词汇高级英语The Trial that Rocked the World课件.ppt
Lesson 4,The Trial That Rocked the World,Lesson 4 The Trial,Structural Analysis,Part 1: A buzz ran . his views the setting of the scene Part 2: By the time . for an oil company the trial itselfPart 3: Not long ago.with the passing years the ending,Structural AnalysisPart 1: A,The process of the trial,Day 1: Preliminary fightJ. Scopes is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant. Today it is the teachers, and tomorrow it will be the magazines, After a while, it is the setting of man against man. That damned infidel.Day 2: calling witnessesBryan: “The Christian believes that man came from above. The evolutionist believes”Judge ruled against permitting the scientists to testify for the defence.Climax of the trial: Darrows trick to trap Bryan.Day 3: verdict: guilty, $100 fine and costs. Victorious defeat,The process of the trialDay 1:,Detailed study of the text,1. The title: * Why did the trial rock the world?rock:The Presidents murder rocked the nation.Another financial blow (storm) has rocked the industry.The theory rocked the foundations of social and moral life.,Detailed study of the text1. T,2. Para1-2: An introduction to the trial: time and place; who were involved; lawyers coming for the defendant and for the prosecution; how it began.Para 1 : the setting 1)time and place 2) introduction of people on both sides - counsel for the defense ; counsel for the prosecution,Description of the court: a) terribly crowded b) uncomfortably hotc) noisy when the author took his defendants seat (the dock).sweltering: very hot, causing unpleasantness,2. Para1-2: An introduction to,3. Counsel: advice; one or more lawyers acting for sb. in a court of law. e.g. They refused to listen to the old mans counsel. The counsel are agreed. The judge asked the counsel for the defense to explain his point. take /hold counsel for advice: ask sb. for advice,3. Counsel: advice; one or mor,Cf. council: a group of people appointed or elected to make laws, rules, or decisions, for a town, etc., or to give advice.the state council国务院 the Council of Ministers内阁 the UN Security Council安理会 Official meetings of the town council(镇政会) are always held in the council chamber(会议室).,Cf. council: a group of people,4. silver-tongued orator: persuasive eloquent public speakere.g. Sometimes we do get fooled by all that beautifully packaged, silver-tongued hype(宣传) of the record companies.Every cloud has a silver lining.黑暗之中总有光明。Speech is silver, but silence is golden.Silver State: informal name for Nevada and Coloradosilver medal; silver wedding,4. silver-tongued orator:,5. nominate to suggest or name sb. officially for election to a position, office, honor, etc.I wish to nominate Jane Morrison for president of the club.nominee: a person who has been nominated.nominator Nominationa Nobel Prize nominee / a presidential nominee,5. nominate,6. the fundamentalist movement : a militantly conservative and fanatically religious American Protestant movement that began in the early 20th century; it holds that the Bible is a verbally accurate recording of the word of God, and was strong in parts of the U.S., especially in the South, at that time.,The revival of fundamentalism,After WW I, religious intolerances were rampant.Quite a few states passed laws prohibiting the teaching of Darwinist evolution.When John Scopes, a school teacher, defied the law by teaching evolution, he was brought up for trial.The court debate was not only a reflection of religious conflicts but also a significant struggle between the progressive and the reactionary.,The revival of fundamentalismA,the fundamentalist movement that had brought about the trial: The trial was brought to court by Scopes and his lawyers. However, it was the fundamentalist movement which made the trial necessary, because it was this movement that had created the religious atmosphere that was responsible for the law which prohibited the teaching of evolution in the schools, and it was the existence of that law which made it necessary to hold a trial to challenge the law.,the fundamentalist movement th,7. testify (against, for, to): a. to make a solemn statement of what is true.The teacher testified to the pupils ability and willingness to work hard.Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the crime? One witness testified that hed seen the prisoner run out of the bank after it had been robbed.b. to serve as proof:Her red face testified to her guilt / that she was guilty. testimonial(品行,行为,资格等)证明书,推荐书8. distinguished: renowned; eminent,7. testify (against, for, to):,9. on hand: available, presentwithin reach: the distance one can reachat hand: near in time or place Always have your dictionary on hand / within reach / at hand when you study.Please be on hand at 12 sharp.I have a great deal of important work on hand.All his old friends will be on hand to see Jack receive the medal of honour.I want you to be at hand during my interview with the boss of the company.The post office is close at hand.,9. on hand: available, present,10. “Dont worry, son, around my shoulder : son : an affectionate term used by an older person to a boy or young man show them a few tricks : to do a few things / sth. to outwit the prosecution, or to have some clever and unexpected tactics and surprise them in the trial reassuring arm: Obviously the arm cant be reassuring; it means in a reassuring manner, a friendly gesture to put John at ease. It is an example of “transferred epithet”.,10. “Dont worry, son, aroun,11. erupt: to explode and pour out fire (volcanoes, geysers, wars, emotions, etc.)The volcano erupted lava(火山岩) and ashes. He erupted angry words. Violence erupted in the city after the football.,11. erupt: to explode and pour,12. the fundamentalists and modernists : These are two schools of thought. The fundamentalists are believers in or supporters of the older teaching of Christian Church, esp. concerning the exact truth of the words of the Bible, as opposed to more modern Christian thought which has been influenced by scientific knowledge. The modernists are believers in or supporters of modern views or methods (i.e. modernism).,12. the fundamentalists and mo,13. Old Testament: that part of the Bible that refers to events before the birth of Christ. * Note: All the words like the Bible, God (Lord, He, Him) and Christ (Savior) are capitalized.14. adhere to: to favor strongly, stick firmly to The wallpaper wont adhere to the ceiling. They adhere to the contract.He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting.adhere to the four cardinal / fundamental principles,13. Old Testament: that part o,15. the state legislature: The official body of people who passes (determine, decide) laws. Each of the 50 states in the U.S. has a legislature. The national legislature is called the congress.16. aim ( at ): point or direct towards some object, esp. with the intention of hitting it Cf. aim / direct / level / point / trainThe central meaning shared by these verbs is to turn something in the direction of an intended goal or target. aimed the camera at the guestsdirecting her eyes on the bookleveled criticism at the administrationpointing a finger at the suspecttrained the gun on the intruder,15. the state legislature:,17. indict: ( indict sb. for a crime):charge sb. Formally and officiallyFive men were caught at the scene and indicted.accuse, charge, prosecute, blameaccuse sb. of cheatingcharge sb. with cheatingprosecute sb. for theftblames sb. for the failure,17. indict: ( indict sb. for a,18. least of all: less than anyone/anything else (最不应该;尤其不) Nobody ought to complain; he least of all who has received so much kindness.谁都不应抱怨,他尤其不应该,他已得到这么多恩惠。I never hid the truth, least of all from you.He liked that book least of all.not in the least (not at all)to say the least (of it) (understatement)His performance was disappointing, to say the least of it.It was rather an unsatisfactory dinner, to say the least of it. 那次宴会,相当令人不满意,至少可以如此说。,18. least of all: less than an,19. snowball: to increase in size faster and faster or uncontrollably He helped the organization to snowball its political influence.他帮助那家机构迅速增大政治影响力。The number of signers of the petition for a new school snowballed.要求增设新学校的签名人数越来越多。20. renowned : Cf. notorious,19. snowball: to increase in s,Dayton scene during the trial,circus atmospherefestive atmosphere in DaytonAll sorts of activities were going on in the town and there was a kind of noisy holiday spirit there. (Suddenly the town was transformed into a kind of circus with many people coming to hear the trial. The town people took advantage of the sudden influx of visitors to expand their business activities.),Dayton scene during the trialc,21. festoon The garden was festooned with coloured lights.22. sprout: to grow or come out, appear and spread rapidly23. evangelist: one who preaches the gospel (good news)24. exhort: urge earnestly or advise strongly sb. to do sth.to exhort sb. to do good / to work harder, etc.25. “infidel outsiders”: the northern, big city lawyers, professors and scientists who are unbelievers in religious senses (meaning these outsiders are godless and implying being in the hands of the devil) and who would be held in suspicion as trouble-makers by narrow-minded, small town southerners. * Its in quotes to signify that this is a false view held by such people.,21. festoon,异教徒,infidel: a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than ones own, implying being in the hands of the devilpagan: a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religionsheretic: a person believing in or practicing religious heresy,异教徒infidel: a person who does,26. ageing and paunchy, was assisted Tom Stewart : paunchy: (derog. and humour) (esp. of a man) having a fat stomach, pot-bellied attorney general : chief law officer and legal expert of the government of a state or the U.S * Note that Bryan is described as someone becoming old and having a fat stomach or pot-bellied, which is derogatory and humorous.27. shrewd: clever in judgement, esp. of what is to ones own advantagemagneticsteeped in: thoroughly filled or familiar with; saturated, immersed, imbued witha place steeped in mysterya mind steeped in lawbe steeped in women and liquor 沉缅于酒色,26. ageing and paunchy, was a,28. In a trial Darrow was a agnostic, Malone a Catholic and Hays a Jew : From the make-up of the legal counsel for the defense, we could see that probably they were people more broad-minded and more objective in their look. Youve got somebody not believing in God, youve got somebody who was a Catholic and youve got somebody who was a Jew. agnostic : a person who believes that nothing can be known about God or of anything else except material things, or who questions the existence o God and claims that His existence cant be proved 不可知者Cf. atheist: a person who disbelieves in the existence of God. 无神论者,28. In a trial Darrow was a,29. preliminary: introductory, preparatory30. spar: to box without hitting hard; (fig.) argue or dispute (with sb) The children are sparring with each other.legality : the requirements and procedure of the law31. drawl: speak in a slow, lazy way with prolonged vowel sounds People are getting used to Bushs Texas drawl.人们慢慢习惯了布什的得州慢腔调。 (Darrow was speaking slowly and dramatically that the attorney-general said that John Scopes was being tried because he had broken the law.),29. preliminary: introductory,32. He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant :ignorance: Poverty, disease and ignorance remain major world problems.We are in complete ignorance of his plans.She is very young, and ignorant of what life really is.bigotry: obstinate narrow-minded; intolerance; prejudice The report reveals racism and right-wing bigotry.bigot: a person who thinks strongly that his own opinion and belief is correct bigotedrampant: widespread and impossible to controlThe vines(葡萄树) ran rampant over the fence.Ignorance is rampant among them.a rampant leopard 一只暴怒的豹子,32. He is here because ignoran,33. Today it is the teachers the human mind : Now it is John Scopes who is persecuted and later, if this goes on, other people will be persecuted, too. And if this goes on, were retrogressing (not marching or going forward for a great cause) to the dark middle ages when people are burned to death who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to human beings. “glorious” is used ironically as Darrow is being sarcastic by referring to the dark Middle Ages as “the glorious age”. So is the phrase “marching backward”. It is ironical because marching usually implies going forward for a great cause, while here it actually means retrogress to the dark age of the 16th century.,33. Today it is the teachers ,34. contaminate: to make impure, bad by mixing with dirty or poisonous matterDont eat the food, it may have been contaminated by the flies.The river is contaminated with waste from the factory.Our students are being contaminated by foreign ideas.35. The Christian believes that man came from above. The evolutionist believes that he must have come from below : (Antithesis对照) Bryan here is setting one against the other. From his use of “came” and “must have come”, we can see that he seems to suggest that it is a matter of fact that man was created by god in the heaven and they are quite sure of that, whereas it is only a guess by the evolutionist that man evolved from lower species.,34. contaminate: to make impur,36. brandish: to wave threateningly sth. esp. a weapon I shall brandish my sword before them. denounce: to criticize severely and publicly; condemn as evilA mass meeting denounced him as a traitor.Brandish and denounce give a sense of Bryan behaving as if he had a sacred calling / duty from God. This sentence and the next paragraph suggest that he is implying that the theory of evolution comes from the devil (Satan), and that the supporters of the defense are doing the devils work.,36. brandish: to wave threaten,37. sonorous: having a pleasantly full loud soundthe sonorous tones of the priestHe thundered in his sonorous organ tones.thunder: to make a very loud deep noise38. reconcile: make peace between, find agreement betweenI cannot reconcile the two points of view. The two girls quarreled but are now reconciled.39. divine: of, related to, or being god or a god,37. sonorous: having a pleasan,40. fervor: passion, zeal, enthusiasm, intense heatspeak with great fervour fervent: showing strong and warm feelings; passionatea fervent love / hatred a fervent lover / admirer41. arena: an area of land or a large room; fieldThe city built a new sports arena.After World II Japan entered the arena of international trade.,40. fervor: passion, zeal, ent,42. Yet sth was lacking. as he should have :Though the audience received his speech with applause and cheers, they didnt seem to be completely satisfied as Bryan this time lacked the fierce fervor in his past speeches, and they seemed