Western Table Manner,Serving order,starter,main course,drinks,soup,dessert,starters,西餐的第一道菜是头盘,也称为开胃品。开胃品的内容一般有冷头盘或热头盘之分,常见的品种有鱼子酱、鹅肝酱、熏鲑鱼、鸡尾杯、奶油鸡酥盒、局蜗牛等。因为是要开胃,所以开胃菜一般都具有特色风味,味道以咸和酸为主,而且数量较少,质量较高,Appetizer,green salad,mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥,soup,大致可分为清汤、奶油汤、蔬菜汤和冷汤等4类。品种有牛尾清汤、各式奶油汤、海鲜汤、美式蛤蜊汤、意式蔬菜汤、俄式罗宋汤。法式葱头汤。,Main Course主菜,肉、禽类菜肴是主菜。其中最有代表性的是牛肉或牛排,肉类菜肴配用的调味计主要有西班牙汁、浓烧汁精、蘑菇汁、白尼丝汁等。禽类菜肴的原料取自鸡。鸭、鹅;禽类菜肴最多的是鸡,可煮、可炸、可烤、可炯,主要的调味汁有咖喱汁、奶油汁等。,well done 全熟 medium 五分熟 rare 三分熟,Dessert,西餐的甜品是主菜后食用的,可以算作是第四道菜。从真正意义上讲,它包括所有主菜后的食物,如布丁、冰淇淋、奶酪、水果等等。 甜食是西餐中的最后一道菜,分软点、干点和湿点三种。软点大都热吃,如煎饼(Pancake)、烤饼(Scone)、松饼(Muffin)等,以作早餐供应为主。干点都是冷吃,如黄油蛋糕(Butter Cake),派(Pie)、水果馅饼(Tart)等,一般作为下午茶点。湿点有各种冰淇淋(Ice Cream)、蛋奶酥(souffle)、果冻 (Jelly)、布丁(Pudding)等,冷热都有,常作午晚餐的点心。 另外根据客人需要,在甜点前上奶酪,甜点后上咖啡和水果。,Sweet/ dessertice-cream /fruit /pudding,drinks,drink,coffee 咖啡 iced coffee 冰咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 black coffee 纯咖啡black tea红茶,red wine 红葡萄酒 brandy 白兰地 whisky 威士忌 vodka 伏特加,Western tableware,Western tableware,用餐中的禮儀中途要離開怎麼辦才好?,刀叉的放置法 用餐中,用餐中想要休息時,可將刀和叉呈八字形,而刀刃必須朝向自己哦!,刀叉的放置法 用餐完畢,而用餐完畢的表示方法是在餐盤上將刀刃呈直向放置 。,Wash you hands before each meal.Knife and spoon are placed to the right of the plate. The fork is on the left.,Open the napkin and put it on your lap before eating. You should use the fork with your left hand and the knife with your right hand.,Dont drink too much! Talk to the people beside you, but dont speak too loudly.,You can use your hand to eat chicken.You eat only from your plate.,Conclusion,From time to time - perhaps at an important business dinner, a romantic date at an expensive restaurant, or a first dinner with the family of the person who may be the One - it is necessary to display a more sophisticated knowledge of table etiquette. This is not difficult, once you have mastered the basics. Anyone armed with this core knowledge and the ability to adapt smoothly to the situation at hand will be able to handle even the most formal event.,Thank you,