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    -,The secret garden,LOREM IPSUM DOLOR LOREM,-,About the book,The secret garden was first published in 1911 and soon became the best-seller at that time. It is considered to be a classic of English childrens literature. Its even included in childrens textbooks. While it was initially written for children, the secret garden is enjoyed by readers of all ages.This book is in Arabic considered ,-,Mary,Colin,Dickon,Archibald Craven,The robin,Main Characters,-,Mary was a rude, unhealthy , lonely and plain-looking 10-year-old girl living in India whose parents were wealthy but selfish. They showed neither their own care nor love to Mary. She was sent to live with her uncle after her parents death.,Mary,-,Dickon,Dickon is Marthas little brother. Martha is Marys maid and she tells Mary about Dickon. Dickon is born in a poor family. He spends a lot of his time playing outside. He is very kind and animals like him. He makes Mary get to know the beauty of nature. Moreover, he helps Mary with her roses by planting seeds, and then watching, and cultivating.,-,He is the owner of the Manor. He was a cool and indifferent man. But when he married Mrs. Craven, he became gentle. He loved his wife so much that he would accompany her to stay in her garden for hours. One day Mrs. Craven fell off the tree in the garden and died. That is why Mr. Craven hates the garden so much that he orders that no one can enter it and he buries the key.,Archibald Craven,-,Colin is Archibald Cravens son. He fears that he will be a hunchbacklike his father. He does not want to move and always stays in his room.Mr. Craven fears that his son will be a hunchback like him, he bans others to talk about his son and no one knows Colin except the maids and his doctor.,Colin,-,He is a bird. He brings happiness to Mary. He lets Mary know Ben Weatherstaff. In addition, it is he who shows Mary the way to the secret garden.,Robin,-,Mary left India to live with her uncle in England for her parents died,From her maid, Martha, Mary learned about the secret garden and Dickon, Marthas brother, who is close to nature.,Mary finds the key of the garden by chance. Then with the help of the robin, she enters the secret garden. She decides to refresh the dead garden.,Plot,-,Mary is not great at gardening. But one day she meets Dickon. She shares the secret with him. Dickon promises to help her to manage the secret garden.,Mary hears the crying at night. She finally finds out where the crying comes from. That is from her uncles sick son, Colin. She gets along with the boy and encourages him to go outside and tells him about the secret garden and Dickon.,At last, the secret garden becomes full of roses. Colin gets healthier and healthier. Mary is no longer that sad, angry and bad-tempered girl. Her uncle recovers from the loss of his wife.,-,The Theme,Belief is significant. You have to find something you really believe in.(magic in the story)Power of nature. People can always be healed in nature, whether physically or mentally,-,Be close to natureNever give up the hope of lifeParents should care about their children. What children really need is not superior material conditions, but love from their parents.,What should we learn from Secret Garden!,-,Thank you!,


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