英汉翻译教程,翻译课的教学要求和任务 (Requirements & Tasks of Translation Course),高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲(以下简称大纲)就高校翻译教学规定:“笔译课的目的在于使学生具备笔头翻译的基本能力。通过介绍各类文体语言的特点、汉英两种语言的对比和分析以及各种不同文体的翻译方法,使学生掌握英汉双语翻译的基本理论,掌握英汉词语、长句及各种文体的翻译技巧和英汉互译的能力。” “能运用翻译的理论和技巧,将英美报刊上的文章以及文学原著译成汉语,或将我国报刊、杂志上的文章和一般文学作品译成英语,速度为每小时250300个英文单词。译文要求忠实原意,语言流畅。能担任一般外事活动的口译。”,1.翻译课教学要求:,2.翻译课的教学任务,翻译课的教学任务就是向学生传授翻译基础理论、常用的翻译方法、技巧;并通过大量翻译练习实践扎实语言基础,其目的是提高学生运用语言的能力,培养他们的实际翻译技能,使其能在一定的时间内译出所规定的文字语码,达到相应的翻译水平。,翻译证书:1. 翻译专业资格(水平)考试2.上海翻译证书考试,第一篇 基础理论,WARM UP,Please translate the following English into Chinese.Standing by the window lost in thought for a long time, I realized that no scenery in the world remains unchanged. As long as you keep your heart basing in the sun, every dawn will present a fine prospect for you to unfold and the world will always be bringing about new hopes.,Teachers version我站在窗前,不禁思绪万千。我意识到,生命中没有什么恒久不变的风景,只要你的心永远朝着太阳,那么每一个清晨都会想你展现一番美景,等你去欣赏这个世界总会带给你新的希望。,entertainment,The slogan in KFC: we do chicken right!How do you translate the slogan into Chinese?一个中学老师把KFC肯德基店里的广告标语“We do chicken right!”发给学生练习翻译,We do chicken right!-我们是烹鸡家!,Questions:What did you do just now?What is translation in your opinion?How do you judge the translation is good or not? These questions are what we will get to know in this class.,What is the aim of translation?First of all, a translation should let people know the meaning (or get the information) of the source language. However, translation is not a pure linguistic activity. It also involves other non-linguistic elements, especially cultural element.,Questions,what is the nature of translation?what are the criteria of translation? what is a good translation?,Nature and Scope of Translation,Definition定义举例:我国最流行的说法:“翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思想内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动”。美国翻译理论家E.A.Nida:“Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 所谓翻译,是指从语义到语体(风格)在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。”,奈达有关翻译的定义指明,翻译不仅是词汇意义上的对等,还包括语义、风格和文体的对等,翻译传达的信息既有表层词汇信息,也有深层的文化信息。“动态对等”中的对等包括四个方面: 1. 词汇对等;2. 句法对等;3. 篇章对等;4.文体对等。在这四个方面中,奈达认为,“意义是最重要的,形式其次”,形式很可能掩藏源语的文化意义,并阻碍文化交流。因此,在文学翻译中,根据奈达的理论,译者应以动态对等的四个方面,作为翻译的原则,准确地在目的语中再现源语的文化内涵。 所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。,奈达有关翻译的定义指明,翻译不仅是词汇意义上的对等,还包括语义、风格和文体的对等,翻译传达的信息既有表层词汇信息,也有深层的文化信息。Source language to target language源语言(译出语) 目标语(译入语),英国翻译教育家Peter Newmark:“It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 翻译是按作者的创造意图把一篇文章的意思用另一种语言描述出来的过程。”英国的J.Catford:“翻译是把一种语言的文字材料替换为另一种语言的对等的文字材料。”现代汉语词典:“翻译是把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。”,Nature and Scope of Translation,结合各家之言,我们的书本尝试给翻译下定义为:翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想情感、传播文化知识、促进社会文明,特别是推动译语文化兴旺昌盛的目的。,Nature性质:Translation is not a word for word activity1、她现在非常红. *She is very red now. (She is very popular now.)2、你给我站住!*You Give Me Stop! (Stand!)3、蠢蠢欲動。 *Stupid stupid want to move . (Be ready to do sth.(bad)4、寒暄 *coldly talk for a while (to exchange greetings and make small talk )5、跳伞处 *Site of jumping umbrella (paragliding site)6、请爱护花草* Cherishing Flowers and Trees (keep off the grass.),Nature and Scope of Translation,Scopes of translation,1. According to languages 1) Intralingual translation (语内翻译): The translation among the language varieties within a language. For example, translation from ancient Chinese prose to modern Chinese. 2)Interlingual translation (语际翻译) The translation among different languages. For example, translation from English to Chinese.,Scopes of translation,2. according to manners 1) interpretation (口译) It means oral translation. It includes two types: consecutive interpretation (连续传译;交传) & simultaneous interpretation (同声传译) 2) translation (笔译) It means translate languages by pen.,Scopes of translation,3. according to styles 1) practical writings (应用文体) 2) scientific writings (科技文体) 3) argumentations (论述文体) 4) journalese (新闻文体) 5) literatures (艺术文体),Scopes of translation,4. according to handling methods 1) absolute translation (全译) 2) sectional translation (节译) 3) selected translation (摘译) 4) intercompilation (编译) 5) free translation (译述),Brief History of Translation in China,中国历史上出现过三次翻译高潮: 第一次:东汉至唐宋的佛经翻译;(佛教三大翻译家:鸠摩罗什-金刚经、法华经、真谛摄大乘论、玄奘-梵文译成汉文,汉文译成梵文_老子) 第二次:明末清初的科技翻译(徐光启、林纾、严复天演论、徐光启和意大利人利玛窦几何原本测量法义); 第三次:鸦片战争至“五四”的西学翻译(共产党宣言鲁迅、毁灭死魂灵瞿秋白论巴尔扎克)。,Principles or Criteria of Translation,Principle原则:严复:信,达,雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance)鲁迅:易解、保持原作的风姿林语堂:忠实、通顺、美傅雷:神似说(spiritual conformity)钱钟书:化境说 (sublimed adaptation)许渊冲:三美说(意美、音美、形美)泰特勒Tytler :翻译三原则费道罗夫等:等值论 (translation equivalence)奈达:读者反应论 (dynamic equivalence),翻译的标准,严复(1853-1921):信、达、雅Triple Principle of Translation信:(faithfulness)忠实于原文/忠实准确达:(expressiveness)文笔流畅/通顺流畅雅:(elegance)文风典雅/文字古雅(士大夫) -保持原文的风格,鲁迅:信和顺主张“宁信而毋顺”,译作“力求其易解”并“保持着原作的丰姿”,林语堂:忠实、通顺和美,刘重德:信、达、切,茅盾喜欢忠实地传达原作的信息内容,忠实地传达原作的内容和风格,译文明白畅达。,瞿秋白主张在翻译中大胆地运用新的表现方式方法,新的字眼,新的句法。,傅雷:传神论/神似说 Transference of soul or spirit“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。” 译文同原文在内容上一致,这叫“意似”,是翻译的最低标准。译文同原文如果能在形式上和精神上同时一致起来,或称“形似”和“神似”,这是翻译的高标准。 理想的译文仿佛是原作者的(中文)写作。,钱钟书:化境说理想 sublimed adaptation“文学翻译的最高标准是化。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于化境。” 所谓“化境”,就是原作向译文的“投胎转世”,文字形式虽然换了,而原文的思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本地化到了译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹,让读者读译作就完全像在读原作一样。,无论是“信达切”、“信达贴”、“信达化”、“神似”、“化境”还是“翻译的最高境界是化”、“翻译必须重神似而不重形似” 等等,都以期修补、更新、完善我国大翻译家严复提出来的“信、达、雅”的翻译标准。可始终没有哪一种新提法能取而代之。因为“信、达、雅”言简意赅,主次突出,全面系统,完整统一。,翻译的过程 Processes of Translation,理解分析总体了解,表达转换重现原文,审校润色点睛出神,翻译的过程,小点结束,Process翻译过程:理解 Comprehension :comprehend the source text completely表达 Expression:render the source text into the target language text (a rough translation)校正 Proofreading:proofread the rough translation & polish,理解:1. semantic system 语言分析2. context (linguistic and nonlinguistic) 语境分析3. background information and specialized knowledge4. Logic 逻辑分析,表达:Context Avoid translationese 翻译腔 所谓“翻译腔”是指译文表达不流畅,似通非通,不地道,诘屈聱牙,给人“怪怪的”感觉,简单地说,就是汉译出现“欧化”(Europeanized)现象而英译出现“汉化”(Chinglish)现象例:-照搬词典的释义,望词生义 She then uncrossed her legs. 她于是使她的腿不交叉。 于是她收起二郎腿。,怎样避免:1. 具有端正的翻译态度2. 正确使用工具书3. 了解英汉语主要差别4. 掌握必要的翻译技巧5. 培养跨文化意识,校正:1. 对原作理解的错误;2. 原作词句或段落的漏译;3. 译文中措辞不当之处或错别字;4. 译文语句不通顺的地方;5. 人名、地名、日期、数字、专有名词等方面的误译;6. 译文的格式是否合乎规范;7. 译文的标点符号和其他专用符号使用是否正确;8. 是否应添加必要的注释,等等。,1He has a weakness for smoking. A他有抽烟的缺点。 B他有抽烟的癖好。2A cat is a cleanly animal. A猫是一种干净的动物。 B猫是喜爱清洁的动物。,课堂互动:找找哪个译文正确,3He is dead,as I live.A他死了,我还活着。B他的确死了。4His English leaves nothing to be desired.A他的英语毫无希望。B他的英语无可挑剔。5I would rather have his room than his company.A我宁可要他的房子,也不要他的公司。B我宁愿他不在。,课堂互动 :找找哪个译文正确,6Your loss is nothing to mine.A你的损失与我无关。B你的损失和我的(损失)比较起来算不了什么。7The patient is waiting to cross the Styx.A这个病人正等着过斯蒂克斯河。B这个病人已经等死了。,课堂互动 :找找哪个译文正确,8 The headmaster made an example of the boy.A校长把这个男孩当作榜样。B校长惩罚这个孩子,目的在于警告他人。,课堂互动:找找哪个译文正确,9不见不散Ano see, no goBbe there or be square109.11事件 ASept. 11th eventBSept. 11 attacks/ the tragedy of Sept.11/ 9.11,课堂互动 :找找哪个译文正确,11The Disney management is stressing this tradition in an apparent response to suggestions that is culturally insensitive.A. 迪斯尼管理层强调这一传统,显然这是对有人暗示迪斯尼管理层在文化传统方面麻木不仁的回应。B. 迪斯尼管理强调,这一传统显然是有人对迪斯尼管理在文化传统方面麻木不仁的态度所提出的种种建议。,课堂互动:找找哪个译文正确,THE END,第一篇 翻译技巧第一章 直译 意译 音译等,Literal Translation 直译: Not to alter the original words and sentences. To keep the sentiments and style of the original. To reproduce the ideological content and the style of the original works and retain as much as possible the figures of speech.,直译和意译,直译/Literal Translation指翻译时要尽量保持原作的语言形式,包括用词、句子结构、比喻手段等等,同时要求语言流畅易懂,直译并非一定是“字对字”,一个不多,一个也不少。,直译和意译,Examples of Literal Translation: crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪; armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿; chain reaction 连锁反应; gentlemens agreement 君子协定 one country, two systems 一国两制; The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流 paper tiger 纸老虎; go to ones external rest 安息;the long sleep 长眠; see Marx 见马克思;go west 上西天; go to heaven 上天堂;,直译和意译,意译/Free Translation则从意义出发,只要求将原文大意表达出来,不注意细节,译文自然流畅即可。意译不注重原作形式,包括句法结构、用词、比喻以及其他修辞手段。但意译并不意味着可以将内容随意删改,或添枝加叶。很多人称直译和意译为传统的翻译方法。,直译和意译,Free Translation 意译:an alternative approach generally used to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to copy its sentence patterns or figures of speech.E.g.:粗枝大叶(比喻工作粗糙,做事不认真细致;形容很简略,不细致,不具体。 )To be crude and careless (死译:with big branches and large leaves)无孔不入(比喻有空子就钻。 含贬义 )To take advantage of every weakness, poke into every nook and corner (死译:to get into every hole),直译和意译,Examples of Free Translation: Adams apple 喉结; at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 It rains cats and dogs. 大雨滂沱. Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我是幼稚可欺的吗?,直译和意译,Examples of Free Translation: comparison:1) Little fish does not eat big fish. 直译:小鱼吃不了大鱼。 意译:胳膊拧不过大腿。2) Theres no pot so ugly it cant find a lid. 直译:再丑的罐子也不愁配个盖儿。 意译:再丑的姑娘也不愁找不到婆家/丑女不愁嫁。3) What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster! 直译:孵出来是母鸡就别想冒充公鸡! 意译:生就是个女人就别想冒充男人!,直译和意译,直译字对字翻译 word for word translation :直译要近情理,便于读者理解、接受,否则就会变成硬译、死译。 How are you? *怎么是你? How old are you? *怎么老是你? He is lying on his back . 他卧在他的背上。 心花怒放 heart flower angry open to be wild with joy; to be elated; to feel exuberantly happy; to burst with joy ,直译和意译,Difference between word-for-word translation and literal translation:Word-for-word translation: translate word by word without making any adjustment, starchy, stiff, unintelligible (死板、生硬、难理解) unacceptable, unqualified translationLiteral translation: make some necessary adjustment; smooth, clear & natural. Can have almost the same feeling as the SLR. acceptable, good translation,直译和意译,Free translation wishful translation (to add or delete the content of the original, or add personal emotion)意译应当注重事实依据,不能无中生有、随意杜撰,否则就会变成胡译、乱译。,直译和意译,Relationship between literal translation and free translation:Complementary, instead of contradictoryLiteral translation and free translation may be alternatively used in the process of translation.,直译和意译,1) Dont lock the stable door after the horses has been stolen. Literal translation: 不要等马被盗后,才去锁门.Free translation: 不要贼走关门.2) Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful, nor it is a way to make social problem evaporate. Literal translation: 砸镜子不能使丑八怪变漂亮,也不能使社会问题烟消云散.Free translation: 砸镜子并不能解决实际问题.,直译和意译,3) 无风不起浪 Literal translation: There are no waves without wind. Free translation: Theres no smoke without fire.,直译和意译,Some sentences can only be translated freely. Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that hold us in.Literal translation: 我们的儿子一定得进学校,他一定得打破这个把我们关在里面的罐子. Free translation: 我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地.,直译和意译,1) Maybe Kino has cut off his own head and destroyed himself. Literal translation: *也许Kino会割掉自己的脑袋,把自己毁了. Free translation: 也许Kino走了绝路,自己毁了自己.2) Cast pearls before swine. Literal translation: *把珍珠扔到猪面前. Free translation: 对牛弹琴.3) Barbara was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Literal translation: *Barbara嘴里叼着银调羹出生的. Free translation: Barbara出生于富贵人家.,直译和意译,How to use them properly and proficiently?know source language and target language culture as much as possible and have extensive knowledge with the problems which the original wrote or talked prehend source language message correctly and thoroughly.practice makes perfect.,直译和意译,When to use free translation?1. When it is difficult to understand if translated literally;2. When literal translation can not express the deep meaning of the original;3. When idioms can be used.,直译和意译,THE END,第二章 词意的选择 引申,何谓引申,Send = 送 1.Your luggage will be sent up very soon. 2.They have sent a wreath. 3.He was given a big send-off at the station. 4.They are now sending their children to college, too.,你的行李很快就送过来了 他们送了一个花圈 他在平台受到隆重的欢送 他们也在送孩子上学,Send=送?1. Who sent the letter? 2. Have you sent off the order? 3. Please send him in. 4. He sends words that he wouldnt be coming. 5. Could you send sb. to help us? 6. Please send the goods by air.7. The shot sent the birds flying away. 8. Send for the doctor, please.,何谓引申,谁捎来的信 订单发出去了吗 请叫他进来他带信来说,他不来了 你能派人来帮助我们吗 请用航空发货枪声惊飞了一群鸟 请叫医生来,送 = send? 1. 送某人一本书 2. 送礼3. 送信 4. 送客5. 送行 6. 送雨伞,何谓引申,give sb. a book present a gift to sb.deliver a message see a visitor outsee sb. offbring sb. an umbrella,lose ones life (get killed) take a child to school escort sb. home launch a satellite take part in a funeral processionhand the criminal over to the court for trial,何谓引申,7. 送命 8. 送孩子上学9. 送某人回家 10. 将卫星送上天11. 送葬 12. 送罪犯上法庭审判,定义:引申法,就是根据上下文的内在联系,通过句中词或词组乃至整句的字面意义由表及里,运用一些符合汉语习惯的表达法,选用确切的汉语词句,将原文内容的实质准确地表达出来。,何谓引申,具体抽象turn thumbs down on sth put ones cards on the table break the iceget the green light,抽象具体very timid very anxious to return home have not cut off relations completelyaccelerate the speed; speed up,何谓引申,反对 表露观点打破僵局 得到许可,非常胆小胆小如鼠回家心切归心似箭没有彻底断绝关系藕断丝连快上加快快马加鞭,具体抽象,何谓引申,I was practically on my knees but he still refused.我几乎是苦苦哀求,但他依然拒绝。He thinks by all his fast talking and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes, but she isnt deceived.他以为像这样花言巧语加上奉承就可以蒙蔽她,但她没有受骗。Please dont wake a sleeping dog.请不要惹是生非。,抽象具体,何谓引申,He is the admiration of the whole school。他是全校所敬佩的人。That girl is a very subtle study psychologically.那女孩是研究微妙心理的好对象。It was not only writers, you know, it was a thoroughly representative gathering-science, politics, business, art, the world .你知道,那不仅是作家,而是科学界、政界、商业界、艺术界和其他各界人士代表的一个集会。,逻辑引申; 语用引申; 修辞引申; 概念范围的调整,引申的分类,逻辑引申:是指在翻译的过程中,由于直译某个词、短语乃至整个句子会使译文不通顺以及不符合目的语的表达习惯,因而就要根据上下文的逻辑关系,对该词、短语或整个句子从其本义出发,由表及里,运用符合目的语习惯的表现法,选用确切的词句,将原文内容的实质准确地表达出来。,逻辑引申,Our unique concept was a response to buyer needs, bringing greater reliability, higher-quality output, exceptional user-friendliness and operational ease.我们唯一的信念就是要适应购买者的需要,生产更可靠的、质量更高的产品,让使用者感到格外好用和操作方便。You remind me very much of Lenin, whom I met in this building fifty-two years ago. (视角转换)我觉得你很像列宁,52年前,我就是在这座大厦里同他见面的。,逻辑引申,In fact, one mould can produce many thousands of articles before it wears out.事实上,一个模子生产成千上万件产品之后才会破坏。All services in business - such as gift wrapping, delivery, and credit - have some amount of costs associated with them, and these costs must be covered by higher prices.商业中所有的服务-诸如礼品包装、送货以及赊帐-都有相应的成本,而这些成本要靠较高的价格来弥补。,逻辑引申,定义:把原文里的弦外之音(implication)补译出来,就属于语用学引申的手法。语用学是非语义学的语义研究。这种非语义学的语用意义,一般都不通过词汇、语法手段表示,它是非规约性的、潜在的;受话人凭借交际能力来理解这种语用意义,换句话说,它是结合交际对方、交际目的和交际情景,从说话人词语中引申出来的意义。 The new father wore a proud smile.刚做了父亲的那个人面带着得意的笑容。Cleverer heads than mine might have seen his drift (动向,趋势).比我聪明的人,才弄得懂他葫芦里卖的是什么药。,语用引申,Words once reserved for restroom walls are now common stuff in films, plays, books and even on television.曾经是不登大雅之堂的言语,如今充斥于电影、戏剧、书籍之中,甚至充斥在电视上。He had lived all his life in desert where every cupful of water might be a matter of life and death.他一直在沙漠上生活,这地方每一杯水都得精打细算地用;一杯水可能是生死攸关的事。,语用引申,原文作者在文章中使用修辞手法,是为了使语言更加形象生动,鲜明突出;或者使语言更加整齐匀称,音调铿锵,以便更深入地阐明事件的意义或刻画人物的性格。因此,译文中若不能正确表现原文的修辞格,就不能准确地表达作者的思想和文风,就不符合“忠实、通顺”的翻译标准。Simile 明喻as busy as bee as brave as lion as black as crow as sharp as knife,修辞引申,像蜜蜂一样忙碌像狮子一样勇猛像乌鸦一般黑 像刀一样锋利,as cunning as a dead pig as happy as a cow a fly in the ointmentyou cant make bricks without straw,修辞引申,像狐狸一样狡猾快乐得像只百灵鸟一只老鼠坏了一锅汤巧妇难为无米之炊,oxymoron(矛盾修辞法)它是用两个意思正好相反的词或词组来构成一个修