托福口语怎么练出一口地道美式口音 托福口语怎么练出一口地道美式口音?4步跟读练习技巧详细分,今天给大家带来了托福口语怎么练出一口地道美式口音,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语怎么练出一口地道美式口音?托福口语修炼口音跟读材料选择首先跟读的材料,我们可以选择托福官方真题中task3的听力部分素材。托福口语修炼口音跟读步骤讲解1. 先播放一遍录音为了把*大致含义听明白。2. 无文本跟读在这里耗时可能会略长,首先我们可以把音频调慢,慢速一句话一句话跟读,如果一句话太长,记不住,可以半句半句来,时间久了我们就能记住完整一句话,那么在这个步骤,我们必须掌握一个要领,要记住声音。因为并不是所有句子都能完全听清并且知道含义,有的句子可能会由于连音或者其他因素比如音频质量,导致你当时重放很多遍都听不出来什么意思,而且越听越听不懂,这时需要我们做的就是机械模仿,先不管什么意思,声音对了就好,而这个部分你会记得尤其清楚。如果基础还可以的同学可以考虑常速跟读。注意语音语调也是要模仿的元素之一。3. 有文本跟读这时打开文本,对于你熟悉部分你看文本时会跟读的更自信,可能在其中你会发现一些自己之前理解的错误,然后重点就会放在刚才怎么读都读不对的地方,或者怎么都听不出来他说的是什么内容。4. 有文本同步跟读注意这个步骤不停顿,只是尽量跟上他的语速和语音语调,同步跟读,为了找到语感。按照以上步骤进行练习,大家的托福口语美式口音就能以比较快的速度修炼出来了,而运用这种口音来回答口语问题,相信也能给考官留下更好的印象,拿到更为理想的托福口语得分。托福口语备考前必做的三件事有哪些1、在托福口语考试前,多读些好*,建议读写作范文,这样,就等于写作口语一起准备了。多读,记些好句子,把好词好句储藏起来备用是托福口语必备的东西。2、在觉得自己已经有点感觉了,那么就拿出本托福口语的综合教材,把上面的一些练习作作,有助于发散思维。遇到题目后,能更快的展开思维,列出基本条目,会给你很大的优势。3、在这些都做好了,就看看你教材上的范例回答。参考一下即可。不要死记硬背。一定要发展出自己的东西。全都一样,是拿不了高分的。这三点是大家在准备托福口语的时候的必备准备工作。只有通过这样的准备才能在托福口语考试中轻松应对争取拿个好成绩。托福口语训练:Review notes before tests托福口语独立话题:24In college, some students tend to regularly review their notes, while others like to review their notes just before tests. State your choice and explain why.学生托福口语内容 StudentI prefer to review the notes just before the test. First, we have many different courses every day. If we review all the notes of these courses, we will spend so much time that we cant do anything else, such as doing exercise or talking with our friends. Second, it is possible for some students to depend on the notes ecessively. Because, they think they can review the class after the class and dont need to understand what the teacher is saying in class. Also, that they maybe unable to focus themself on class and study less efficiently.批改前 Before 批改后 After发音 Pronunciation1 we2 cant3 it is for some语法 Grammar1 depend on the notes depend on reviewing their notes2 they will be unable to focus on themself they will be unable to focus on themselves表达 Expression1 doing exercise exercising外教托福口语示范 TeacherI prefer to review the notes just before the test. First, we have many courses every day. If we review the notes of all these courses, we will spend so much time that we cant do anything else, such as exercising, chatting with our friends, and so on. Second, it is possible that some students depend on reviewing their notes excessively, they will be unable to focus on themselves.