Unit4,.重点单词1 adj.泥泞的;泥土般的 n泥2 n观念;概念3 adv./adj.每周(的) 每月(的)4 adj.有关的 adv.相关地5 adj.遥远的;偏僻的6 vi.参与;参加 n参加者,muddy,mud,concept,weekly,monthly,relevant,relevantly,remote,participate,participant,7 n安排;排列 vt.安排8 vi.梳(发)n.梳子9 adj.自愿的;志愿的 v自愿;志愿 n志愿者10 vt.缝制vi.缝 缝纫机11 adj.政治的;政党的 n政治家12 n安全;保护;保障 v保护,arrangement,arrange,comb,voluntary,volunteer,sew,sewing machine,political,politician,security,secure,13_ n目录 14_ n门诊部;小诊所15_adj.遥远的;偏僻的 _ n遥控器16_ vi.&vt.操作;工作;做手术 _n操作;手术17_n宇航员;太空人 _n天文学18_ vt.捐赠 _ n捐赠 赠送 _n捐赠者,catalogueclinicremote,remotecontroller,operate,operation,astronaut,astronomy,donate,donation,donator,19_ n特权;特别优待 _ adj.有特权的,荣幸的20_ n&v.买;购买 _ n购买人21_vt.分配;分发 _ n分配;分发22_ n两星期 _ adj.&adv.每两周的 n双周刊物23_ vt.调整 使适合 _ n调节,privilege,privileged,purchase,purchaser,distribute,distribution,fortnight,fortnightly,adjust,adjustment,.重点短语1_收到来信2_不久前的一天3_干透;(使浸水的事物)完全变干4_(河流或水井等)干涸5_在困难中;在危机中6be relevant to_7to be honest_8make a fire_9stick out_10come across_,hear fromthe other daydry outdry upin need,与有关诚实地说生火伸出 偶然遇到或发现,11 极想干12 .适应13 肯定地14 有/没影响15 调整自己适应,be dying to do / for,adapt . to,for sure/certain,make a/no difference,adjust oneself to,.品句填词1It took her a while to a_to living alone after the divorce.2We are collecting money for children_(有困难)3If foreign aid_(枯竭) the situation will be desperate.4My house is the only brick one on the street.It s_out and you cant miss it.5Topics for composition should be_ (与有关)to the experiences and interests of the students.,6After he studied abroad,he went on o_the company.7Local people are lining up to d_blood for the badly burnt girl in yesterdays big fire.8The programme has saved thousands of children who would_(否则) have died.答案1.adapt/adjust2.in need3.dries up4.sticks5relevant6.operating7.donate8.otherwise,in need;stick out;dry out;hear from;make no difference;the other day;adapt to;come across;to be honest;get through1When they didnt_her,they feared the worst.2She_some old photographs in a drawer when she was tidying the room.3The new students are very slow to_the rules.4Helen borrowed my book_,saying that she would return it soon.5_,the only reason why she married him was for his money.,6They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would_.7Whether you go or not_to me.8The charity aims to provide assistance to people_.9I tried calling you several times but I couldnt_.10Water the plant regularly,never letting the soil_.答案1.hear from2.came across3.adapt to4.the other day5.To be honest6.stick out7.makes no difference8.in need9.get through10.dry out,1Your digital camera could be _ to take pictures in a rainy day.AremindedBadjustedCtreated Daccustomed解析:adjust vt.调整;使适应;remind提醒;使想起;treat对待;治疗;accustom习惯于。根据句意,可知应选B。答案:B,2Im dying _ the result of the competition.Aof BfromCfor Das解析:be dying for.渴望/极想答案:C,3He _ his blood to the blood center once a year.Amanages BmakesCdonates Dconvinces解析:donate v捐赠;赠送;manage管理;对付;convince使信服;说服。根据句意可知选C。答案:C,An awful accident _,however,occur the other day.Adoes BdidChas to Dhad to解析:did表示对过去事实的强调答案:B,2It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine._,wed better take it to the garage immediately.AOtherwise BIf notCBut for that DIf so解题指导句意:汽车的发动机听上去好像出了问题。如果这样的话,我们最好马上把车开到修理厂。if so假如这样的话,符合题意,所以选D。otherwise否则;if not如果不;but for that要不是那个的话,均不符合题意。正确答案D,3.Helen has just been in Denmark for 5 days and is trying to _ the weather here.Aadjust to Bagree withCrely on Dfit to解题指导句意:海伦已经在丹麦呆了5天了,正尽力适应这儿的天气。本题考查动词词组辨析。adjust to调查以适应;agree with同意某人的话,rely on依靠;fit to适合。根据句意A项正确。正确答案A,4Mrs Black was so _ for the news of her lost child that she was almost driven mad.Asorry BdyingCsad Dcareful解题指导句意:布莱克夫人是如此渴望知道她丢失的孩子的消息。以致于快疯掉了。本题考查be dying for“渴望/极想”的用法。正确答案B,5Some blood types are quite common,others are regionally _,and still others are rare everywhere.Adistributed BcontributedCobtained Dconvinced解题指导句意:一些血型很常见,而有一些呈地区分布,但仍有少量血型很罕见。本题考查动词辨义。distribute分布;分配,contribute;贡献;有助于,obtain得到;获得,convince使信服;确信。根据句意可知A项正确。正确答案A,6. Warmblooded animals have the ability to _ body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.(2012北京四中质检)Arespond Battach Cadjust Dexpose答案C,7. Even though he has lived in China for many years,Mark still cannot_ himself to the Chinese customs.Adevote Badjust Capply Daddict答案B,(1)I instructed the students to pull out their notebooks and write a brief essay _ the theme of deep disappointment.(2011广东卷阅读理解C)我指导学生拿出笔记本,写一篇有关失望的短文。答案related to,(2)Your nationality is not _when choosing a career,but your ability to speak the language is.Arelative Bresponsible Crelevant Dpractical答案C,(1)TVturnoff week,_millions of people around the world participate every year,tries to encourage people to turn on life.(2012海淀区期末)Ain which Bon which Cwhich Dwhen解析which引导定语从句,“每年世界各地数以百万计的人们参加TVturnoff week这一活动”,participate in TVturnoff week。答案A,(2)With China _ in the world trade more frequently,the world economy is developing more rapidly and steadily.(2012山东烟台模拟)Aparticipating Bto participateCparticipated Dbeing participated解析考查介词with加复合宾语结构,这里是with China participating in the world trade,因为中国加入世界贸易,主动关系用现在分词作宾语补足语。答案A,(1)I dont really like James.Why did you invite him?Dont worry.He _come.He said he wasnt certain what his plans were.(2011北京卷,24)Amust not Bneed notCwould not Dmight not解析考查情态动词,题干中的he wasnt certain说明他可能不来,可能来,因此使用不完全否定,might not。而need not表示“不必”。答案D,(1)If you _faults but you still want the bicycle,ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.(2011安徽卷,34)Acome across Bcare aboutClook for Dfocus upon解析come across是遇到、碰到、邂逅、发现的意思,主语一般是人,care about关心,所以用 come across,“如果你发现瑕疵,但是还是要买下它,就要求店员降价”。答案A,(2)If you_a mistake in reviewing the report,please bring it to my attention.(2012南宁质检)Acome along Bcome acrossCcome around Dcome about解析考查动词词组。come across意为“偶尔碰到或遇到”。错解:C;错因分析:未能理解句意,同时没有掌握选项的正确意义。答案B,(1)After Lomborg,the environmental movement will begin to_.(平息)(2011重庆卷阅读理解E)解析在Lomborg之后,环保运动开始平息。答案die down,(2)Ronnys steps_,and there was a moment of absolute silence.(2012青岛二中模拟)Adied down Bdied awayCdied off Ddied out解析这个句子的意思是,“Ronny的脚步声逐渐消失了,只剩下一刻的万籁俱寂的安静”。die away 逐渐模糊;逐渐减弱以至于觉察不到,如描绘声音、风、光线等逐渐消失;die down指逐渐平息,尤其指火焰、风暴、疼痛、谣言等,die off,一一死去,先后死去,die out,灭绝(指家族或物种),所以选择die away。答案B,(1)We stood at the top of the hill, we could see the whole town.我们站在山顶上,从那里可以看到整个城镇。朗文(2)China is the birth place of kites,from where kiteflying spread to Japan,Korea,Thailand and India.中国是风筝的故乡,在那里风筝传到日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度。牛津,from where,(1)On June 11,2009,nearly 40 of my family and friends gathered in the area close _I would land while I headed up in the airplane.(2011北京卷阅读理解A)答案to where(2)The ministry has no guidelines_or how remains should be reburied,or on what records should be kept.(2011上海卷)答案on where,