Higher Education,Group 1:苏礼莎 师珂 何风贞 邵珠柯 王林杰 马啸 张梦飞 潘林秀,education system,system,academic test,GCSE,What education to follow?,A-levels,higher education,higher edu,Red Brick University,The University of Bristol (1876),The University of Sheffield(1828),The University of Birmingham (1825),an informal term used to refer to six civic universities as following:,Red Brick University,The University of Leeds(1831),The University of Manchester (1824),The University of Liverpool (1881),Red Brick University,features in comon,1,founded in the Victorian era(late 19th and early 20th centuries),Red Brick University,original,the term later became a genernal term for all the civic universities of the day.,Red Brick University,Thank You !,