,当代国外装置艺术作品欣赏,第三章,Failed Memories David Szauder,A million times humans since 1982,POOL loss of color(无色的湖泊) Jeroen Bisscheroux,阿姆斯特丹,This Land Is Your Land(这是你的地盘) IVN NAVARRO,Tiffany Luciana Rondolini,阿根廷,Judit Rita Rabczky , 匈牙利,Robert Morris,美国,2010,Claudio Parmiggiani,意大利,Michael Johansson,重生的力量,Tara Donovan,美国,Sikka Magnum Daniel Canogar,西班牙,Luxury meets grocery Peddy Mergui,以色列,Blackfield Zadok Ben-David,以色列,a tale of two bridges Megan Mosholder,美国,forest, Marshmallow Laser Feast,Terminus Megan Mosholder,美国,320Licht Urbanscreen,德国,Cremaster悬丝 马修巴尼,记忆雕塑多瑞丝萨尔塞多,哥伦比亚,Psychedelic Marbles Look Like Miniature Universes Trapped In Glass Mike Gong,Penalty Mandy Barker,布雷根茨艺术节舞台设计 奥地利,1991/1992, “卡门”,1999/2000,“化妆舞会”,“小人国的聚会”,2003/2004,“西区故事”,2007/2008,“量子危机”,2009/2010,“自由女神”,2011/2012,“安德莱谢尼埃”,2013/2014,“魔笛”,one beat one tree Naziha Mestaoui,Candelier Kevin Champeny,Marino Marini,意大利雕塑家,BRIAN DETTMER,美国,布达佩斯街头的时光列车,Inside Out ProjectJR,reach ruin Daniel Arsham,a temporary temple pavilion Abin Design Studio,the abyss table(海蓝桌) Duffy London工作室,The Foxs Den Zim&Zou工作室,法国,Giga Origami Siphon Mabona,日本,Poetic Cosmos of the Breath Tomas Saraceno,Gothicism Dutch Lab(荷兰实验室),Magazine Sculptures David Mach,苏格兰,Order Felippe Moraes,装饰墙面 Rob Ley,The Ships That Sail Through The Clouds Luigi Prina,made of money currency portraits Evan Wondoloski,2014 new york city ballet art series JR,