Australia,The national flag of Aus,The national emblem of Aus,Cities,Australia is the worlds sixth largest country in land area, a large land area than the entire half of Western. Australia is not only a vast land and rich of resources and is the most economically developed countries, is the worlds fourth largest agricultural exporter, but also the worlds first volume of mineral exports a variety of countries. Australia is a nation of immigrants, pursuing multi-cultural, 20% of the population born in countries outside Australia. Australia is a sports power,and it is also a global sporting event of the year a number of host countries.澳大利亚是全球土地面积第六大的国家,国土面积比整个西欧大一半。澳大利亚不仅国土辽阔,而且物产丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农业出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。澳大利亚是一个移民国家,奉行多元文化,20%的居民出生在澳大利亚以外的国家和地区。澳大利亚也是一个体育强国,是全球多项体育盛事的常年举办国。,The development of Australia,The common wealth of Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the worlds smallest continent .And Australia is the six biggest country in the world. there are two areas and six states in Aus. Current population of around 20.4 million is concentrated mainly in the large coastal cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth.,Australia impression,澳大利亚被誉为人间天堂,英文可分解为amazing (叹为观止)unexpected(超乎想象)stylish(时尚之巅)tempting(诱人魅力)relaxing(悠然一刻)adventurous(体验极限)liberating(自由自在)inspiring(灵感无限)attractive(梦萦魂牵),The first station-Canberra,Canberra is the capital city of Australia. With a population of over 345,000, it is Australias largest inland city and the eighth largest Australian city overall.,The second station-Sydney,Sydney is the biggest city which locates at the southeast in Australia.The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around March to April or October to November. Sydney is blessed with a temperate climate. Sydney is famous for Sydney Harbor , Royal National Park , Sydney Opera House , Bondi Beach ,Macquarie Street, Sydney university and so on.,Sydney Harbor,Royal National Park,The third station-Melbourne,Melbourne is the second large city in the Aus, and has been thought the top 10 cities which are most comfortable!Famouse sites:Royal Botanic GardensOld Congress BuildingColonial Tramcar RestaurantPhilippi Island,The fourth station-Perth,The fifth station-Brisbane,tourist attractions,世界遗产-大堡礁(GreatBarrierReef),The Great Barrier Reef, Australia,One of the natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia is the worlds largest coral krl reef. It has the distinction of being placed in the World Heritage hertdas well as the National Heritage lists. 澳大利亚大堡礁是世界上自然奇迹之一,大堡礁位于澳大利亚的东海岸,是世界上最大的珊瑚礁 ,大堡礁被列为世界遗产名录及国家遗产名录。,The great barrier reef sea area is living about 1500 kinds of tropics marine mri:n fishes, more famous tropics watching fish for angel fish, parrot fish.,建筑经典-悉尼歌剧院(SydneyOperaHouse),The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years. The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids prmd are of Egypt. 悉尼歌剧院是世上最著名的建筑之一。虽然这项建筑之开放了三十年,但是它是被公认的世上最与众不同的现代建筑。悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚的象征,就像金字塔是埃及的象征一样。,海岸奇观-大洋路(GreatOceanRoad),The Great Ocean Road is located in southwestern Melbourne melbn. 大洋路从上世纪80年代初正式被定为国家自然公园对游客开放。经过20多年的开发和推广,现在已成为澳洲境内为数不多的世界著名观光景点之一。,历史沧桑-阿瑟港监狱 (PortArthur),阿瑟港监狱(PortArthur)坐落在塔斯马尼亚洲的塔斯曼半岛上(TasmanPeninsula),距离首府城市侯巴特102公里,是澳洲目前保存最完好的监狱古迹,有“澳洲的古拉格”之称。从1830年至1877年之间,这里曾经关押了超过1万2千名的英国重刑流放犯人,监狱四周高山林立,犹如天然的屏障城堡,对当年的流放犯来讲这里也是最阴森恐惧的地方,被称为“地狱之洞”(HellHole)。目前供游客参观游览的有当年犯人建造的古式教堂,火药库,牢房和守卫塔等。这里还有一个充满奇特风格的监狱博物馆,里面展出许多当年的图片和实物,包括犯人的囚衣,鞭子和锁链等。,旷野奇景-尖峰石阵(ThePinnaclespnkl),The Pinnacles are limestonelamstn石灰石 formations contained within Nambung National Park, Western Australia. 尖峰石阵是石灰石形态的,它是南邦国家公园的一部分,位于澳洲西部。,地质公园-波浪岩(WaveRock),Wave Rock is a natural rock (岩石)formation that is shaped like a tall breaking ocean wave. The “wave” is about 14 m (46 ft) high and around 110 m (360 ft) long. It forms the north side of a solitary sltr (独立的)hill, which is known as “Hyden Rock.” (海登岩),Australia Food,Australia is a seaside city, be richly endowed by nature geographical advantage makes the leading wave of Australias unique seafood. In the delicious Food menu, Australian beef, lamb row, kangaroo meat, oysters, Western Queensland Liquor-Soaked Crabs, tuna and so on, people dizzying, just look at the dishes have seemed to feel the entrance flower euphoria. One of the big Food must not be ignored, but also in Australia Food leader, that is Australian Lobster.,澳洲是一个海边城市,得天独厚的地理优势造就了澳洲独特的海鲜美食的领先浪潮。在美味的美食餐单上,澳洲肥牛,澳洲小羊羔排,袋鼠肉,牡蛎,生蚝,昆士兰醉蟹,西澳金枪鱼等等,让人目不暇接,只是看菜名就已经仿佛感受到那入口生花的陶醉感。其中万万不可忽视的一大美食,也是澳洲美食中的佼佼者,那就是澳洲龙虾。,*Australian diet has been heavily influence by people all over the world;*Wheat, rice, oranges, bananas and grapes are very common crops in Australia and meat has been always been a large part of Australian diet; *Kangaroo, though once a popular meat in Australias early history, is no longer widely consumed;*beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and seafood are more common in twenty-first century Australia.,Kangaroo meat,oysters,oysters,Liquor-Soaked Crabs,Australian Lobster,oysters,*It is considered the Australian national dish. *Almost 260 million pies are consumed every year. *Meat pies are filled with chopped steak, or steak and onion, steak and kidney, steak and potato, or steak and mushroom, or chicken.,Meat Pie,ANZAC Biscuits,*Anzac biscuits have been popular with Australians for decades.*It stands for the Australia and New Zealand army crops.*ANZAC D D ay is one of the most special traditional festivals.,Lamingtons,*It is a sponge cake in the shape of a cuboid .*Coated in a layer of traditional chocolate the desiccated coconut.*Lamingtons are sometimes served as two halves with a layer of cream and strawberry jam between.,Christmas Shortbread,Animals,national,emblem,Kangaroo is Australian national animal, but it is not rare, according to incomplete statistics, the existing Australian kangaroos have more than 20 million, even more than the population of Australians.,Kangaroos are marsupials(有袋类) and mammals. Mother kangaroos have bags which can feed wallabies. Although kangaroos forelegs are short, but they have strong hind legs. Kangaroos can jump up to 60 kilometers per hour .,Im an emu.(鸸鹋),Like the ostrich(鸵鸟), emus are about 1.5 meters in height.Their mouths are short and flat, and they have gray or brown feathers.They grow up in forests in Australia, eating leaves and wild fruits.,The koala is a small bear-like, tree-dwelling animal, which averages about 9 kilograms in weight. Its fur is thick and usually ash gray. Koalas sleep 20 hours a day, eat 2 hours in a daze.,Australian wool can meet the 45% worldwide demand of wool. Therefore, Australia is a wool kingdom.,Merino(美利奴羊),An adult Merino sheeps weight is 60-140 kg. His wool is soft, about 20 microns thick and 10 cm long. His wool is a superior raw materials. Per sheep can produce 10-20 kilograms of wool at a time.,Drysdale(德赖斯代尔羊),Texel(特塞尔羊),Romney(罗姆尼羊),Perendale(派伦代尔羊),Lincoln(林肯羊),Polwarth(波尔沃思羊),Poll Dorset(无角陶赛特羊),Animals in northern Australia,Platypus(鸭嘴兽)is a rare and precious animal in Australia.,Wild boar,Animals in western Australia,anteater,crocodile,ostrich,lizard,Thank you!,