐,忧郁。)12. His art was appreciated by the younger people at the exhibit.他的艺术受到参观展览会的年轻人的欣赏。13. Whoever wins this game gets to play against Marley in the finals.无论谁赢得这次比赛都将与马垒决赛。14. I bought this coat when I was abroad.我在国外时买的这件外衣。15. There ought to be more pencils than those left in the box.盒子里的铅笔不够数。16. After the speech came a brief question and answer session.演讲之后是短短的问答。17. We hardly studied at all last weekend.上个周末我们根本没有学习。18. Shes been through a lot lately.她最近完成了很多。19. This television program is not in the least boring.这个电视节目一点也不无聊。新托福听力备考:单句练习1. Sally couldnt find the classroom until after the class had begun.塞丽直到上课后才找到教室。2. Jean is taking a sick leave from work for the summer.珍妮夏天正在休病假。3. Henry is supposed to be at work at 8 oclock, but he arrived at 9 this morning.亨利应该在八点钟上班,但他今天上午九点钟才到。4. It certainly was kind of Jean to send me flowers when I was sick.我有病的时候珍妮给我送去鲜花真是太好了。5. William drove Georges car from Georgia to New York without stopping to sleep.威廉开着乔治的车从乔治亚州来到纽约,一路没有停下睡觉。6. Fewer people came to the meeting than we had expected.来开会的人比我们预料的少。7. The professor apologized for not announcing the test earlier.教授因未提前通知考试而道歉。8. Mary is leaving her job for good.瑪丽将永远离开她的工作。9. John has some money but not enough to buy groceries.约翰有一些钱但不够买食品。10. Henry spent five hours knocking on doors, but he didnt sell a single magazine.亨利花了五个小时挨家敲门,却连一本杂志也没有卖掉。11. They expected eighty people at the rally, but twice that many showed up.他们预计有八十人参加集会,但露面的人达两倍之多。12. We were supposed to meet Fred and Mary at the movies, but we are broke.我们本应该在看电影时与弗雷得和瑪丽见面,但我们的钱话光了。13. The contractor said the repairs on Franks house would be very expensive, but Frank decided to have the work done.承包商说弗兰克房子的整修将很昂贵,而弗兰克决定让他干这活。14. I should have studied last night, but I was too tired.昨天晚上我本应该学习,可是我太累了。15. John refused to go to the banquet although he was going to receive an award.尽管约翰准备接受颁奖,但他却拒绝去参加宴会。16. Agna hasnt gone to a movie for years.艾哥娜好几年没有去看电影了。17. He likes sugar in his coffee but nothing else.他喜欢在咖啡里加糖,但不喜欢其它的。18. Arnal was embarrassed to tell his date that he didnt have 15 dollars to pay for the meal.阿纳尔想告诉他的女友他没有15美元付饭钱却难以启齿。19. The man offered $1000 for the car, but George shook his head.那男子出1000美元买这辆车而乔治摇摇头。20. Harvys face turned bright red when the teacher asked him a question.老师问问题时哈威脸红了。托福听力讲座类内容展开套路分析