小学英语拓展课 英语谚语和俗语PPT课件.ppt
Englishproverbs&idioms,东西方的差异:在外国人眼里,狗是人类最忠诚的朋友,是家庭成员之一。因此,在英语中Dog常含褒义,可代指人。 传统中国文化里,虽然人与狗的关系密切,但狗确是凶狠、帮凶等的代名词。如:日本人的走狗、猪狗不如等。,About Dogs关于狗,1. Love me, love my dog.,2. Every dog has its day.,3. You cant teach old dogs new tricks.,爱屋及乌。,凡人皆有得意日。,人老了思想容易僵化,很难接受新事物。,5. doggie bag.,6. lucky dog,7. top dog,4. on dog days,三伏天,餐馆的打包袋子,幸运儿,身居要职的人,Tongue twister,I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!,scream,尖叫,我尖叫,你尖叫,我们都尖叫着要冰淇淋。,I find fifty-five flags.,flag,旗帜,我找到55面旗帜。,Six silly sheep weep and sleep.,silly,愚蠢的,sheep,绵羊、胆小鬼,weep,哭泣,六个愚蠢的胆小鬼哭着睡着了。,Big black bugs bite a big black bear.,bug,虫子,bite,咬,大黑虫咬了大黑熊。,A big box of biscuits.,Double bubble gum bubbles double.,bubble gum,泡泡糖,double,双, 两个,一大盒饼干,两个泡泡糖能吹双重的泡泡。,About cats 关于猫,东西方的差异:中国人比较喜爱猫,中文中有猫的词语常常含有亲昵的意思。如:温顺地像猫一样,走路像猫一样,等等。,而猫在西方被称为巫婆的朋友,这是源于中世纪的迷信-撒旦(Satan魔鬼)最喜欢化做一只黑猫,而巫婆则常带这一只猫作为朋友相伴。,1. a bag of cats,抓狂的; 发怒的,He is a bag of cats.,My boss is a bag of cats.,2. fight like cats and dogs,吵得昏天暗地,Tom and Peter often fight like cats and dogs.,Dont fight like cats and dogs.,3. When the cat is away, the mice will play.,山中无老虎, 猴子称大王.,3. fat cat.,权贵之人,He is a fat cat.,4. an old cat,脾气坏的老太婆,she is a cat.,她是个恶毒的人。,5. rain cats and dogs,下倾盆大雨,It rains cats and dogs.,6. A cat has nine lives.,猫有九条命。(英国迷信,指猫的生命力强。),7. The cat is out of the bag.,秘密泄露;真相大白,8.A cat may look at a king.,猫也可以看国王。指小人物也应有些权利。,9.The cat did it.,是猫干的。,(推托责任的话),10.The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.,猫偷吃奶油的时候,总是闭着眼睛。,掩耳盗铃,11.Thats like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl.,那等于把猫放在金鱼缸旁边。,引狼入室,1. a bag of cats,2. fight like cats and dogs,3. When the cat is away, the mice will play.,4. an old cat,5. rain cats and dogs,6. A cat has nine lives.,7. The cat is out of the bag.,8.A cat may look at a king.,9.The cat did it.,10.The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.,11.Thats like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl.,Goodbye!,Thats over.,