21 世纪大学实用英语 综 合 教 程(第四册),21世纪大学实用英语,Unit 3,The New Frontier of Beauty,Text A The New Frontier of Beauty,Starter Background Information Text Understanding Language Points Exercises Writing,classical country pop jazz gospelrock rap hip-pop New Age other,.,Starter,Which of the following kinds of music do you like best? Who are your favorite musicians?,Jerome Weidman was a New York novelist and playwright, and Albert Einstein was a world-famous scientist. Guess what kind of music they liked,and then find the answer in Text A,Background Information,Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750),Albert Einstein (1879-1955),Rock and Roll,Gospel,Jazz,classical,country,pop,rap,New Age,hip-pop,classical music is the name for European music from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.,1. 广义的古典音乐是指西洋古典音乐,那些从西方中世纪开始至今的、在欧洲主流文化背景下创作的音乐,主要因其复杂多样的创作技术和所能承载的厚重内涵而有别于通俗音乐和民间音乐。 2. 狭义的古典音乐是指古典主义音乐,是17501820年这一段时间的欧洲主流音乐,又称维也纳古典乐派。此乐派三位最著名的作曲家是海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬。,CLASSICAL MUSIC,乡村音乐(Country Music)出现于20世纪20年代,它来源于美国南方农业地区的民间音乐,最早受到英国传统民谣的影响而发展起来。最早的乡村音乐是传统的山区音乐(Hillbilly Music),它的曲调简单、节奏平稳,带有叙述性,与城市里的伤感流行歌曲不同的是,它带有较浓的乡土气息。山区音乐的歌词主要以家乡、失恋、流浪、宗教信仰为题材,演唱通常以独唱为主,有时也加入伴唱,伴奏乐器以提琴、班卓琴、吉他等(50年代中期以前,传统的乡村音乐乐队里没有鼓)为代表。演出场所主要在家里、教堂和乡村集市,有时也参加地区性巡回演出。它与大城市的文化生活相隔离,一直处于自我封闭状态。,Country Music,Country Music or Country-and-Western Music, is American popular music,是指流行音乐,二战过后大部分的音乐是流行歌曲,包括爵士乐,嘻哈音乐,摇滚乐,蓝调音乐,自然派音乐,绕舌音乐,轻音乐等。,源于80年代中期,是流行音乐和舞曲节奏相融合的一种舞曲形式。当前一些有别于经典曲风的舞曲,以及较难区分的舞曲多可列入POP舞曲的范畴中来。,pop music,HIP-HOP,HipHop是文化名词,包括说唱、涂鸦、街舞、街球、B-Boy和DJ等等; 说唱起源于60年代,而作为音乐理解的HipHop则起源于70年代初,它的前身是RAPHipHop从字面上来看,Hip是臀部,Hop是单脚跳,加在一起就是轻扭摆臀,原先指的是雏形阶段的街舞(也就是我们以前说的霹雳舞),后来才逐渐发展成一种巨大的概念我们现在说的HipHop文化还包括了那些宽大的衣服、沉甸甸的纯金饰品、平时说起话来就“YoYowhats up?”的口语习惯总之就是那种美国贫民街区里黑人的生活方式以及他们的“范儿”。,HipHop的起源用一个“穷”字即可概括。为什么要穿大一号的衣服?除了方便运动之外,黑人家庭多是人数众多而收入甚少,所以哥哥穿小了的衣服就会给弟弟穿,这才形成了巨大衣服的风格;为什么会有涂鸦?这东西最早是街区内各个帮派之间划分势力范围的标志,后来才越来越漂亮精致,发展成了民间艺术;为什么会有街舞?因为他们没钱去舞厅,而且当时种族歧视问题依然存在,有钱也不一定能在白人的舞厅里玩儿得高兴;为什么纯正的HipHop作品以黑色为主且必带粗口?因为这帮街头黑人青年没前途没希望,他们憎恨的比他们爱的要多得多。,说唱(Rap)是一个黑人俚语中的词语,相当于“谈话”(talking),产自纽约贫困黑人聚居区。它以在机械的节奏声的背景下,快速地诉说一连串押韵的诗句为特征。,Rap,Jazz,Jazz is a kind of music that has often been called the only art form to originate in the United States.,爵士乐(Jazz)以其极具动感的切分节奏、个性十足的爵士音阶和不失章法的即兴演奏(或演唱)赢得了广大听众的喜爱,同时也得到了音乐领域各界人士的认可。,Rock & Roll(摇滚) 从最纯粹的形式来讲,所谓摇滚,就是三和弦加强硬持续的鼓点加上口的旋律。早期摇滚的音乐来源非常广泛,主要的包括布鲁斯、R&B、和乡村音乐,其它还有福音音乐、传统的流行乐、爵士、以及民间音乐。所有的这些影响加在一起构成了一种简单的以布鲁斯为基础的歌曲结构,它是快速的、适于跳舞的、而且容易让人记住的,Gospel,In music, gospel refers to a style of religious music originally performed by African Americans.,福音音乐,由耶稣及使徒布讲的训言,这是基督教启示录的中心内容,New Age 被翻译为新世纪音乐,也被翻译成新纪元音乐,是种宁静、安逸、闲息的音乐,纯音乐作品占的比重较多,有歌唱的占较少。New Age可以是纯 ACOUSTIC(即以传统自发声乐器演奏)的,也可以是很电子化的,重点是营造出大自然平静的气氛或宇宙浩瀚的感觉,洗涤听者的心灵,令人心平气和。,Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750),Johann Sebastian Bach was an outstanding organist and composer of the baroque era and is generally regarded as one of the greatest and most productive composers of all time. He is celebrated as the creator of the Brandenburg Concertos, the Well-Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B Minor, and numerous other masterpieces of church and instrumental music.,Albert Einstein (1879-1955),Albert Einstein was a German born physicist of Jewish descent, who lived in the United States after Hitlers accession to power in 1933. In 1905 Einstein published four papers that held revolutionary implications for physics. Among them was his special theory of relativity. In 1915 he published his general theory of relativity. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.,Reading Analysis,Main idea,Details,The writer was trapped into listening to chamber music at a dinner he was invited to.,Part 1 (Para.1-2),The writer was invited to dinner by a distinguished New York gentleman. After diner, the guests were entertained with chamber music, but being tone-deaf, the writer closed his ears and submerged himself in his own thoughts. .,Reading Analysis,Main idea,Details,Part 2 (Para.3-4),The writer realized that he was sitting next to Albert Einstein.,When the writer followed others and began to applaud, someone sitting next to him asked if he was fond of Bach. He recognized that the person was Albert Einstein.,Reading Analysis,Details,Main idea,Part 3 (Para.5-8),Einstein was amazed that the writer had heard virtually nobodys music and decided to do something.,The writer said honestly that he had never really heard anybodys music.Amazed and with a look of concern,Einstein took the writer upstairs into aBook-lined study.,Reading Analysis,Part 4 (Para.9-17),Main idea,Details,Einstein gave the writer a music lesson with a Bing Crosby record.,Einstein asked what kind of music the writer did like, to which the writer answered, “songs that have words ” such as Bing Crosby. Then Einstein managed to find a Bing Crosby record, played it and made the writer sing it back, proving that he did have an ear for music after all.,Reading Analysis,Part 5 (Para.18-20),Main idea,Details,Einstein drew an analogy between learning music and learning math: one must begin with the basics.,By saying that in a first arithmetic lesson, the teacher would start with elementary things rather than order the beginning student to work out a fraction problem, Einstein made the point that learning should begin with the basic and elementary first and then proceed to the more difficult.,Reading Analysis,Part 6 (Para.21-25),Main idea,Details,Einstein went on with his music lesson with the writer until he was ready for Bach.,Einstein played another record, one of John McCormack, and asked the writer to sing it back. Then he went on to a dozen others until they came to recordings without words. Finally the writer was ready to appreciate Bach.,Details,Reading Analysis,Part 7 (Para.26-30),Main idea,According to Einstein, learning music is a great activity that opens up yet another fragment of the frontier of beauty.,When they returned to the concert, the writer could genuinely applaud the performance. When asked by the hostess, what they had been doing, Einstein answered that they had been engaged in the greatest activity of which humans are capable opening up yet another fragment of the frontier of beauty.,1.dine: vi. have or eat dinner 进餐;用饭 e.g. Where shall we dine tonight? 今晚我们在哪吃饭? A lot of money was spent on wining and dining our clients. 许多钱都花在宴请我们的客户上了。(wine and dine : 吃喝,宴请),Language points,distinguished: a. showing remarkable qualities; eminent; famous; dignified; noble 卓越的;杰出的;著名的; 有尊严的;高贵的 e.g. our distinguished guest 我们尊贵的客人 A distinguished actor starred in the play. 一位名演员在剧中扮演了主角。,3. virtually : ad. Nearly; almost wholly 差不多;几乎全部;实际上e.g. Its virtually impossible to get a ticket for the concert. 想买到一张音乐会的票真是难上加难。,The light is too dim. I can see virtually nothing. 光线太暗,我几乎什么也看不见。,4. trap: n. device for catching animals, etc.; thing used to catch people when they are not expecting it 陷阱;圈套e.g. a mouse trap 老鼠夹 The truth was that I fell into his trap. 真相是我中了他的计。,(2) vt. catch (an animal, a person, etc.) in a trap 设陷阱捕捉;使中圈套e.g. Several people were trapped in the burning building. 有几个人被困在着火的大楼里。 The hunter traps foxes and sells their fur. 猎人诱捕狐狸,然后出售它们的毛皮。,5. unplug: vt. 拔去的塞子; 拔去的电源插头;拔去(插头)e.g. Susan unplugged the washing machine when she finished using it . 用完洗衣机后苏珊拔掉了它的电源插头。 The TV isnt working because its unplugged. 电视无法播放是因为没有插电源。,6. be fond of: have a great looking for (sb./ doing sth.) 喜爱;喜欢e.g. Im fond of fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。7. I knew as much about Bach as I know about nuclear physics: I knew nothing about Bach, just as I know nothing about nuclear physics.我对巴赫就像对核物理一样一无所知。这句话虽然是个肯定句,但根据上下文,他却带有否定的意思,不能按字面解释为“我对巴赫就像对核物理的了解一样多”。,8.awkward: a. embarrassed; clumsy 尴尬的;笨拙的e.g. He felt awkward in his new pair of shoes. 穿上那双新鞋他感觉很别扭。 “Sorry, I took you for someone else.” He gave me an awkward smile. “对不起,我认错人了。”他尴尬地对我笑了笑。,9.It isnt that Its just that : Its not becauseIts just because e.g. It isnt that I dislike basketball. Its just that I dont know how to play it. 不是我不喜欢篮球,只是我不会玩。,10.hasily: ad. In a hasty way 匆忙地e.g. “Ill call you later,” he said hastily and hung up. “我等会儿再给你打,”他匆忙说完就把电话挂了。11. venture: vt. Dare to say or utter; be bold enough to say 敢说;大胆表示e.g. At last I ventured that the whole thing was a failure. 最后我大胆地说这事是彻底的失败。 Nobody ventured to say a word. 没有人敢置一词。,12. trying desperately to stay in tune: trying very hard to sing at the correct pitch13. “You do have a ear!”: You do have the ability to appreciate and respond to music. 你确实能欣赏音乐的! ear在这里表示灵敏的听力。又如: This listening exercise is aimed at developing your ear for the British accent. 这项听力练习旨在培养你听英国口音的能力。 I have no ear for music. 我没有音乐欣赏能力。,14. nonsense: n. foolish talk; foolish unacceptable behavior 胡说,废话;胡闹e.g. You are talking utter nonsense. 你在胡说八道。 Stop that nonsense, children. 别胡闹了,孩子们。15. in panic: in sudden fear 惊恐地 e.g. “Whats that?” Alice stared at the darkness in panic. “那是什么?”爱丽丝惊恐地盯着那一片黑暗说。,16. I could not shake my feeling of awe over the way this great man, into whose company I had been thrown by chance, was completely absorbed by what we were doing, as though I were his sole concern: I couldnt help feeling overwhelmed by how Einstein the great man, with whom I happened to be together, was fully occupied by what we were doing, as if I were the only one he cared for. 本句中,在this great man 和was completely absorbed 之间是一个插入的非限制性定语从句。,17. reach for: extend the hand, etc. in an effort to get; aim for 伸出手等去拿取;努力争取e.g. We need not bother to hope for lower taxes in the future-that would be reaching for the moon. 我们不必费心去指望将来会减税-那无疑是异想天开。18. come to ones feet: stand up quickly 蓦地起立e.g. Seeing the hostess approaching, I quickly came to my feet to greet her. 看见女主人朝这边走来,我迅速站起来跟她打招呼。,19. be engaged in: be busy doing (sth.), be occupied with 忙于; 从事于e.g. Hes engaged in writing a new novel. 他正忙于写一部新小说。 We are now engaged in a legal battle with another company. 我们正跟另一家公司在打官司。,20. opening up yet another fragment of the frontier of beauty: making a few more discoveries in the kingdom of beauty.21. open up: from or cause to appear by or as if by cutting 开掘,开辟e.g. The local government is opening up this area for a new tourism site. 当地政府正将这一地区开辟成一个新的旅游景点。 Einsteins new theories opened up a whole new area of study. 爱因斯坦的新理论开拓了一个全新的研究领域。,Vocabulary Structure Translation,Exercise,Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.,Text A Exercises -5,absorb applaud concert conclude distinguished evidently favorite genuine instruct instrument performance virtually,Vocabulary,1. I usually watch the Vienna New Years on TV to celebrate the New Year.2. Much has been discussed about the problem but nothing has been done.3. He kissed her hand and expressed his regret that she was ill.,4. Just as we cannot with one hand, it is impossible to reach an agreement without two hands.,concert,virtually,genuine,applaud,_,_,_,_,absorb applaud concert conclude distinguished evidently favorite genuine instruct instrument performance virtually,Yao Mings in the match was perfect it would have been impossible to give a better one.Without an understanding of their culture, a foreigner is likely to that British people are cold and unfriendly.Its my honor to welcome our guest from the United States.This small is used to measure air temperature and pressure.The doctor me to take these pills twice a day.Take a moment to read it, it and try to follow it it is more a lesson in life than a lesson in business. Father was not interested in the idea, or he would have given his Do you have any country in Africa to visit, and if so, why?,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,11.,opinion.,12.,performance,_,conclude,_,distinguished,_,instrument,_,absorb,_,Evidently,_,instructed,_,favorite,_,Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.,at last be capable of be engaged in be fond of come to ones feet go on to in panic reach for turn off work out,He spoke to us, made gestures and drew pictures on paper. , we knew what he wanted.The fragile(脆弱的) agreement would not ensuring long-term peace between the two countries.Even as a child Henry reading, and all the small change that came into his hands was spent on books.The baby calf eventually and suckled(吸奶), full of life.,1.,2.,3.,4.,At last,be capable of,was fond of,came to its feet,_,_,_,_,at last be capable of be engaged in be fond of come to ones feet go on to in panic reach for turn off work out,Its a simple rule: your mobile phone must while flying.“Fire, fire,” people shouted and started running around .Once youve completed level one, its time to the next step.If both of you compromise a little, Im sure youll a satisfactory solution.He so much his business that he had little time for his family.Taylor is striving to a higher goal, that is, he wants to be president of the university.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,be turned off,in panic,go on to,work out,was engaged in,reach for,_,_,_,_,_ _,_,Complete the answers to the following questions by using “do” for emphasis.,Structure,Model:, How can I understand Bach since Im tone-deaf? But you do have an ear!,1. Did the teacher say that the exam was canceled?, Yes,she did say that,_,2., Was it a dream that you saw two people from Mars(火星) yesterday?, No,I did see them yesterday,_,3., Do you really mean to quit such a profitable job?, Believe me,I do mean to quit the job,_,4., What kind of music do you like best, pop or country?, I dont like country music very much, but,I do like pop music a lot,_,To show emphasis, insert the word “very” into the proper place in each sentence below.,Model:,Suppose, at your first contact with numbersSuppose, at your very first contact with numbers,1. It was said that the writer was born in this humble cottage.,It was said that the writer was born in this very humble cottage.,2. This tradition has been kept until today.,This very tradition has been kept until today. (or: This tradition has been kept until this very day.),3. Martin was the man who produced the widely accepted proposal.,Martin was the very man who produced the widely accepted proposal.,4. Its that pride of yours thats blinding you from your faults.,Its that very pride of yours thats blinding you from your faults.,_,_,_,_,Cloze,Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word.,I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to (1) , all the books I want to (2) , and all the friends I want to see. The (3) I live the more my mind dwells (4) the beauty and wonder of the world I have loved the (5) of the grass under my feet, and the sound of the running streams (6) my side. The hum of the wind in the treetops has always been lovely (7) to me, and the face of the fields has often comforted (8) more than the faces of men. I am in (9) with this world I have tilled its soil, I have (10) its harvest, I have waited upon its seasons, and always have I reaped(收获) (11) I have sown(播种).,take,read,longer,upon,feel,by,music,me,love,gathered,what,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,I have climbed its (12) , roamed its forests, sailed it