.,1,Westward Movement,(西进运动),.,2,Abstract,Westward movement in America carried settlers across America, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Period : the early 17th -late 19th centuriesReasons:Make a better life,for the land、the wealth、more opportunities,.,3,.,4,.,5,EFFECTS,positivenegative,.,6,Promote democracyencourage the development of certain American characteristics. ,.,7,The cowboy,the spirit of independence, self-reliance(自力更生)encourage many Americans until today,.,8,to Indians,Be cheated and killed cruellyA miserable(悲惨的) historyBecame landless, homeless, and even lifeless.Rebelled but failed,.,9,Indian removal act,Time:1830President Andrew JacksonIndian tribes were all forced off their nations and moved on to reservations(保留地),.,10,.,11,.,12,The belief that it was US destiny to expand towards the Pacific , perhaps further , to spread its version of democracy & freedom. (天定命运论:19世纪鼓吹美国对外侵略扩张为天命所定的一种理论),Manifest Destiny 天定命运论,Though it was just a general belief & never official policy, many historians use the concept of Manifest Destiny to explain American expansion.,.,13,conclusion,We can not deny that westward movement is a great monument in America history, however it is one way of America expansion.It is one part of American colonialism.,.,14,Thank you for your listening!,