The vivid expression about“say”,B13120315 Shi Zidi,Leading-in,In our daily life ,we express our thought or opinion by use different words. There are lots of expression about “say in English.英语中除了“say”之外,有关口头说的表达词十分丰富。 接下来就其作一归类和总结。,类别,说话者向听话者提供信息类说话者请求,要求或允诺听话者以完成某种行为带有感情色彩的“说”的表达,一、说话者向听话者提供信息类,此类词在陈述、说明、评论、补充、解释或宣布等,藉此澄清某一事情或发出某种信息。表陈述、说明之意表评价之意表补充、回答、解释之意表宜称之意,1.表陈述、说话之意,“Ive never seen the accused man.”He stated 他陈述说:“我从未见过被告。”,2.表评价之意,“you have beautiful handwriting.”I remarked. “你的书法真棒!”我评价道。,3.表补充回答解释之意,John added,”But someday it may be the biggest present you ever received.” 约翰补充说:“不过有一天它会变成你所收到过的最大的礼物。”,4.表宜称之意,“Every student must be at the meeting. the teacher declared.“每个学生都要参加会议。”老师宣布说。“This isnt my finger print. the boy concludes.“这不是我的指纹。”这个男孩断定道。,二、说话者请求,要求或允诺听话者以完成某种行为,此类词的作用你在表示说话人的用意,并可能产生一定的后果,如:劝诫、指导、命令、乞求、同意、提醒、建议、要求等。关于要求、建议、命令方面关于劝诫、提醒、警告方面关于恳求、乞求、承认方面,1.关于要求、建议、命令方面,“Step over it.”Nora instructed.罗拉命令道:“跨过它。”“Open your mouth and take a deep breath. the doctor challenged医生要求到:“张开嘴,深呼吸。”,1.关于劝诫、提醒、警告方面,“Take steps in the matter quickly. the chairman urged.主席力促道:“赶快处理事情。”“Dont make noise. “Mr. Black admonished.布莱克先生警告说:“别出声。”,1.关于恳求、乞求、承认方面,“Come on , God , give me a break. the man implores.男人哀求说:“上帝啊,让我休息一下吧!”“Its my fault.“He admits.他承认道:“我错了。”,三、带有感情色彩的“说”的表达,说话者通过此类词进行表达,又能帮助与感情宣泄,增强言辞表达效果。有关呼叫、哭喊、吼方面关于讥讽、反驳方面关于抱怨方面关于赞扬、发誓、安慰方面其他方面,1.有关呼叫,哭喊,吼方面,A small boy ,losing his mother in a supermarket ,ran through the aisles yelling frantically:”Elaine! Elaine!” 小男孩在超市里找不到妈妈,他在货架间跑着,惊恐的大叫“爱林!爱琳!”“If I was out there at 300 yards, he snarled, do you think you could hit me?” 他咆哮道:“假如我在300码外,你以为你能打中我么?!”,2.关于讥讽、反驳方面,“But,” protested the neighbor, I dont owe you a penny.” “但是,”那邻居反驳道,“我没欠过你一分钱。”“Do you always change clothes in other peoples cars?”she meowed. 她讽刺道,“难道你总在别人的车里换衣服?”,3.关于抱怨方面,“Its bad enough that they have refs on their side. our couch grumbled. 我们教练抱怨道,“太糟了,裁判员也站在他们那边。”“I just cant walk in these shoes. she signed 她叹息着说,“穿上这鞋子,我根本没法走路。”,4.关于赞扬、发誓、安慰方面,“Sure I did. I stood in front of a cave and whistled.”Sergei swears. 赛基发誓道:“我确实做了!我呆在山洞前,吹口哨。”“Thats our contact price. the salesman confirmed. 售货员证实道,“那是规定的价格。”,5.其他,5.其他,“You really mustnt mind him, officer, she cooed. 她嗲声嗲气地说:“警长,您千万别生气。”“Look at this, Jese!” Father bragged.“Did you ever see better alfalfa grow out of the earth?”父亲自夸道“瞧这,杰士!你见过有比从这地上长得出更好的苜蓿么?”,Thank you _(:)_,Source: ,