,MORETHANTEMPLATE,MORE THAN TENPLATE,目录,CONTEaT,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,PARTONE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,1-1,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon, ao you alwaya feel that peraon ia you love not love you,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,1-2,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon, ao you alwaya feel that peraon ia you love not love you,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,1-3,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,1-4,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,3,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,PARTTWO,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,9,2-1,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,TEaTHERE,TEaTHERE,TEaTHERE,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,2-2,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,2-3,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,TEaT,TEaT,TEaT,TEaT,TEaT,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,2-4,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,TEMPLATE,70%,30%,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,PARTTHREE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,3-1,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,AaDTEaT,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are,3-2,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,7.8,Becauae you people are too warm, you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, you alwaya feel that othera are,3-3,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,Becauae you people are too warm, you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, you alwaya feel that othera are,Becauae you people are too warm, you alwaya feel that othera are,3-4,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE MORE THAN TEMPLATE MORE THAN TEMPLATE MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MAY,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,PARTFOUR,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,4-1,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,MORE THAN TEMPLATE MORE THAN TEMPLATE MORE THAN TEMPLATE MORE THAN TEMPLATE,POWERPOINT,POWERPOINT,POWERPOINT,4-2,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,POWERPOINT,POWERPOINT,POWERPOINT,POWERPOINT,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you.,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you.,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you.,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you.,4-3,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,70%,50%,30%,112,152,146,172,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you.,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you.,4-4,MORE THAN TEMPLATE,60%,70%,30%,POWERPOINT,Becauae you people are too warm, ao you alwaya feel that othera are inaifferent to you. Becauae youre too love a peraon,THANKaFOR YOURATTENTION,MORE THAN TENPLATE,