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    ,Something about our islands and our country,1,News from BBC:,East China Sea tension: (headline)China conducts naval exercises.China is conducting naval exercises in the East China Sea, state media report, amid heightened tensions with Japan over islands both claim.The exercises are aimed at sharpening response to emergencies in missions to safeguard territorial sovereignty, state-run Xinhua news agency said.They involve 11 ships and eight aircraft, including vessels from marine surveillance and fisheries agencies.The agencies ships had been harassed while in disputed waters, it said.,China said the exercises would take place on Friday, but gave no details of the location in the East China Sea.State-run CCTV showed members of the Chinese military, as well as footage of a frigate, fighter jets and helicopters.China, Japan and Taiwan all claim the islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. Japan controls the islands, which lie south of Okinawa and north of Taiwan.Japans recent acquisition of three of the islands from their private Japanese owner sparked both diplomatic and public protests in China.,Since then ships from both China and Taiwan have been sailing in and out of waters around the islands, prompting warnings from Japan that an accidental clash could cause the situation to escalate.It is unlikely the 11 Chinese ships will try to enter Japanese-controlled waters, but if they did it would be a major escalation of the dispute - from one involving civilian vessels to ones explicitly involving military ships and aircraft, says the BBCs Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Tokyo.The US has called for cooler heads to prevail in the dispute, which has rumbled on for years. US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns visited both Tokyo and Beijing this week for talks.But Japanese media reports say Japan and the US are planning a joint military exercise in coming weeks that will include retaking a remote island.,China morning round-up:China-Japan dispute:,Newspapers send mixed signals on China-Japan relations as the East China Sea row rumbles on.,Peoples Daily(人民日报)publishes a fifth commentary on the dispute, saying Japan must bear the dire(可怕的) consequences for its perfidious(不忠的) act. The commentary is promoted(提升) as the front-page top story on its website.,Another commentarywarns Japanese media not to violate(违反) journalism ethics, saying it called last weeks sailing of a Chinese navy flotilla(小舰队) 49km (30 miles) south of Japans Yonaguni(与那国岛) island military intimidation(威胁). A front-page commentary in the papersOverseas Editionsays Japan must get used to the Chinese navys sea training.,Shanghai Morning Post(上海晨报)and others report Uichiro Niwa, Japans ambassador to China, said it would be hard for relations between the two countries to return to normal in the near future, because Chinese youth are told of the idea that Japan is a thief.,Meanwhile, papers includingBeijing Newsand GuangzhousSouthern Metropolis Daily(南方都市报)report 64 crew members of a Chinese cargo that ship caught fire near Okinawa were saved, but not all the reports make it clear that it was Japans coast guard who saved them.The papers also report a cruise ship with 1,500 tourists on board arrived in Yatsushiro(八代) port in Japans Kyushu(九州) region on Saturday, saying it was the biggest Chinese tour group to visit Japan since Japans purchase of some of the disputed islands.,Hong KongsMing Pao Daily Newssays the move has angered many netizens(网民) in China, some of whom are calling the tourists traitors(叛徒).But academics told the paperthe tour signals the possible alleviation of tension ahead of the 8 November Communist Party national congress.,The Global Times bilingual editorial(环球时报)says: People have the right to express their dissatisfaction by not travelling to Japan. They are also allowed to put their personal interests above the national interest. The fact that the government is not intervening(介入) should be viewed as progress.,


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