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    初一英语 介词 语法讲解ppt课件.pptx

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    初一英语 介词 语法讲解ppt课件.pptx

    Lesson 3Preposition,第三讲介词,Welcome to my class!BGM: Welcome to New YorkPlease Dont Go,Steven ZhouAugust 22nd, 20: 30-21:15QQ2091723636,Lecturer:Time:Contact:,介词,01,02,03,04,介词的定义,介词的作用,介词的分类,归纳总结,在之间,什么是介词?,找出下列例句中的介词,并说出位于介词之后的词的词性。1.Look at me. ( )2.He goes to school by bike. ( )3.He is interested in drawing. ( )4.The book is on the desk. ( ),代词,名词,动名词,介词一般用于_、_ 或者 _之前,表示该词与句中其他成分的_。,名词,名词,代词,动名词,关系,at,by,in,on,介词后面的动词要加ing。,Definition,介词有什么用?,The pen is on the book under the table.,The pen is the book the table.,有介词,无介词,介词是一种用来表示词与词、词与句之间关系的词。如果没有介词,一个句子只是名词、动词等词的堆积。,找出下面短语中的介词,并且试着说出是什么介词。1. at the cinema, in the hospital _2. write with a pen, go by bus _ 3. in summer, on September 1st _4. by the way, at last, in the end _,地点介词,其他介词,时间介词,介词的固定搭配,介词有哪些种类?,Categories,表示时间的介词,注意:at noon 在中午 at night 在夜间 in the morning 在早上 on the morning of July 1st 在七月一日的早上 on a rainy day 在雨天,1.at six oclock, at noon, at that time, at half past three, at mid-night _2.on Sunday, on New Years Day, on March 21st, on my birthday _3. in three days, in a week, in a month, in May, in 1998 _4. in the morning, in the afternoon , in the evening _ 但: on the morning of May 1st6. in the day = in the _,表示钟点用 at,表示具体某一天用 on,表示时间段用 in,在早上/下午/傍晚 用 in,day-time,说出下列短语中时间介词的用法。,1. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive in Paris _ the morning of July 9. A. on B. in C. at2. The twins were born _ a Friday evening. A. in B. on C. at3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _5 oclock _ the morning. A. on, in B. at, in C. at, on4. We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then have a rest _ noon. A. in , in B. at ,at C. in, at,in + 时间段 在之后(内), 多用于将来时 after +时间段 在之后, 多用于过去时 1). Mr. Brown has gone to Canada. He will be back _ two weeks. A. for B. after C. in 2). Our manager came back _ an hour. A. in B. after C. at,其他表示时间的介词,before 在之前 by 到时为止, 不迟于1). He wont come back _ five . A. before B. after C.by2). The work must be finished _ Friday. A.at B.by C. after3). We had three meetings _ last Friday. A.in B. before C. by,其他表示时间的介词,表示地点的介词很多,如at, in, on, near, next to, in front of, before, under, behind等,其中最灵活的是at, in和on这三个介词。,表示地点的介词,at表示一个点(或小地方)。例如:at Jianningat homeat Mr. Cools Clothes Storein表示一个范围(或大地方)。例如:in Zhuzhou/Chinain Class 5in the parkon表示一个平面。例如:on the 6th flooron the table on the wall,表示地点的介词,1. My uncle lives _the fifth floor. A. on B. in C. at,2. They arrived _ Beijing at 12:00 and waited for a bus _ the station to the hotel. A.at, in B. in, on C. in, at,表示地点的介词,1. Jack is sitting in front of John.2. There are some chairs in the front of the room.3. My home is in the middle of the city.4. There is a big supermarket near your house.5. Look! Theres a dog beside Lily.6. I never went inside the building. 7. We can eat outside the classroom but we cant eat inside. 8. At the back of the school is a playground.,在前面,在前部,在中间,在附近,在旁边,在的里面,在的外面,在的后面,其他表示地点的介词,请说出下列介词的中文意思。,其他介词,1. Could you tell me about your life?2. He has a friend from England.3. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.4. Here is a photo of my family.5. Let me tell you the way to my house.6. As a boy, he often went skating in winter.7. What does he look like?8. We have sweaters at a very good price only 25 dollars.9. For breakfast, he likes eggs, bananas and apples.,关于,来自;从,带有,属于的,向;到,担任;作为,像;怎么样,在;以,对于,10.The temperature(温度) will fall below zero at night.11.There is a clock on the wall. Its above the blackboard.12.There is a bridge over the river.13.There is a pen under the table.14.There is an apple on the table.,其他介词,低于;在下方,在上方,在上空(正上空),在下面(正下方),在上面(接触),under,below,above,on,over,below,above,above, below, over, under, on,14. The students all went to the park except Jim, because he was ill.15.Many students have bikes besides me.,其他介词,除之外,除之外,还有,All the students in our class went to the cinema _ Tom, why?Because he had a bad cold. A. exceptB. besidesC. beside,A,介词的固定搭配,介词常与名词、动词和形容词等构成固定搭配。固定搭配可以理解成我们的成语或者熟语,中考考察固定搭配也常常和英语中的熟语一起考察。,at presentin timelook afterbe good withbe good at be good forat leastat mostat once,现在;目前,及时地,照顾,善于应对,擅长,对有利,至少,至多,立即;马上,很多同学都对固定搭配深恶痛绝。固定搭配不但多如牛毛,而且特别容易记混,所以考试的时候经常犯错。这里给出三点建议:1. 固定搭配需要反复记忆。2. 固定搭配要联系相应的课文记忆。3. 经常归纳总结,避免记混。,介词的固定搭配,归纳下面介词的用法:in: 1. _in spring/20182. _in three days3. _in Zhuzhou4. _Whats this in English?5. _She talks in a loud voice.6. _He is in a black coat.,归纳总结,Summary,在(时间段),在之后,在(大地方),用;以,用;以,穿,归纳总结,Summary,on:1. _on Monday2. _on the chair,at:1. _at 21:00 p.m.2. _at No.2 Middle School,在(具体某天),在之上(平面),在(钟点),在(小地方),固定搭配,特殊情况特殊记忆。,1.(株洲2016) Her birthday is _ winter, the most beautiful season in a year.A. inB. atC. on2.(株洲2017)He knew his subject _ A to Z.A. fromB. atC. on3.(株洲2018)All roads lead to Rome. The roads are just _ your feet.A. underB. inC. on,中考介词怎么考?考哪些内容?,A,A,A,时间介词,固定搭配,地点介词,1.(株洲2015) People can see different kinds of flowers here _ May.A. atB. inC. on2.(株洲2013)The students will have a party _ the evening of June 18th.A. fromB. atC. on3.(株洲2012)Its cold outside. Youd better _ your coat.A. put onB. take offC. put away,中考介词怎么考?考哪些内容?,B,A,C,时间介词,时间介词,固定搭配,1.Which subject are you good _, English or math?AonBinCat2._ the afternoon of June 18, well visit the school.AInBAtCOn3.He spent a large part of his money _ books.AinBonCfor4.Your voice sounds different _ the phone.AinBfromCon5.The old lady _ a pair of glasses got on the bus.AinBhavingCwith,C,C,B,C,C,6.There will be a party _ New Years Eve.AonBatCfor7.It seems that he is always _.Ain hurryBin a hurry Cwith a hurry8.It was a story _ slum life(贫民窟)in Chicago.AinBaboutCfrom,A,B,B,


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