成都投资环境介绍,CHENGDU INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,成都高新区概况,Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Overview,目录Contents,产业发展概况Industrial Development,投资环境Investment Environment,成都高新区概况Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Overview,成都概况Chengdu Overview,自然概况 General Situation,四川省省会,面积1.24万平方公里,常住人口1404万。西南地区的三中心两枢纽,2007年成为“全国城乡综合改革配套实验区”。,The capital city of Sichuan covers an area of 12,400 km2, with a population 14.04 million.Chengdu was approved by the State Council to be a pilot city targeting integrated rural and urban reform in 2007.,经济发展 Economic Development,2013年GDP9200亿人民币,人均GDP超过8500美元。The GDP reached RMB 920 billion and GDP per capita surpassed USD8,500 in 2012.,对外开放 Opening to the Outside World,美国、德国、法国、新加坡、巴基斯坦、泰国、韩国、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、澳大利亚等十国设有 领事机构。世界500强企业252家,其中境外企业188家,中国内地企业64家。US, Germany, France, Singapore, Pakistan, Thailand, ROK, Philippines ,Sri Lanka have set up consulates and Australia will set up consulate in Chengdu.252 Fortune 500 companies have their presence in Chengdu, among which 188 are foreign companies and 64 are Chinese companies.,成都投资环境介绍,CHENGDU INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,成都高新区概况,Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Overview,园区简介 Introduction,1991年经国务院批准成立的首批国家级高新区Approved in 1991, CDHT is one of the earliest national hi-tech zones.科技部首批6个创建世界一流园区试点单位之一One of the 1st 6 experimented zones to endeavor for world class development zones approved by Ministry of Science and Technology全国首批版权示范园区 One of the 1st property rights model zone in China,地理位置 Location,规划面积130平方公里,由南部园区和西部园区组成。CDHT consists of the South Park and West Park, with a total planned area of 130 km2.,West Park,3rd Ringroad,2nd Ringroad,1st Ringroad,Downtown,South Park,4th Ringroad,Shuangliu Airport,南部园区 South Park,规划面积86.5平方公里功能定位:重点发展现代服务业,突出发展以金融业、商务服务业为代表的生产性服务业,建设宜业宜居的国际化现代化新城区Planned area: 86.5 km2Function: modern service industry, service industry for manufacturing assistance, like finance, and business service, making a internationalized modern urban area suitable for business and life.,Innovation Industry Area,Next G of IT grid Area,Dayuan Business Area,Incubation Park,Financial Area,Bio-tech Park,Administration Area,Exhibition Center,Business Area,Returned Students Incubator,Advanced Environmental Protection Development Area,Hi-end Software and IT Services Area,天府软件园:已建成130万平方米,另有约100万平方米在规划中天府软件园目前已有IBM、阿尔卡特、诺基亚、SAP、NEC、科胜讯、金山、华为、腾讯等400余家企业入驻,园区总人数超过4万人,是国内规模最大,发展速度最快的专业软件园区。 Tianfu Software Park: 1.3million m2 has been built up and another 1 million m2 is under planning.Over 400 companies including IBM, Alcatel, Nokia, SAP, NEC, Conexant, Kingsoft, Huawei, Tencent, etc, have their presence in the park , with 40,000 employees. Tianfu Software Park is the largest and fastest-growing professional software park in China.,天府软件产业核心园区 Core Area of Tianfu Software Industry,ASM 研发中心ASM R&D Center,赛门铁克研发中心Symantec R&D Center,凌阳科技大厦Sunplus Building,安捷伦研发中心Agilent R&D Center,天府软件产业核心园区 Core Area of Tianfu Software Industry,企业自建研发中心:赛门铁克、安捷伦、凌阳科技、中兴通讯、中国电信天府热线数据中心、中国移动四川公司多媒体呼叫中心及外包服务中心、新联通西南通信枢纽楼等R&D facilities built up by companies: Symantec, Agilent, Sunplus, ZTE, China Telecom Tianfu Hotline Data Center, China Mobile multi-media call center & outsourcing center, China Unicom Southwest Telecom Hub, etc.,新川创新科技园是由新加坡和四川省合作开发的高科技产业创新发展集聚区。按照“产城一体”的总体规划理念,将打造成一个产业、人文、生态高度融合的创新示范城。SSCIP is an innovation cluster for hi-tech enterprises that is jointly developed by Singapore and Sichuan. Based on the overall planning principle of integrating industry with urban living, the SSCIP is set to become an innovative model city where industry, culture and nature all co-exist in perfect harmony with one another.,新川创新科技园 SSCIP,新川创新科技园规模10.33平方公里,规划居住人口12万人,由7个相对独立的组团构成,是一个创新持续、智慧增长、开放人文的科技新城。 The planning area of SSCIP is 10.33 km2 and the residential population is about 120,000. SSCIP is divided into 7 self-supporting clusters.,组团1天府大道 创新门户Cluster 1 Tianfu Boulevard, Innovation Gateway组团 2服务外包、低碳产业科研园Cluster 2Services Outsourcing, Low-carbon Industry Research Park组团 3复合功能发展核心Cluster 3 Mixed Functional Development Core组团4 生物医药、生态居住Cluster 4 Bio-medicine, Eco-living组团5 高端制造研发Cluster 5High-end Manufacturing and R&D组团6创意研发及成果转化Cluster 6Innovation R&D and Product Transformation新川之心公共服务与交流的创意活力核心XINCHUAN HEARTBEATVibrant Core of Public Services and Communications,新川创新科技园 SSCIP,西部园区 West Park,规划面积43.5平方公里 功能定位:重点发展先进制造业,突出发展以新一代信息技术、生物、高端装备制造、节能环保为重点的战略性新兴产业,建设具有世界影响力的高端产业基地。 Planned area: 43.5 km2 Function: advanced manufacturing, emerging industries with strategic importance, like new generation IT, bio-pharmacy, hi-end equipment manufacturing, energy saving and environment protection, making a hi-end industrial base with global influence,Supporting Industry Area,Next G of IT grid Area,Aviation Equipment Industry,Ph. D Incubator,UESTC Incubator,Biomedical Engineering Area,UESTC,Emerging Industry Area,Electronic Industry Area,Biomedicine Area,成都高新综合保税区Chengdu Hi-Tech Comprehensive Bonded Zone,2010年10月正式批准设立;2011年2月验收通过 Approved by the State Council in Oct. 2010,and passed acceptance check in Feb. 2011. 总规划面积4.68平方公里 With a total planned area of 4.68 km2. 2012年实现进出口总额 262.2 亿美元 中西部第一位 Imports and exports totaled USD 26.22 billion in 2012, ranking first in mid-west China.,西部园区员工公寓 Staff Apartment (West Park),分为西南片区和西北片区员工公寓。西南片区员工公寓占地44.8万平方米,总建筑面积140万平方米,可容纳12.7万人居住。西北片区员工公寓占地4.6万平方米,总建筑面积17.3万多平方米,可容纳1.85万人居住。The staff apartment in West Park includes Southwest apartment and Northwest apartment. Southwest apartment covers an area of 448,000 m2, with a total floor space of 1,400,000 m2, which can accommodate 127,000 people. Northwest apartment covers an area of 46,000 m2, with a total floor space of 173,000 m2, which can accommodate 18,500 people.,合作伙伴 Our Partners,成都投资环境介绍,CHENGDU INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,投资环境,Investment Environment,人力资源Human Resources,成都市各类专业技术人员总数135万人,列全国大中城市第四。Total professionals amounts to 1.55 million, ranking 4th in China.,人力成本HR Cost,成都市城区最低工资1200元/月从业人员流动率低于8%The minimum salary is USD 185.13 per month. Turnover rate is under 8%.,2012年不同行业工程师平均工资 Average Salary of Engineers 2012 (Unit: USD Exchange rate: 6.1261 ),动力成本 Utilities Cost,成都周边蕴藏中国1/3的水能及1/4的天然气资源。1/3 of the nations hydro-power and 1/4 of natural gases are reserved in and around Chengdu.,交通物流 航空Transportation & Logistics Aviation,Vancouver,New York,San Francisco,Los Angeles,Sydney,Melbourne,Seoul,Tokyo,Amsterdan,Paris,London,Singapore,Bangkok,Taipei,Karachi,The 4th largest city in China for civil aviation, 72-hr visa free.Passenger turnover reached 33 million in 2013, ranking 4th in the country and 1st in West China. Altogether 151 domestic air routes and 71 international air routes are opened. The second runway had been operated. A regular non-stop flight from Chengdu to London has been launched recently.,Bangalorei,航空 中国航空第四城、72小时落地免签2013年旅客吞吐量达到3340万人次,位居全国第四,西部第一。国内航线151条,国际及地区航线71条,第二跑道已投入使用。最新已开通成都伦敦直飞航线。,开通国际全货机专线International Cargo Flight,成都到欧洲有每周13班全货运航班,使用波音B747-400ERF型飞机,载力1310吨/周。Chengdu to Europe : 13 all-cargo flights each week, using Boeing B747-400ERF aircraft with the airline capacity of 1310 tons per week.成都到美国有每周7班全货运航班,载力540吨/周。Chengdu to the United States: : 7 all-cargo flights each week, with the airline capacity of 540 tons per week.成都到香港有每周8班全货运航班,使用波音B737-300F、 B747-400ERF全货机,载力880吨/周。Chengdu to Hong Kong: 8 all-cargo flights each week, using Boeing B737-300F and B747-400ERF all-cargo aircraft with the airline capacity of 880 tons per week.。,成 都,拉萨,一小时交通圈,二小时交通圈,便捷的公路物流 Convenient Highway Network,至北京、上海、广州高速公路24小时内可通达24 hours to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou by expressway正加快11条高速公路与全省23个出川公路的连接,形成成都直通周边7省区市的高速公路,构建省内城际1小时和2小时交通圈Currently building the network of 11 expressways and 23 highways going out of Sichuan, linking 7 surrounding provinces and regions, and constructing 1-hour & 2-hour traffic circles,交通物流 铁路Transportation & Logistics Railway,连接中亚铁路,通往欧洲To Central Asia & Europe,连接泛亚铁路通往东南亚To Southeast Asia,中国五大铁路枢纽之一、亚洲最大铁路集装箱中心站One of Chinas five major railway hubs, with the largest railway container station in asia至上海、深圳、连云港、天津、南京、广州、徐州、兰州开行五定班列,每周2/4列 Five scheduled trains directly operating by 2/4 a week to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Lianyungang, Tianjin, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Xuzhou, and Lanzhou.已开通至北京、上海卧铺动车组,15小时抵京沪 15 hours to Beijing and Shanghai by CRH train通过欧亚大陆桥和泛亚铁路可连接欧洲、中东及东南亚市场。未来将成为全球性的IT供应链中心 Linking Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia by Eurasian Land-Bridge and Pan-Asian Railways, and to become a global IT supply chain centre in the future.,物流公司 Logistic Agents,成都投资环境介绍,CHENGDU INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,产业发展概况,Industry Survey,主导产业Pillar industries,“7+2”产业重点领域“7+2” major Industrial fields,电子核心基础产业Electronic Core Basic Industry,聚集企业200余家,以英特尔和德州仪器为代表,形成了较为完整的集成电路产业链,全球每两台笔记本电脑的CPU就有一枚是成都造。拥有两条4.5代TFT-LCD生产线及液晶玻璃基板等新型显示器件项目。 With 200+ companies, like Intel and TI, etc., forming a complete IC industrial chain, in the market of the laptops CPU are made in Chengdu. Having projects of new display devices, like 4.5 TFT-LCD and LCD glass plate,德州仪器,下一代信息网络产业next generation of information network,聚集企业300余家,摩托罗拉、诺基亚西门子、阿尔卡特、华为、中兴均已落户。富士康IPAD平板电脑年产能超过4000万台,占全球一半以上。With 300+ companies, Motorola, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel, Huawei, ZTE are all locally registered. Foxconn making 40mn IPADs a year takes half of the global volume,高端软件和新兴信息服务产业Hi-end software and emerging information service,聚集企业近1000家,全球软件20强中有13家、服务外包20强中有5家已入驻;全国第三个、中西部首个“中国软件名城”。With 1000+ companies, 13 of world top 20 software companies, and 5 of world top 20 service outsourcing are already in. the 3rd in China, the 1st in mid-western China entitled China Software Famous City,Hi-end software and emerging information service Companies高端软件和新兴信息服务产业企业,先进环保产业Advanced environmental protection industry,聚集了深蓝环保、中自尾气、天采科技等一批重点企业,国际低碳环保产业园加快建设。,聚集企业50余家,规划建设了国际低碳环保科技园。 with 50+ companies, and plan for international low carbon environment protection technology park,航空装备产业Aviation equipment industry,聚集企业100余家,形成了航空电子、航空维修及零部件制造等特色产业。 with 100+ companies, forming specialties in aircraft electronic device, aircraft spare part manufacturing,电子核心基础产业Electronic Core Basic Industry,下一代信息网络研发公司,Next Generation of IT Network R&D Companies,生物医药 Biomedicine,金融业Financial Industry,聚集各类金融机构和准金融机构300余家,规划建设了5平方公里的金融总部商务区。With 300+ finance related companies and institutions, planed and constructed 5km2 Financial HQ Business Zone,商务服务业Business Services,商务服务业business service,聚集了世界500强及国内外知名企业300余家,新世纪国际会展中心已成为国际高端会议的首选地之一。With 300+ fortune 500 companies and famous companies, the New Century International Conference and Exhibition Center has become one of the 1st choices for hi-end global meetings.,