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    ,Ornamental Fish,Ornamental FishHistory: For more than 4,000 years, people have kept fish, first in ponds and later, in tanks. The earliest known fish keepers were the Sumerians, who as long ago as 2,500 B.C. kept fish in ponds and used them as food. However, the ancient Egyptians bred certain species of fish specifically for their beauty and decorative characteristics. Pictures and statues of fish are found in Egyptian tombs, showing them as sacred objects.While goldfish, or carp, are often associated with Japan, they were actually first bred for their beauty and colour in China more than 1,000 years ago. Goldfish were first exported to Japan about 500 years ago, and became an instant sensation. By the late 1600s, goldfish were brought to England, and over the next century became very popular in ornamental lakes and ponds throughout the country. Goldfish were commonplace in America by the mid-1800s.,Today, ornamental fish are extremely popular throughout the world. For example, in America, the most popular pets are:- 1. Cats 2. Aquarium Fish 3. DogsScientific advances throughout the 20th century have made aquarium keeping easier and more convenient than ever. Better tanks, improved filters and oxygen pumps and a balanced diet of nutritious food, enable fish to thrive in aquariums.,Keeping Ornamental Fish:Keeping ornamental fish is a great hobby for people of all ages, However, it is important to make sure your aquarium and its inhabitants remain happy and healthy. Here are a few things you should remember:Know your fish Some need special conditions and diet, while others are aggressive and unsuitable for a community tank.Change the water Replace about a third of the water in your aquarium at least once a month. Tap water may contain chemicals that harm your fish so make sure you add a water conditioner available from your pet shop.Remove sick fish Diseased fish can contaminate others so remove them quickly.Dont overfeed Feed only as much as your fish will eat in one minute and just once a day, or as advised by your pet shop.Dont overcrowd Overcrowding Increases pollution and aggression problems.There are various good books available to help beginners learn how to set up an aquarium and care for ornamental fish. It would be wise to obtain and study such information, before starting this hobby.,Popular Ornamental Fish: Here are some of the most popular ornamental fish being kept.,1. Angel Fish,2. Tang or Surgeon Fish,3. Arowana Fish,4. Butterfly Fish,5. Puffer Fish,6. Clown Fish,7. Wrasse Fish,8. Trigger Fish,9. Discus Fish,10. Goldfish,Ornamental fish are indeed beautiful. They have fascinated mankind, throughout history.,


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