英语教学法流派 Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching,何东方,The Grammar-Translation Method,Definition: It means to translate from mother tongue to target language.That is to say,the method teaches foreign language with grammar explaination and translation exercise.,FeaturesDeductive method is usually used in the studying progress: esplain the grammar rules first, then use examples to clarity, and consolidate the rules with practice; Inductive method: use examples first and then conclide the grammar tules.Use mother-tongue to teach mainly.,Review,外语教学简史,一、500年前,15世纪以前,在西欧、拉丁语处于主流地位,不仅用于日常口语交际,而且是教育、商务和政府的通用语言。拉丁语是外语,外语教学的历史在公元前就存在了。二、16世纪一19世纪从16世纪起,法语、意大利语、英语开始受到重视,成为口语交际的主要媒体。三、19世纪直接法的出现不以其它母语为媒介,直接学习一种语言;像儿童学习母语一样学习目的语的口语。19世纪50, 60年代的西欧国家酝酿着一场外语教学的革新运动,但是也有发展,其矛头是语法翻译法。改革动力来自社会需求:资本主义发展,国际贸易增多,要使用口语交流。,外语教学简史,1886年国际语音学会成立和国际音标的制定推动了直接法的形成和发展。四、二十世纪20世纪人类社会科学技术突飞猛进,特别是电子计算机出现以后,以微电子技术为核心的知识、技术技术密集型产业发展很快。听说法是20世纪40年代末在美国形成的外语教学法。二战期间,美国军队进驻很多国家,军人急需掌握外语,特别是通过军队外语培训等教学活动,创立了听说法。20世纪60年代末70年代初,随着另一门新兴学科社会语言学的诞生,社会语言学家提出了“交际能力”的概念,在外语教学界引起了强烈的反响,交际教学法学派随即迅速崛起。在交际法的带动下,20世纪70年代还兴起了人文主义教学法,主要包括沉默法(the silent way)、提示法(suggestopedia)、社区式语言学习(community language learning)和全身反应教学法(the total physical response method)等新型的外语教学法。这些教学法的共同特点是强调学生是教学的主体。除了分析学生的需要和学习过程外,还注意学生学习外语的心理特点,努力创造条件,排除学生学习外语时的心理障碍。,外语教学法的发展Developments in English Language Teaching Methodology,The Direct Method,Task Based Language Teaching,The Direct Method,welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,Time: Mid-19th to early 20th century Definition:It is a method of foreign or second language teaching which insists that only the target language should be used in class and meaning should be communicated “directly”by associating speech forms with actions, objects,gestures and situations. It emphasizes the importance of spoken language. Therefore holds that reading and writing should be taught only after speaking .,Direct Method,Main characteristics: a. Students learn to think in the target language.b. Meaning is prestented by related directly to the physical world.c. Target language is the language of instruction and communication in the classroom.d. Correct pronunciation is emphasized.e. Spoken language is preferred to written language.f. The basic unit of language is the sentence.,Case study,Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT),Defination of TBLTThis method refers to an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language.,What is the task?A task is an activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language.,Eg: Listening to a weather forecast and deciding what to wear,welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience,The components of a task,目标(Goals) 信息输入(Input Data ) 活动 (Activities ) 结果(Outcome),TBLT,doing things by language,learning by doing,learning for using,learning by using,learning then using,Involvement,Inquiry,Induction,Incorporation,Four dimensions of teaching and learning tasks represented by the four eyes: Involvement(参与), Inquiry(探究), Induction(归纳), Incorporation(整合).,Features of TBLT,1. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language. 强调通过用目标语交流来学会交际 2. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. 将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境,Features of TBLT,3. Provision of opportunities for learners to focus,not noly on language itself,but also on the learning process. 关注语言的本身,也关注学生的过程。 4. An enhancement of the learners own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning. 学习者的个人经历对语言学习具有重要意义,Advantages and Disadvantages,The classroom efficiency is low,it is difficult to guarantee the big class teaching task.The classroom organization and task design and implementation rely on teachers ability and teaching level.,Advantages,Disadvantages,It pays attention to real situations,in order to achieve the goal oriented language communicative activities clearly.It is to promote teachers teaching dominant,with students as the main teaching activaties.,The Audio-lingual Method,Time: Mid-20th century,Main Characteristics:This method also saw the spoken language as the fundamental form of language and insisted that only the L2 should be used in the classroom. It divided up language into parts, each representing an item within the system of the second language structures.,Defintion: This method is a method of foreign language teaching which enphasizes the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom.,The Audio-lingual Method,Background: P44 Theory: P48-P51 BehaviorismTeaching procedure: P57,The principal characteristics : 1. Separation of language skills into listening,speaking, reading and writing, with emphasis on the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing;(把语言分成听、说、读、写四种技能,在教学中强调先听说,后读写) 2.Use of dialogues as the chief means of presenting the language; (对话是语言教学中的主要形式) 3. Emphasis on certain practice techniques: mimicry, memorization and pattern drills:(强调模仿、记忆、和句子操练) 4.Discouraging the use of the mother tongue in the classroom; (在课堂教学中避免使用母语) 5. Use of language lab.(使用语言实验室),Communicative Language Teaching,Definition of CLT Communicative Language Teaching is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language.,Communicative approach believes that real communication activities to promote learning, using language to complete meaningful activities to promote the learning task, the use of language learners can facilitate meaningful learn.,Finocchiaro and Brumfit(1983)contrast the major distinctive features of the Audiolingual Method and the Communicative Approach,according to their interpretation:P67,Communicative competence: Chomskys view of competence:According to Chomsky, competence refers to the tacit knowledge of language structures and the ability to use this knowledge to understand and produce language,that is, the abstract grammatical knowledge of language. Canale and Swains Four dimensions of communicative competence (1980):P71Theory of language: Some of the characteristics of this communicative view of language follow: P71Theory of learning:P72,Comparison of Teaching Methods,人文主义的教学法 The Humanist Approach,A. 全身动作反应法Total Physical Response (TPR) Chapter 6 B.社团语言学习Community Language Learning,咨询教学法Counseling ApproachC. 沉默教学法 The Silent WayD. 暗示教学法 Suggestopedia,Chapter 8,Chapter 7,Chapter 10,MOOC,2,3,1,是一种新的课程模式,具有比较完整的课程结构,这是一般网络主题所没有的;开放的教育领域,没有人数、时间、地点的限制,通过网络传播。,MOOC,英文全称Massive Open Online Course,中文全称为大规模在线开放课程(2012)。,具有开放性( Open,就是说学习者是来自全球各地的,信息来源、评价过程、学习环境都是开放的)、大规模(Massive,指大量的学习者参与课程)、组织和社会性等特点。社会化学习有利于构建社会化学习网络与知识的创造和分享,对于推动开放教育可能会产生深远的影响。,MOOC真正的颠覆性创新是什么?,非目标客户终于被包括进来。MOOC的各类课程却是免费的,而且也更容易获取这就使得它们可以辐射到那些原本无福消受高等教育的一大群用户。在线教育作为一只创新的力量,不应该去跟大学、培训构直接竞争学员,而是要去开拓现在没有消费教育的人群。重新定义什么叫好。在现有的大学体系下,举个例子,大部分教师的评级标准都是基于他们的学术研究质最而非他们的教质量。但是,互联网媒介和规模化将开启新的变革。在未来,提供哪些课程将取决于雇主(这里指付费的学生),而非教师的研究兴趣。日前,MOOC已经在几个方向上摆脱传统教育束缚逐渐演变:举个例子,Udacity的课程就开始发挥在线媒介的优势,从一个基于时间控制的学习模式转向一个基于个人能力的学习模式,按学生的掌握情况而非简单地依照学时推进课程。,翻转课堂,起源:在美国科罗拉基山的一个山区学校-林地公园高中,教师们常常被一个问题所困扰:有些学生由于各种原因,时常错过正常的学校活动,且学生将过多的时间花费在往返学巴士上。这样导致很多学生由于缺课而跟不上学习进度。,但是,2007年,化学教师乔纳森伯尔曼和亚伦姆斯屏幕捕捉软件播放和讲解声音。他们结合实时讲解PPT视屏上传到网络,一帮助课堂缺席学生的补课。不久,这些在线教学视屏被广泛的传播下来。,定义:所谓翻转课堂,就是教师创建视频,学生在家中或课外观看视频中教师的讲解,回到课堂上师生年对面交流和完成作业的这样一种教学形态。,高效课堂,什么是高效?,什么是课堂?,高效。当今教育界最盛行的一个名词就是“高效课堂”。怎么理解? 高效就是师生耗费合理的时间获得尽可能大的成效。三个层次:1、花最少的时间最快学得最多的考试内容;2、在学习的过程中学会一定的学习技巧;3、获得成功的体验。”,课堂。是什么?有人说“课堂是主阵地”,如果课堂是战场的话,那么谁是敌人?弄不好只有学生是敌人喽。把学生当成敌人显然是荒唐的。课堂应是教学的主渠道,课堂是学习的主场所。,高效。当今教育界最盛行的一个名词就是“高效课堂”。怎么理解? 高效就是师生耗费合理的时间获得尽可能大的成效。三个层次:1、花最少的时间最快学得最多的考试内容;2、在学习的过程中学会一定的学习技巧;3、获得成功的体验。,什么是高效?,什么是课堂?,课堂。是什么?有人说“课堂是主阵地”,我反对这种说法,如果课堂是战场的话,那么谁是敌人?弄不好只有学生是敌人楼。把学生当成敌人显然是荒唐的。课堂应是教学的主渠道,课堂是学习的主场所。,高效课堂策略主要特征,1、低耗高效:耗时要少,内容要精。在课堂教学中要有“向单位时间要教学效率”的意识。2、动态生效:是在师生互动、生生互动、师生与学习素材教材的互动中产生效果的。 3、整体高效:平均分是首要指标,优秀率也是重要指标,把差生教好是真本领,把好生教好可能是好运气。,Questions:,1. In the process of your teaching, how do you arouse your students interests and make your class interactive?,2.How can bridge the gap between the traditional pedagogy and language use in real life?,Hope what I have done is helpful to you!,Thank you!,