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    英语中考复习 名词ppt课件.ppt

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    英语中考复习 名词ppt课件.ppt

    中考一轮复习 名词,学习目标,掌握可数名词及其单复数的用法;掌握不可数名词及其量的表示方法;掌握专有名词及名词所有格的用法。,1. Young couples like to search the Internet for (2012镇江)some (suggest)on how to name their babies.2. The boy is more than 2 meters in (high)and he is good at playing basketball. (2012盐城)3. The (develop) of science has changed our world a lot. (2012盐城)4. Sometimes it requires courage to tell the (true). (2012无锡)5. At the exhibition, the little boys (invent) attracted many IT engineers. (2012淮安)6. These days many people are talking about the (safe) of food. (2012南通),suggestions,height,development,truth,invention(s),safety,中考要求,作主语 The population in China is very large.作表语 Im not a child any longer.作称呼语 Boys, dont make so much noise.作定语 Farmers grow banana trees in the south of China.作宾语补足语 We call the boy Mike.作直接宾语 His uncle bought him a dictionary.作间接宾语 He gave the boy much money.作状语 I watched a football match last night.作宾语 I washed my clothes yesterday.,名词的句法功能,名词的分类,普通名词,专有名词,可数名词 (单复数形式),不可数名词 (量的表达),名词的词义辨析,相关的词性转换,名词所有格,专有名词,a. 表示人名、地名、节日名、一周七天、十二个月的专有名词,须以大写的字母开头。例如:Lucy, Nanjing, Washington D.C., Christmas, May Day, Saturday, Tuesday, March, April, October ,b. 海洋、河流、山脉等专有名词前加the。例如: the Pacific (Ocean), the Seine River, the Alps c. 由普通名词变成的专有名词前常加the。例如: the Great Wall, the United States ,d. 表示一家人的两种方式:1. the + 姓氏的复数 2. the + 姓氏 +family 例如: The Greens is a big family. The Brown family are having supper now.,a. 规则变化: 1)_如:map-maps field-fields 2)_如:virus-viruses,box-boxes盒子 dish-dishes盘子, match-matches比赛 3)_如:leaf-leaves叶 thief-thieves贼 knife-knives小刀4)_如:party-parties党 factory-factories工厂 family-families 家庭 5)_ radios 收音机, photos照片, videos录像, zeros零, zoos动物园, kilos公斤 potato-potatoes 马铃薯 hero-heroes 英雄 tomatotomatoes西红柿 mangomangoes或mangos芒果,一般加-s,以s, x, sh, ch 结尾的名词后加-es,以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词,变为-ves,以辅音字母 + y 结尾,变y为i,再加-es,以o 结尾的名词,大部分加-s, 但要记住一些特殊加-es的,实际上也有直接加-s的:roofs, beliefs, proofs,注意:stomachs,可数名词的单、复数形式,可数名词的复数形式,学会自己总结!,但是:以元音字母y结尾的,直接加-s.如:toys, days,b. 不规则变化 1)变内部元音字母。 a)_ man -men woman-women Englishman-Englishmen b)_ foot-feet tooth-teeth goosegeese2)_ 如: fish-fish goldfish-goldfish spacecraft spacecraft sheep-sheep JapaneseJapanese Chinese-Chinese3)其他特殊变化 如mouse-mice ; child-children小孩4)注意:复合名词的复数形式。复合名词变复数时,一般只要把最后一个构成部分变为复数形式即可。 如a girl student five girl students 但第一个名词是man或woman时,则必须将_,如a man doctor two men doctors男医生a woman teacher two women teachers女教师,改a 为e型:,改oo为ee型:,形式不变(即单复数一致),前后两个组成部分都变为复数,注意这几个单词的复数:humans ; Walkmans ; Germans,注意:boots; shoots,字母、数字、引语或缩略词的复数形式是在其后加-s 或-s.There are two f s in the word “office”.Many VIPs are coming to the party.,注意:several shoe shops, a pair of sports shoes, a clothes shop,1. -Mum, today is your day, the Womens Day. Here are some (flower) for you. (2010南京) -Its very thoughtful of you. Thanks, Kitty.2. Many (butterfly) have round marks on their wings that looks like eyes. (2010无锡)3. The babys first front (牙齿) are just coming through. (2010苏州)4. Could you pass the (knife) to me? We need them to make pumpkin lanterns. (2010常州)5. Most of the tourists on the coach are (German), only two of them are (Japanese).6. Our modern times need more and more (hero) for us to learn from. (2012江苏泰州),flowers,butterflies,teeth,knives,Germans,Japanese,中日不变英法变,其余S加后面。,heroes,注意:在few, a few, several, many, one of, a number of后一定加可数名词的复数形式。,8. -What are they doing there?-All the teachers and students are having a meeting. (2012湖北黄冈)women; girls B. women; girlC. woman; girl D. woman; girls,B,7. (节日) like Christmas and Halloween are also popular in China now. (2012连云港),Festivals,可数、不可数名词的量的表示法,1. For breakfast, I usually have and two pieces of bread. (2011杭州)a cup of milk half B. half a cup of milkC. a half milk cup D. half a milk cup,B,注意这些名词是不可数名词:,music, weather, knowledge, health, energy, traffic, advice, news, information,3)There is a lot of _(车辆) on the street.,traffic,4)He has plenty of k_ about history, so his students admire(羡慕) him.,nowledge,注意:在little(表示“少”),a little, much 后要加不可数名词。,1)He gave me less_(建议) than you did.,advice,2)There are little (rabbit) on the hill.,rabbits,注意:在a lot of, lots of, plenty of, some, any 后可以加不可数名词, 亦可以加可数名词复数。,5)He has some good _ (idea) to help us solve problems.,ideas,注意1:有些名词既有可数也有不可数的现象。exercise, glass, fish, orange, paper, room, work, time, experience,注意2:有些名词常以复数形式出现的现象。noodles, glasses, trousers, clothes, chopsticks, shoes, shorts,注意3:有些名词以s结尾,但却不是复数。physics, maths, news, virus, the United States,注意4:复合词中的名词 a 20-meter-long poolThe boy is 18 years old. = He is an 18-year-old boy.,注意5: 有些不可数名词和a, an连用的特殊情况。have a good time 玩得开心, a heavy rain一场大雨, a big success 非常成功,注意几类特殊的名词:,1. You should take more . Dont always be at the desk busy doing your .(2010昆山)exercise; exercise B. exercises; exercises C. exercises; exercise D. exercise; exercises,2. My teacher has given me lots of .Theyre very useful. (2010上海长宁)information B. advice C. suggestions D. news,3. -Its said that a foreign English teacher will teach us English next term. - Wow! ! We can practice our oral English better. A. What an exciting news B. How excited the news is C. What exciting news D. How exciting news,D,C,C,(2012扬州),4. The doctor told me to eat more because its good for my health.(2011江西)orange B. vegetables C. ice cream,5. Im going to the supermarket to buy some this afternoon. (2012陕西)paper and pencil B. apples and banana C. milk and eggs D. bowl and spoons,B,C,名词所有格,名词所有格的构成方式可以概括为以下三类:1) s 形式的所有格 todays newspaper Teachers Day Childrens DayMary and her sisters bedroom (两者共有)Toms and Marys bags (两者分别拥有)ten minutes walk = ten-minute walkat the dentists 在牙医诊所 2) of 或 to 短语构成的所有格 a map of Chinathe leaves of the tree the names of the directors the key to the door the entrance to the cinema the answer to the question3) 双重所有格 a friend of my fathers = one of my fathers friendsa photo of mine a book of Marys,1. The theme park is about ride from the museum. You should start out right now. (2011无锡)two hour B. two hours C. two hours D. two-hours2. Ive got a toothache, so I need to go to the (dentist).3. -Its very good that the girls survey has been handed in. How about the (boy)? (2012年镇江),visitors,C,dentists,boys,4. The guide has collected all the (visit) ID cards. (2010常州),词性转换,1) 加后缀ness 如:sickness; happiness; business2) 加后缀ment如:advertisement; development; achievement 3) 加后缀ion 如:pollution; education; operation; communication ; discussion; expression; decide ; 4) 加后缀ance如:appearance; performance ; enter ; 5) 加后缀ing如:building ; skiing ; shopping; jogging; beginning6) 变末尾t为ce如:confidence; importance; difference 7) 以y结尾 如:beauty ; difficulty8) 结尾加th 如:warmth ; growth ; length ; strength ;,true,decision,entrance,truth,注意 :有些名词的形式不止一种! 要根据句意选择适当的名词形式!,如:performer / performance ; science / scientist ; thief / theft ;director / direction; business / businessman; cook / cooker ; friend / friendship ; murder / murderer ; end / ending ,9) 加后缀er或or如:singer; writer; foreigner; teenager; ruler; printer注意双写:swimmer; winner; runner; shopper; 注意以or结尾的:inventor; visitor; actor; director,1. Zhang Ziyi is one of the most famous (演员) in the world.,actresses,2. Some of his (invent) are very useful.,inventions,注意 :有性别区别的名词 actor / actress; waiter/ waitress; salesman / saleswoman,3. At the of the day, we watched a film. It has a happy . (结尾),end,ending,10) 特殊的变化如:动词变名词: lose ; affect ; fly ; choose ; bleed ; breathe ; die ; marry ; arrive ; serve ; complain ; think 如:形容词变名词: proud ; wise ; safe ; medical ; weigh ; high ; pleased ;,loss,effect,flight,choice,blood,breath,death,marriage,arrival,service,complaint,thought,wisdom,safety,medicine,weight,height,pleasure,1. We wont win the match without your (support).,support,11) 一词有多种词性 : wonder, trouble, cause, sleep , work , calm , smile, laugh, iron, hope, help, wish, support, book, order , copy,pride,Whether written or purely mental, the 17 is the same.promise B. profile C. program D. process,2012年 南京市中考,二、完形填空,-Wish you a pleasant journey. (2012扬州) -Thanks! Ill give you a as soon as I arrive in Paris.ring B. hand C. ride D. present2. -Mr. Li was sent to teach Chinese in an American high school last year. -Yes, I know. He told me he would never forget his pleasant while working there. (2012镇江) A. experiments B. expressions C. experiences D. explorations,A,C,3.一Mrs. Black,could you give me some advice on how to write an application letter? 一With pleasureRemember that the letter should be written in the formal _(2011南京) A. value B. style C. effect D. mood4. The two cities have reached an to develop science and technology. (2011盐城) Aeducation Bexcitement Cagreement Dinvention,B,C,注意:平时记住单词的词义,做题时再通过理解句意,判断选择答案!,注意名词的词义辨析,family强调家庭成员;home指人们生活居住的地方,强调居住的范围和环境;house强调“住宅”。,voice强调“嗓音”;noise指不悦耳不和谐的嘈杂声;sound强调自然界的物理声音。,roblem与“困难”相联系,可以指社会或教学问题这些问题是有待解决的,与之搭配的动词是work out和solve等;question总是与“疑问、质问、询问”相联系,这种问题是有待回答的, 常与动词ask, answer等连用。,The music made me think of the of a running stream. (2008安徽)shout B. noise C. voice D. sound,D,man男人或人类(表人类时,不加任何冠词)Only man can save the earth.people人们=persons The square is filled with people.person 一个人 如:He is an impatient person.,journey 可数名词,有目的的陆上长途旅行。The journey will take him to Japan, China and Australia.travel 不可数名词,指各种旅行。 They had eight days travel by car.trip可数名词,指(某一趟)旅行。 I took a trip to England last year. tour根据一定路线,事先预定地点,目的多为观光视察等。Will you tell us about the tour of South America?,cause 原因,起因 They refused to comment on the cause of the crash.reason 理由She gave no reasons for her decision.excuse 借口,辩解I dont want to listen to your excuse.,注意:容易拼错的名词,1) stationery (文具) ; dictionary (字典) ; laboratory (实验室)2) experience (经验;经历) ; experiment (实验)3) sugar (糖) ; dollar (美元) ; guitar (吉他)4) difference (不同点) ; difficulty (困难)5) March (三月) ; match (比赛;火柴;相配) 6) sweet (糖果); sweat (汗)7) model (模型;模特); medal (奖牌); metal(金属)8) chicken (鸡肉;小鸡); kitchen (厨房)9) parent (父母); present (礼物); president(总统)10) monkey (猴子); money (钱)11) award (奖励; 奖品); reward (酬金; 赏金)12) progress (进步); problem (问题); program (节目; 程序)13) prize (奖品); price(价格)14) pocket(口袋); packet(小包)15) letter(信); litter(垃圾)16) effect(影响); effort(努力)17) diary (日记) 18) vacation (假期) 19) soldier (士兵),1) Now many people use cell phones instead of (随身听) to listen to music.2) There are two (美国人) drinking coffee in the bar.3) Many people in (西方国家) like Coke.4) They usually have a holiday in (香港). 5) Id like to learn to swim every (周六).6) Many young people like to have a great time at (圣诞节).7) I really hope to join (学生会).8) (妇女节) is on .(三月八日),the Students Union,Americans,the West,Hong Kong,Saturday,Christmas,Walkmans,Womens Day,March 8th,根据所给中文完成句子。,2013中考名词试题,1.Mr White, the principal ,has made a great _to the growth of the school. A. contribution B. progress C. invention D. protection2. I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel-she has a pretty good _ of direction. A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense3. Thank you for your _ . I know a lot about Oxfam Trailwalker now. A. attention B. operation C. invention D. information,4. -Its a wise _ to wear the white tie. It matches your shirt well. -Thank you very much. A. choice B. support C. mixture D. honour5. - Do you have any_ ? - Yes , I like chess and drama best. A. jobs B. duties C. hobbies D. problems6. If I am wanted in the telephone, ask him to leave a _. A. message B. letter C. diary D. sentence7. - Shall we go _ on Sunday? I love water sports. - Thats a good idea. A. hiking B. swimming C. cycling D. skating,8.- I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer. - Is that a _ ? Im sure Ill get the bike. A. chance B. promise C. trick D. treat1.Where are you going to put your _ (自行车)? Its so crowded here.2. What a _ (杂乱)you have made! Youd better clear it up before Mum gets home.3. We felt strange about his _(silent) at the party as he used to be very outgoing.4. Amy looks smart with a pair of _ (glass) on her nose.,bicycle(s),mess,silence,glasses,5. The audience can enjoy young _ (direct) films from different countries.6. The local clubs are making every _ (努力)to interest more young people.7. I had to throw away all the food after I left the fridge open. What a _ (浪费)!8. UNICEF is one of the best-known _ (慈善机构)that help poor children around the world.9. Youll make _ (进步) in speaking English if you keep on practising.10.Its said the game Angry Birds has been downloaded _ (百万) of times.,directors,effort,waste,charities,progress,millions,11. The teacher, Yang Xiangming showed great _ (勇气) to jump into the river to save the boy.12. This iPhone 5 is one of the _ (参观者). He is looking for it everywhere.13. I am so glad to hear that my favourite _(sing) has come to our city.14. I plan to go on a trip in _ (七月).15. The show Im a singer helps audience rediscover many good _ (嗓音).16. What do you think is the greatest _ (invent) in the twentieth century?17. Yangzhou has a _ of nearly 2,500 years.(历史),courage,visitors,singer,July,voices,invention,history,18. Sandy collected pictures of all kinds of _(butterfly).19. Not all the _ (信息)on the Internet is useful to us.20. I think Wu Qilong is one of the most popular _(actor). I am his fan.21. Who do you think is the most suitable for the _ (student) Union?22. Wearing red can help you make a _ (decide) quickly.23. Keep a _ (微笑) all the time, youll have a happier life.24. Audrey Hepburn had put her _ (努力) into ballet training before she entered the film industry.25. Daniels _ (梦想) is to be a famous director in the future.26. In spring, We can see green _ (leaf) and grass everywhere.,butterflies,information,actors,Students,decision,smile,efforts,dream,leaves,完成中考指导P7-P8练习。,


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