NAME ?Name:Li Er (李耳);Li Dan (李聃)Courtesy name:Bo Yang (伯阳),史记卷063老子列传:“老子者,楚苦县厉乡曲仁里人也。姓李氏,名耳,字聃,周守藏室之史也。” 史记正义:“老子,楚国苦县厉乡曲仁里人也。姓李,名耳,字伯阳。一名重耳,外字聃。身长八尺八寸,黄色美眉,长耳大目,广额疏齿,方口厚唇,日月角悬,鼻有双柱。周时人,李母怀胎八十一年而生。”,Taoism,Lao zi and Taoism,Lu Xun said: China roots deep in Taoism. If one wants to comprehend Chinese history and culture, one must comprehend Taoism first.,Yin and Yang,The Yin/Yang symbol is one of the oldest and best-known life symbols in the world, but few understand its full meaning. It represents one of the most fundamental and profound theories of ancient Taoist philosophy. At its heart are the two poles of existence, which are opposite but complementary.,The light, white Yang moving up blends into the dark, black Yin moving down. Yin and Yang are dependent opposing forces that flow in a natural cycle, always seeking balance. Though they are opposing, they are not in opposition to one another. As part of the Tao, they are merely two aspects of a single reality. Each contains the seed of the other, which is why we see a black spot of Yin in the white Yang and vice versa. They do not merely replace each other but actually become each other through the constant flow of the universe.,The symbol is a visual depiction of the intertwined duality of all things in nature, a common theme inTaoism. It is believed to be derived from the Taijitu (Diagram of the Ultimate Power).,Yin yang are complementary opposites within a greater whole. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, although yin or yang elements may manifest more strongly in different objects or at different times.,Yin yang constantly interacts, never existing in absolute stasis. The concept of yin and yang is often symbolized by various forms of theTaijitusymbol, for which it is probably best known in western cultures.,The nature of yinyang,InTaoistphilosophy, yin and yang arise together from an initial quiescence or emptiness (wuji, sometimes symbolized by an empty circle), and continue moving in tandem (双) untilquiescence(静止)is reached again.,Yin and yang are always opposite and equal qualities. Further, whenever one quality reaches its peak, it will naturally begin to transform into the opposite quality: for example, grain that reaches its full height in summer (fully yang) will produce seeds and die back in winter (fully yin) in an endless cycle.,It is impossible to talk about yin or yang without some reference to the opposite, since yin and yang are bound together as parts of a mutual whole (i.e. you cannot have the back of a hand without the front). A way to illustrate this idea is to postulate the notion of a race with only men or only women; this race would disappear in a single generation. Yet,men and women together create new generationsthat allow the race they mutually create (and mutually come from) to survive. The interaction of the two gives birth to things.,Yin and yang transform each other: like an undertow(回头浪) in the ocean, every advance is complemented by a retreat, and every rise transforms into a fall. Thus, a seed will sprout from the earth and grow upwards towards the sky an intrinsically yang movement. Then, when it reaches its full potential height, it will fall.,道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。 Out of Tao, One is born;Out of One, Two;Out of Two, Three;Out of Three, the created universe.The created universe carries the yin at its backand the yang in front;Through the union of the pervading principles itreaches harmony.,Philosophical Taoism,speaks of a permanent Tao in the way that some Western religions speak of God. The Tao is considered unnamed and unknowable, the essential unifying element of all that is. By shunning every earthly distraction, the Taoist is able to concentrate on life itself. Eventually the hope is to become immortal.,Wu-wei,Wu-wei literally means “non-action,” but it doesnt mean dont ever move. It means to always act in accordance with the Dao, and not to do things that dont “go with the flow.” Water does not flow uphilldoes it? No, it always flows downhillit always finds the path of least resistance, as does a good Daoist,Water,Water is the perfect substance according to Daoism. Water always seeks the lowest point and always takes the shape of any vessel into which it is poured. Water always flows downhill, and it always flows around any obstacle. Water seems to be the weakest substance, but its really the strongest. A steady drip of water can wear away a rock, a stream can create a canyon, a glacier (frozen water) can create a Grand Canyon, and water in the form of a hurricane or typhoon can erode the very continents away.,上善若水。水善利万物而不争 The best of men is like water;Water benefits all thingsAnd does not compete with them.,天下之至柔,驰骋天下之至坚。,The softest substance of the worldGoes through the hardest.,天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜,以其无以易之。弱之胜强,柔之胜刚,天下莫不知,莫能行。,There is nothing weaker than waterBut none is superior to it in overcoming the hard,For which there is no substitute.That weakness overcomes strengthAnd gentleness overcomes rigidity,No one does not know;No one can put into practice.,大成若缺,其用不弊。大盈若冲,其用不穷。 大直若屈,大巧若拙,大辩若讷。躁胜寒,静胜热,清静为天下正。The highest perfection is like imperfection,And its use is never impaired.The greatest abundance seems meager,And its use will never fail. What s most straight appears devious,The greatest skill appears clumsiness;The greatest eloquence seems like stuttering.Movement overcomes cold,(But) keeping still overcomes heat.Who is calm and quiet becomes the guide for the universe.,道生之,德畜之。长之育之,亭之毒之,养之覆之,生而不有,为而不恃,长而不宰,是谓玄德。 Tao gives them birth,Teh (character ) fosters them,Makes them grow, develops them,Gives them a harbor, a place to dwell in peace,Feeds them and shelter them.It gives them birth and does not own them,Acts (helps) and does not appropriate them,Is superior, and does not control them.- This is the Mystic Virtue. 刘备,字玄德,祸兮,福之所倚,福兮,祸之所伏。 孰知其极?其无正。正复为奇,善复为妖。 Disaster is the avenue of fortune,(And) fortune is the concealment for disaster. Who would be able to know its ultimate results?(As it is), there would never be the normal.But the normal would (immediately) revert to the deceitful.,江海所以能为百谷王者,以其善下之,故能为百谷王。 How did the great rivers and seas become the Lordsof the ravines? By being good at keeping low.That was how they became Lords of the Ravines.,是以圣人欲上民,必以言下之;欲先民,必以身后之。是以圣人居上而民不重,居前而民不害。 Therefore in order to be the chief among the people,One must speak like their inferiors.In order to be foremost among the people,One must walk behind them.Thus it is that the Sage stays above,And the people do not feel his weight;Walks in front, And the people do not wish him harm.,善为士者,不武。善战者,不怒。善胜敌者,不与。善用人者,为之下。是谓不争之德,是谓用人之力,是谓配天,古之极。The brave soldier is not violent;The good fighter does not lose his temper;The great conqueror does not fight (on small issues);The good user of men places himself below others.- This is the virtue of not-contending,Is called the capacity to use men,Is reaching to the height of beingMated to Heaven, to what was of old.,天之道,不争而善胜,不言而善应,不召而自来,姗然而善谋。天网恢恢,疏而不失。Heavens Way (Tao) is good at conquest without strife,Rewarding (vice and virtue) without words,Making its appearance without call,Achieving results without obvious design.The heavens net is broad and wide.With big meshes, yet letting nothing slip through.,人之生也柔弱,其死也坚强。草木之生也柔脆,其死也枯槁。故坚强者死之徒,柔弱者生之徒。When man is living, he is tender and weak;At death, he is hard and stiff.When the things and plants are alive, they are soft and supple; When they are dead, they are brittle and dry.Therefore hardness and stiffness are the companions ofdeath,And softness and gentleness are the companions of life.,是以天下乐推而不厌。以其不争,故天下莫能与之争。Then the people of the world are glad to uphold him forever.Because he does not contend,No one in the world can contend against him.,将欲歙之,必故张之;将欲弱之,必故强之;将欲废之,必故兴之;将欲取之,必故与之。是谓微明。-He who is to be made to dwindle (in power)Must first be caused to expand. He who is to be weakened Must first be made strong.- He who is to be laid lowMust first be exalted to power. He who is to be taken away from Must first be given,- This is the Subtle Light.,柔弱胜刚强。鱼不可脱于渊,国之利器不可以示人。 Gentleness overcomes strength: Fish should be left in the deep pool, And sharp weapons of the state should be leftWhere none can see them.,Tao Te Jing, by Lao Tzu,The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal TaoThe Name that can be named is not the eternal NameThe nameless is the origin of Heaven and EarthThe named is the mother of myriad things-,道,可道,非恒道。名,可名,非恒名。无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。,谢谢观赏,