,诗歌翻译,(一) 操 作 方 法,小组成员:时,诗 歌 翻 译,(一) 操 作 方 法,1、English romantic lyric poetry (Shi chunfeng) 2、Object-describing Poems (Guo shaohui) 3、farewell poems ( Chen peifen) 4、 The comparison of western pastoral poem and Chinas pastoral poem ( Zhao na ) 5、Precautions of Poems ( Li yu ),Content and Order,The translation of English romantic lyric poetry 英国浪漫主义抒情诗的翻译,CONTENTS,The characteristics of English romantic lyric poetry,浪漫主义作家强调个性、想象与主观思想感情,注重感情的自然流露,他们把“内心”、“想象”看作诗的本源,认为诗即诗人感情寻求表现冲动所造成的,或是为“创造性”的想象所驱使。,The romantic writer stress individual character, imagination and subjective feelings, pay attention to the feelings of natural language. They put the heart, imagine as to the origin of poetry, think that the poetry is that, the poet feelings seek the performance of impulse, or driven by creative imagination.,Common features,Description of the ideal, to express a strong personal feelings and focus on depicting natural scenery, to express the feelings of nature; The folk songs and folk tales as the material and reference in creation;The use of exaggerationUsing the magnificent words style and abundant parables;The classicalism of poetry is stretch and free;,The translation style of English romantic lyric poetry,hrase (措辞) artistic conception (意境) poetic form (诗体形式),Mainly embodied in the following three aspects.,The examples of lyric poetry translation,“how could thy notes flow in such a crystal stream?” 雪莱致云雀 “你的乐曲音流怎能像液态的水晶涌泻?” “你的歌怎能流得如此晶莹? ”,Example 1,通感,视觉,听觉,The examples of lyric poetry translation,“If evenI were as in my boyhood,and could beThe comrade of thy wanderings over Heaven,” 西风颂“假如我能在少年时,凌风而舞 便成了你的伴侣,悠游于太空” “唯愿英姿勃发重振少年意气 与你信步同游那昊昊天庭”,Example 2,“the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tressOr softly lightens oer her face” 拜伦 She Walks in Beauty “美在她绺绺黑发上飘荡,在她的腮颊上洒布柔辉” “美波动在她乌黑的发上 或者散布淡淡的光辉在那脸庞”,The examples of lyric poetry translation,Example 1,权衡局部与整体关系,大胆运用剔除与补偿策略,捕捉原诗核心意象,凭借动词等再现原诗的动态意境 。,“Like a glow-worm goldenIn a dell of dew,Scattering unbeholdenIts aerial hueAmong the flowers and grass,which screen it from the view ” 雪莱致云雀“像一只金色的萤火虫在凝露的深山幽谷不显露出它的行止影踪把晶莹的流光传播在遮断我们视线的芳草鲜花丛中” “好象是金色的萤火虫在凝露的山谷里到处流散它轻盈的光/ 在花丛,在草地而花草却把它掩遮,毫不感激”,紧扣原文直译,萤火虫“不显露”(“unbeholden”)行踪,在遮断我们视线的芳草鲜花从中传播光亮,其描述重心是陈述事件,更倾向于实境营造。 描绘而非陈述,重心在动境的营造并没有因为原诗“unbeholden”与“screen from the view”就放弃对比作萤火虫的云雀歌声动态的描绘,同时这种动境更加激发读者的遐想,并产生虚实相生的诗意。,Example 2 以比喻类比的手法,把云雀的歌唱比作萤火虫的光,音步、韵脚、诗行与诗节的安排并不尽依原诗,一成不变,而是随物赋形,寓变化于整齐,不苛求与原文字面、韵脚或音步的一一对应。,Example 1,FragmentLanguage has not the power to speak what love indites:The soul lies buried in the ink that writes. 英国 John Clare,断 想爱在呼唤 难以言传墨迹行行 枉费情感,Example 2,LoveShe wept with pity and delight,She blushd with love and virgin shame;And, like the murmur of a dream,I heard her breathe my name. 爱情窦初开羞答答, 怜爱欣喜落泪花;犹如梦呓低声语, 红云满面呼唤他。,Object-describing Poems Translation咏物诗歌翻译,CONTENTS,The characteristics of object-describing poems,就是托物言志或借物抒情的诗歌,通过事物的咏叹体现人文思想。咏物诗中所咏之“物”往往是作者的自况,与诗人的自我形象完全融合在一起,作者在描摹事物中寄托了一定的感情。,咏物诗:,They refer to those poems which focus on the description of objective things and express the poets feelings along with such a description. All the natural beings, ranging from mountains and seas to flowers and birds, are the objects for the poets to portray and project their feelings.,The keys of object-describing poems translation,Using his or her initiative, the translator can have the ability to appreciate beauty, and by way of “feeling into the subject”, he or she can reproduce the aesthetic effect of the poetry in its English versions.,The examples of object-describing poems,Souvenirs You ask when Im coming: alas not just yet. How the rain filled the pools on that night when we met! Ah, when shall we ever snuff candles again, And recall the glad hours of that evening of rain. (translated by Giles),Example 1夜雨寄北李商隐 君问归期未有期,巴山夜雨涨秋池。 何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。,Defects: Giles mistakes the present for the past. Beside, Giles deletes the name “Ba Shan”.,The examples of object-describing poems,A Poem to My Home in the North on a Rainy NightYou ask about my returning date, but in vain.In the realm of Ba pools swell with autumn rain.When can we snuff candles together in our bower,Chatting about my feeling and thought of this hour?( translated by Zeng Bingheng ),Written on a Rainy Night to My Wife in the NorthYou ask me when I can come back, but I dont know,The pools in western hill with autumn rain overflow.When by our window can we trim the wicks againAnd talk about this endless, dreary night of rain? (translated by Xu Yuanzhong) “endless” “dreary” 传神之效,The examples of object-describing poems,An Ode to Willow Jadelike weeping willow looks like beautys figure, Its slender twigs are green ribbons of beautys skirts. Who on earth cuts out the thin leaves on the osiers? The early springs breeze seems to play the role of shears. (translated by Liu Kezhang ) “on earth ” “seems to ” 用的好,Example 2咏柳贺知章碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。,The examples of object-describing poems,Night a Spring RainGood rain chooses the proper season to fall.In spring, all trees and flowers, to life it recall.With a mild breeze, it continues into the night.In silence, it gives the needed moisture aright. (translated by Xu Zhongjie ) “chooses” “continues” “gives” personification(拟人化),Example 3春夜喜雨杜甫好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。,The examples of object-describing poems,The translator should accumulate or develop his aesthetic attitude and his insight to achieve the emotional resonance with the poet. This accumulation is a long process which may require years of experience and persistent learning, and for the translator, it is also the accumulation of knowledge and sensitivity to the cultural difference to certain extent.,已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏,With icicles long, long crags, The pretty blossom still does show. (translated by Wu Xianglin ) “still”“犹”(妙)On the ice - clad rock rising high and sheer A flower blooms sweet and fair. (translated by L in Tongji) “fair” (压尾韵),How to be a good translator?,送别诗Farewell Poems,送别,诗,contents,黯然销魂者,,唯别而已矣。,渭城曲(又名:送元二使安西)王 维渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。劝君更进一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。,解析: 这是一首送朋友去西北边疆的诗。友人就要起程去遥远、偏僻的安西了。诗人依依不舍,送了一程又一程,一直到渭城。本诗通过对饯别情景的描绘,表现了朋友之间的深厚情谊。,Comparison(一) 许渊冲 译A Farewell SongNo dust is raised on the road wet with morning rain;The willows by the hotel look so fresh and green.I invite you to drink a cup of wine again;West of the Sunny Pass no more friends will be seen.(二)唐一鹤 译Seeing off Yuan Er on Diplomatic Mission to AnxiOver the city of Xian YangLight dust was laid by the morning rain.In the freshened colour of weeping willowsThe guest-house by the road looks green.Lets have another “bottoms up”With each other.When you go westwards out of the border pass,Youll find no intimate, never!,“渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。”,湿润,译法1.(by Xu)No dust is raised on the road wet with morning rainThe willows look so fresh and green要点: “湿润”、 “没有尘土扬起”、 “清新与翠绿”译法2.(by Tang)Over the city of Xian YangLight dust was laid by the morning rain.In the freshened colour of weeping willowsThe guest-house by the road looks green.要点:“浥”字译为lay,意为cause something to settle;weeping来修饰willows,展现柳色青翠,砖瓦青青,兼顾了柳树 和客舍两处景物。,柳树青翠&客舍青青,送别诗中常见意象:杨、柳、酒、春草、山、水、亭、舟eg.杨柳(Willow) 寓意:杨柳是“柳”“留”谐音,赠柳寓挽留之意。同时柳生命力强,赠柳意味着祝愿离人能很快适应新的环境。 Key :结合诗意,将专有物象进行可感性的视觉化处理,其中较为可取的办法就是将专有名词的首字母大写,显其形。春夜洛城闻笛李白谁家玉笛暗飞声,散入春风满洛城。此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情。Willow GreenFrom whose house has come the song of jade flute unseen?It fills the town of Luoyang, spread by wind of spring.Tonight I hear the farewell song of Willow Green.To whom the tune will not nostalgic feeling bring?赏析:将首字母大写,一来使之“显了形”,突显其在诗意中的重要性。二来利用专有名词大写这个译语读者熟知的方式引导读者对其丰富的文化象征含义进行深入、透彻、精准地解读。,典故,Mention The Name(people, things, places),Introduce The Identity,translation of allusions,Introduce The Main Content,Translate Mainly Figurative Sense,Show The Metonymy Of Ontology,Skill. Mention The Name(people, things, places),纳兰性德忆王孙强把心情付浊醪,读离骚,愁似湘汀日夜潮。赏析: “湘汀”指湘江。汨罗江是湘江的支流。关于汨罗江,也就是湘江,有令人悲痛的故事,伟大诗人屈原自沉于此。我们只需译出与故事有关的地方 湘江,再加一注解,读者就会从湘江追溯到汨罗江。,应用:译出典故的人物、东西、地方的名词,再加一注解。这种方法通常用于诗歌中已提到的情况。,译文:Grudgingly, I give myself up to the unstrained wine.While reading the Li Sao,my sorrow resemblesday after day, night after night,the Xiang River tides.我饮着浊酒,读着离骚,我的忧伤象湘江的潮水。,Skill . Introduce The Identity应用:只译出典故中专有名词的人或物的身份、职务、归属或特征,再加一注解,简单介绍典故的内容。韦应物东郊终罢斯结庐,萧陶直可庶。赏析: “陶”即陶渊明,东晋卓越诗人。 “陶”虽为专有名词,但只有一个音节,我们可同时译出“陶”及其身份诗人。,译文:Yet sooner or late, Ill put up here a hut,And live a simple life that Tao, the poet loved.我迟早要在这里搭一个小屋,过那位姓陶的诗人喜欢的简朴生活。,Skill . Introduce The Main Content应用:把典故中的主要内容照直译出,可加注解,也可不加注解。通常只用于诗歌中已有所描绘的情况。不加注解,不影响对全句乃至全诗的理解。李白行路难闲来垂钩碧溪上,忽闻乘舟梦日边。赏析: “垂钩碧溪上”为一典故,传说吕尚 90 岁在陕西溪钩鱼,得遇周文王。 “乘舟梦日边”为一典故,据说伊尹受汤聘前梦见自己乘舟绕日月而过。 作者在人生道路上遭遇艰难险阻时,想起了这两位贤臣未遇明君时的境况,对前途充满了信心。我们只要照直展现原文,译出典故重要内容,那么就展示了典故的大意。吕尚与伊尹为专有名词,为避免译文生硬、费解,我们就译出其身份。,译文:I can poise a fishing-rod like a marshal by a streamOr circle the sun and moon like a sage in a boat.我可以像一位元帅那样在溪边垂钓,也可像一位智者那样在梦里驾舟绕过日月。,Skill . Translate Mainly Figurative Sense应用:为了使读者容易理解而不顾典故的具体情节,只译出其在诗歌中的主要含义。李白长干行常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台。赏析: “抱柱信”:据传尾生和情人约于桥下相会,女子未到,大水忽至。尾生守约不去,抱住桥柱,直到被水淹死。 “望夫台”:即望夫山,据传古代有一个女子因想念远征离家已久的丈夫而每天上山候望。久而久之,她变成了一块石头,但一直保持原来形象,后人称其为望夫石,山为望夫山。 作者通过两典表达主人公相信对方会珍惜爱情,会形影不离,怎么也想不到有分离之苦。翻译时,我们不必拘泥典故的内容,可译出其主要喻义。译文:Rather than break faith, you declared youd die.Who knew Id live alone in a tower high?你信誓旦旦说宁死不背信。谁知道我会孤苦伶仃,独宿高楼。,Skill . Show The Metonymy Of Ontology 应用:为了让读者容易理解,展现指代义,而译出借代中的本体。李清照风凰台上忆吹箫念武陵人远,烟锁秦楼。赏析: “武陵”:陶潜桃花源记中的故事,这里“武陵人”指作者的丈夫。 “秦楼”:即凤台。据传春秋萧史喜吹箫,作凤鸣。秦穆公以女弄玉妻之,筑凤台以居。一夕,萧吹箫引凤,夫妻乘之升天。这儿,“秦楼”指词人住所。作者表达对丈夫的思念以及独居妆楼的苦闷。译文:Far, far away you pass your days:My bower here is drowned in haze.你在远方苦度光阴,我的住所笼罩在烟雾之中。,The comparison of western pastoral poem and Chinas pastoral poem,西方田园诗与中国田园诗,Pastoral poem is a style western countries and China have in common.,However, there is difference between western pastoral poem and Chinas.,西方田园诗与中国田园诗 赵娜,Different culture,The different origin,Western pastoral poem is on the basis of ideal.,Chinas pastoral poem is on the basis of realty.,西方田园诗与中国田园诗 赵娜,The poets usually described the ideal pastoral life, showing the nostalgia to the past and supposed existence of peace and love which disappeared in Renaissance period.,西方田园诗与中国田园诗 赵娜,European pastoral poems were produced under the European cultural background, They expressed their expect and pursuit to the pure world in the pastoral poems.,The different feature of content.,Western pastoral poem inclines to be nostalgic:,西方田园诗与中国田园诗 赵娜,Chinas pastoral poem expresses the feeling of poets experienceof country life:,Tao yuanming is a typical poet of Chinas pastoral poems. He spend his childhood in country. After unhappy political experience, he came firmly back to nature which he song afterwards with great enthusiasm.,The different feature of content.,And we will sit upon rocks, Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals.,我们依傍岩石席地而坐, 看牧羊人守望羊群悠然自得, 在那清澈的溪涧旁边, 鸟儿伴着飞瀑唱起婉转的情歌。,Christopher Marlowe克里斯托夫马洛,The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,牧羊恋歌,独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。深林人不知,明月来相照。,Sitting among bamboos alone,I play my lute and croon carefree.In the deep woods where Im unknown,Only the bright moon peeps at me. - tr.Xu Yuanchong,竹里馆,Hut Among the Bamboos,Idealism and realitism are refered to in the treatise the difference between western pastoral poem.The difference we discuss just only an aspect of them, which we hope that it can contribute to the improvement of understanding and translation of two different kind language.,西方田园诗与中国田园诗 赵娜,Precautions of Poems Translation 概述诗歌翻译技巧,CONTENTS,1.Word Order,1.1 Changing the Position of Attributes1.2 Changing the Positions of Adverbials1.3 Changing the Word Order Flexibly,Before the Central WordEg.明月松间照: Bright moonlight falls through pines.,Changing the Position of Attributes,After the Central WordEg.家书抵万金: Letters from home dearer than gold.,Changing the Positions of Adverbials,Before the SubjectEg.家临九江水,来去九江侧. By riverside I have my home; To and fro on the stream you roam.,Splitting adverbialsEg.夜来城外一尺雪 At night a foot os show falls out side the city.,Changing the Word Order Flexibly,Eg.红颜未老恩先断, 斜倚熏宠到天明。Alas,although his love has gone, Her beauty lingers yet; Sadly she sets till early dawn, But never can forget.,2.The Translation of Zero-subject Sentences,2.1 Using the Passive Structure2.2 Using theThere bestructure2.3 Using the Inverted Order2.4 Using imperative Sentence,Using the Passive Structure,Eg. 前不见古人,后不见来者。 (陈子昂登幽州台歌)Before me, unseen are the ancients,Behind me, unseen those to come.,Using theThere bestructure,Eg.翻手作云覆手雨,纷纷轻薄何须数。 Today there are those changeable as clouds or rain,their number too great to be even counted.,Using the Inverted Order,Eg.天下伤心处,劳劳送客亭。A most heartbreaking place in the worldis The Laolao Pavilion of Parting,Using imperative Sentence,Eg.射人先射马(杜甫前出塞)To shoot a man,first shoot his horse.,Conclusion,The translation of poetry is an endless process. We can even say that there isnt the best translated poem; there is only the closest possible translation.,Thank you!,The End,