科技文本翻译,1、科技文本的主要功能2、汉英科技文本的文体特点3、科技文本翻译中常见问题4、主要翻译策略与方法,科技文本的主要功能,科技文本最突出的功能:信息功能主旨是传达科技信息、传播科技知识、进行科技交流。,“In informative texts the main function is to inform the reader about objects and phenomena in the real world. The choice of linguistic and stylistic forms is subordinate to this function.” Nord,信息准确真实应为科技翻译第一要义。同时,还应保证译文的可读性。1、确保译文读者能以原文读者理解原文的方式从译文中获取相关科技信息。如使用客观准确、朴实自然、符合科技规范的标准语言。,2“可读性”:考虑语言差异和通用文体规范,不能固守原文形式,忽视读者的接受效果。译文生硬牵强只会影响甚至破坏信息传递的效果。,汉英科技文本的共同文体特点,1、无人称(impersonal)2、语气正式 (formal in mode of speech)3、陈述客观、准确(objective and accurate in statement)4、语言规范(standard in language)5、文体质朴 (unadorned in stylistics)6、逻辑性强 (strict in logic)7、专业术语性强 (concentrated in technical terms) (冯志杰),汉英文体在表达上的不同,1、词汇含义相对单一VS 一词多义2、被动语态表达少VS被动语态表达多3、单句使用频繁VS 复合结构、长句多4、科技英语中介词短语以及各类非限定性短语使用频繁5、语序、时态、语气等方面有很大差异。,1、专业术语,科技英语中大量使用科技词语。主要有以下三种类别:纯科技词语:某专门学科或专业的词汇或术语。新词层出不穷,直接影响对科技文本的理解和翻译。例如:Hydroxide: 氢氧化物Isotope: 同位素,通用科技词汇:指不同专业都要经常使用的词汇,但在不同的专业中却有不同的含义。它们用法灵活,搭配形式多样,使用范围广。例如:Transmission: 发射、播送(无线电工程学); “传动、变速” (机械学); “透射”(物理学);“遗传”(医学),Work: 功 (物理)Product: 乘积 (数学)Lens: 扁平矿体 (石油开采)Pavement: 铺垫层 (公路修筑),注意,科技汉语的词汇含义相对单一且规定,而科技英语的词汇内涵较大,常有一词多义的情形。,词汇特点,派生词:由加前缀、后缀构成的词出现频率很高。缩写词:使用经济、简便。名词化现象:由动词或形容词转化而来的抽象名词的运用一方面可以表达抽象的逻辑性与概念化,同时又能满足科技文体追求表达的简练、客观以及浓缩的要求。例如:,The transfer of information from one part of the computer to another depends on the electrical current being conducted over wires.C.f.Information is transferred from one part of the computer to another depending on the electrical current being conducted over wires.,The addition or removal of heat may change the state of matter.C.f.If we add or remove heat, the state of matter may change.,激光可以应用于许多科学领域,又适合于各种实际用途,因此成了近年来轰动一时的科学成就之一。,Laser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years, because of its applicability to many fields of science and its adaptability to practical uses.,句法特点,Example 1As oil is found deep in the ground, its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig” is assembled.,石油埋藏于地层深处。因此,仅仅靠研究地层表面,无法确定有无石油,必须对地下的岩石结构进行地质勘测。如果确定了某一区域的岩石蕴藏着石油,就在此安装钻机。,注意,被动语态的大量使用是科技英语最为显著的特征。据统计,科技英语中有三分之一以上的动词为被动语态形式。汉语科技文本中用被动语态表达的句子为数不多,而科技英语中被动语态使用广泛。,“The major stylistic factor determining its (passive voice) frequency seems to be related to the distinction between informative and imaginative prose rather than to a difference of subject matter or of spoken and written English. The passive is generally more commonly used in informative than in imaginative writing, notably in the objective, non-personal style of scientific articles and news items.” R. Quirk,主动与被动的转化,要制造飞机时,就必需仔细考虑空气阻力的问题。Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be manufactured.,用机械加工的方法,特别是用磨削方法,可以获得最佳表面光洁度。Best surface finish is provided by machining methods, especially by grinding.,汉语:无主句或主语省略句英语:被动语态,大家知道,电子是极为微小的负电荷。Electrons are known to be minute negative charges of electricity.人们必须联系世界环境去认识和研究人口控制问题。The problem of population control has to be recognized and approached in a world environmental context.,汉语:通称或泛称英文:被动语态,科技文体句法的另一个特点是大量使用复合词,包括复合形容词和复合名词。复合词的使用能简化句子结构,并对被修饰词严格限定和说明。,专门用于汽车大赛的汽车如夏福来(Safari)或蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo),从外观上看与从汽车修理厂买来的主要用于普通用途的汽车没什么区别。事实上,它们有区别,参加大赛的汽车是经过特殊方式制造的。首先,它们所采用的部件必须经过严格的测试;其次,选好的部件要经过精心组装,也就是说,参赛的汽车实际上是通过手工制造的。,The rally-used cars like Safari or the Monte Carlo look the same as ordinary garage-bought cars. In fact, they are not the same; they are specially-prepared cars. Firstly, only rigorously-tested components are used. Secondly, the chosen components are put together carefully. In other words, the rally-driven cars are in effect hand-built cars.,复合形容词:名词+过去分词副词+过去分词可替换关系代词引导的定语从句。,英语科技文本中的另一个句法特点是长句的使用。长句的使用可以确保句子信息表达的精确性以及严密的逻辑推导。,The ultimate speed limitation is usually to do with irregularities in curves, in particular the transition which even when perfectly maintained provides a roll input to passengers which can not be compensated by tilting system.,终极速度的限制通常与弯道的不规则性相关,特别是在列车转弯过程中,即使这一转弯十分完美,仍会给乘客带来一种摇晃的感觉。这种不平衡的感觉无法靠倾斜系统来弥补。,注意,英语的长句是由基本句型扩展而来,扩展的方式主要有:1、加修饰词(定语、状语)或并列成分;2、用各种短语(介词短语、分词短语、不定式短语、动名词短语)或词组来充当句子的某一成分;3、将两个或数个简单句组成并列复合句或主从复合句。,在英译汉过程中,应考虑汉语句法的特点,对长句进行有效的切分,使得意思明晰地传达;而在汉译英过程中,应注意汉语小句的合并,以符合英语句法的要求以及逻辑的严密性。,例如:中国已成功地发射了第一颗实验通信卫星。这颗卫星是由三级火箭推动的,一直运转正常。它标志着我国在发展运载工具和电子技术方面进入了一个新阶段。,The successful launching of Chinas first experimental communications satellite, which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since, indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.,译例分析,产品能值是加工产品所消耗的总能量,它由加工过程中所用的能源、原材料、劳动力以及能源和原材料的运输提供的能值组成。能值:energy value,Energy value of a product, being the total amount of energy consumed in the production of the product, consists of energy values contributed by materials, labors and energies consumed during the processing, as well as the energy values provided by the transportation of energy resources and materials.,1、合句法的使用。前指性代词被分词短语代替,各成分之间的粘接主要使用分词形式2、名词化的使用。(the production of; the transportation of),应力是一种平衡外力或荷载的内部阻力。当一个500磅的物体悬挂在一根绳上,在绳子内部的每一个截面上都存在一个500磅的应力;换句话说,如果把这根绳子的任何地方切断,然后接上一根弹簧秤,这只弹簧秤上的读数将显示为500磅。应力:stress,A stress is an internal resistance which balances an exterior force or load. For example, when a weight of 500 pounds is suspended by a rope, a stress of 500 pounds exists in every cross-section of the rope; or, if this rope is cut anywhere and the ends are connected by a spring balance, this will register 500 pounds.,文体的适切,除用词和语法外,科技文体翻译还要注意目的语中科技文本的表达规范。例如,海水不能引用,因为含有太多盐分。Seawater cannot be drunk, because it has too much salt in it.导体的长度增加时,所呈现的电阻也增高。When the length of a conductor increases, the resistance it offers also increases.,直流电是一种总是沿同一方向流动的电流。A direct current is a current which flows always in the same direction.结构材料的选择应使其在外界条件中保持弹性。Materials which are used for structural purposes are chosen so that they behave elastically in the environmental conditions.,地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。The earth rotates on its own axis, which causes the change from day to night.炉壁采用耐火砖可大大降低热耗。If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss can be considerably reduced.,改译,1. Seawater is not drinkable, because it contains too much salt in it.2. When a conductor increases in length, the resistance it offers also increases.3. A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction.4. Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions.,5.The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.6. The heat loss can be considerably reduced by the use of firebricks round the walls of the boiler.,翻译练习,通讯卫星系统在过去的几十年中取得了很大的成功,已引起了人们对其未来的广泛关注。一些国家正在采用卫星来发展国内的通讯,以取代传统的陆地电话线。但是,卫星研制、发射和运转的成本很高,超出了一些国家的经济承受能力。尽管如此,通讯卫星系统得到越来越多的人的重视和支持。这种技术会在未来更加普及。,Communications satellite systems have been quite a success in the past decades, evoking widespread attention to their future. Some countries have been using satellites for domestic communications in place of conventional telephone lines on land. But satellites development, launching and operation are so costly that some countries cant afford.,In spite of all this, communication satellites are gaining attention and support from more and more people. The technique seems likely to be more widely utilized in the future.,许多人造材料正在代替某些天然材料,这或者是由于天然物产的数量不能满足日益增长的需要,或者往往是由于人们选择了合成材料的一些物理性质并加以突出而造成的。因此,合成材料在拟用的领域中将具有极大的用途。,Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural product can not meet our ever-increasing requirement, or more often, because some physical properties of the synthetic substance have been chosen, and even emphasized, so that it would be of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied.,