Gourmet Tour in Xian,breakfast,lunch/dinner,Biang Biang面,牛(羊)肉泡馍 Beef (Lamb) Stew of Bread,腊汁肉夹馍 Shaanxi Sandwich,岐山哨子面Qishan minced noodles,米面凉皮 Cold steamed rice noodles,饺子 Dumpling stuffed with Vegetable and Meat,灌汤包子 Dumpling stuffed with Hot Gravy,乾州锅盔 Qianzhou Crispy Pastry,snacks,黄桂柿子饼 Persimmon Osmanthus,红枣甄糕 glutinous Rice with Jujube,绿豆糕green bean cake,石子馍 Crispy Pastry Baked on Hot Cobbles,Healthy drinking,桂花醪糟 Sweet, glutinous millet wilh a Flavor of Sweet Osmanthus,酸梅汤 plum juice,Ice Peak,嘹 咂 咧 !,Thank U,