,International Cuisine,European,Cuisine,Russia,Greek,French,Italian,Germany,French,Cuisine,delicate,romantic,expensive,elegant,Truffle (松露),Gooseliver,Cheese,Escargot(蜗牛),Puffs are a kind of desert first made in Italy by chance. The Hapsburg dynasty in Austria and the Bourbon dynasty in France, two families of ancient western kings, had been fighting wars for a hundred years and were exhausted. The two sides reached an agreement to marry the daughter from one family to the son from the other family.Puffs were the main dessert severed at the wedding Cream puffs in france are a symbol of happy occasions such as a wedding or a baby being born. French people use puffs to make a tower they call a “Croquembouche”.,Italian,Cuisine,Spaghetti 面条,Rotini 螺纹面,Farfalle 蝴蝶面,Ziti 管面,German,Cuisine,“French chiefs are cooking in heaven. German chiefs are cooking in hell.”,German sausages are famous around the world. There are more than 1500 different varieties of sausage nationwide, including regionally typical specialities. Fresh sausage, scalded sausage, cooked sausage and ham are the four main groups of sausage. Germans eat about 67 lbs of meat and sausage products per person per year.Depending on how they are made, sausages in Germany are called Brhwurst (scalded sausage), Kochwurst (cooked sausage) and Rohwurst (fresh sausage).,Wheat beerPale beerDark beerUnfiltered beer,Middle East,Cuisine,The cuisine of the region is diverse while having a degree of homogeneity. Some commonly used ingredients include olives and olive oil, pitas(皮塔饼), honey, sesame, dates(枣), chickpeas(鹰嘴豆), mint and parsley(欧芹). Some popular dishes include kibbeh and shawarma.,Asian Cuisine,Indian,Cuisine,Simple foods+Different flavourings+Cooking way,Chicken tandoori,Curry,Naan bread,